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Friday, January 18, 2013

Inheritance and finances through astrology

8th house. The inheritance could be through the father or the mother or any other family members, or friends or from any one for that matter. If the 8th house is well placed, or the 8th house is well aspected, then there is great possibility of you inheriting from elders.
Business is seen from the 7th house. Also the karaka for business is mercury; the 3rd house also represents Trade. Same rule applies here as well. Benefic planets aspecting the 7th house, placed in the 7th house, aspecting the 7th lord, placed along with 7th lord etc would help. The same way we have to consider 3rd house, its lord and then finally the Trade Karaka mercury.
2nd house in a horoscope. Fixed Deposits, Liquid cash etc are seen from the 2nd house. Benefic planets placed in the 2nd house are very good for earning finance. Of course if these benefic planets have good lordship that would be the best combination.
For example if 11th house lord (lordship) is placed in 2nd house, it is very good. 11th is for gains. 10th house lord placed in 2nd house is very good. This mean earn from profession as 10th is for career. 7th lord placed in 2nd house is very good as it would mean finance via business or foreign connection or even from the life partner.
th house. Also the karaka for business is mercury; the 3rd house also represents Trade. Same rule applies here as well. Benefic planets aspecting the 7th house, placed in the 7th house, aspecting the 7th lord, placed along with 7th lord etc would help. The same way we have to consider 3rd house, its lord and then finally the Trade Karaka mercury.
11th house is for gains. Have a look at where the 11th lord is placed. This would tell us from which area from which you are going to gain. 11th placed in the 3rd house would mean gains through siblings as 3rd represents your siblings or even from the business as 3rd also represents Trade. 11th lord placed in 7th house would mean, you gain from your partner, business or from a foreign land.
6th house of speculation. Whether you are good at speculation is also can be seen from the chart. Many people do take lottery and participate in raffles. But are they all lucky to get it? No. only a handful of people is lucky. Whether gambling would make you a millionaire or a bankrupt, these can be seen from your chart!