Its juice clears excess fat which blocks blood flow in nerves.
To reduce Fatigue : Take 10 gms of cloves and boil them in 150 ml water till water reduces to half the original quantity (75 ml).
Filter out the cloves and take 25 ml of this liquid 3 times per day in warm condition.
This will remove all tiredness, fatigue, stress and strain effects.
Body Pains : Take Clove oil and massage on are where you feel pain.
It can be used to massage gently with fingers on teeth and gums too to reduce toothache.
Headache, joint pains will also reduce.
Sore Throat : Keep 2 cloves at a time in your mouth and occassionally chew them and take its juice.
Let those cloves remain in mouth for atleast 30 minutes and delay this process to clear throat.
Cought : Make cloves powder and for 10 gms of it add 3 gms candy sugar powder, 5 gms honey, 10 gms butter and consume daily in morning and night.
Increase sperm count and vitality : Take equal quantity of clove powder, candy sugar powder and store in a bottle.
Daily add 5 gms of this mixture in 150 ml water and consume twice per day.
As Mosquito repellent : Take clove oil and put couple of drops of this oil at all four legs of your bed and also in all four corners of your bedroom.
This will keep mosquitoes away from your bed.
Pimples and Scars : Take cloves and ajwain seeds(jeera) equally and make paste with water.
This can be applied as face pack and wash after an hour.
It will clear all bacteria and virus on face skin and make in smooth and glowing.
Pain in Intenstines : Take 20 gm of clove powder and add to 500 ml water.
Boil till water reduces to half quantity.
For every 4 hours warm this liquid and take 30 ml per one time.
This will reduce pain in stomach, intestines, indigestion, vomiting sensation etc.
Cloves can be chewed for a while to control feeling of vomiting.
NOTE :- Before making clove power, fry them for 2 minutes in a pan on thin flame and then make powder.