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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Abhichara detection through astrology

Mercury with mandi or gulika aspected by mars in badhak sthana will make one suffer from abhichara dosha .Enemies resort to abhichara when they cannot harm a person through wits and schemes . Abhichara acts only through purva janma yoga . When a person is having a good phase of time abhichara does not affect him but affects in due course when bad times strike.
Following planetary states/combinations indicate Abhichara

  1. Aspect of lord of house of harm( Badkesh) on 6th house or vice-versa.
  2. Conjoining or interchanging of lords of house of harm and 6th house.
  3. Lords of 6th house or house of harm occupying their own houses.  
Position of Mercury and strength of 6th & 8th lords need to be assessed to distinguish type of spell (Maha abhichara or Khshudra abhichara) used on the victim. Caste, physical stature of the enemy, whereabouts, and details on his accomplice can be found through the chart. Motive of the enemy, relationship with the victim, placement and form of the Kshudra (incanted articles) can also be known through minute observations involving Rahu, Ketu, Gulika, Mandi and Saturn by their occupied signs and positions. 

As per Prashna Maarga the 3 categories in to which the agents of harm fall into are –
1) Hantu kama: ‘Death wishing’; the spirits who attack the native wishing to kill him, with an intention of total destruction.
2) Rantu kama (Rati kama): ‘Sex wishing’; the spirits who attack the native wishing to indulge in enjoyments especially sexual enjoyment.
3) Bhoktu kama (Bali kama): ‘Sacrifice Wishing’; the spirits who attack the native, wishing to get sacrifices and oblations.

 lagna lord has drishti of Badhakesh (lord of house of harm) then it is Ranthu kama (sex wishing); If Badhakesh (lord of house of harm) has aspect of 6/8 lords it is Hanthu kama (death wishing); Lagna or lagan lord (lagnesh) has (i.e. aspect-conjunct-placement) (drishti-yoga-sthiti) of 6/8 lords it is again Hantu kama (death wishing). If no planets in Badhaka sign and Badhakesh also has no drishti of other planets and lagna /lagna lord with some other planets (other than 6/8 lords) then it is Bali kama (sacrifice wishing).
Entry points-- Kendar rashis of kaal pursh ,Aries,cancer,libra and capricon offer entry points.if they be afflicted in trik bhaavs ,then these rashis act as doorway for abhichaara to enter in.