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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nakshatras described- 8

Mula (The Basic) Nakshatra
Deity: Nirriti (Goddess of dissolution)
Yoni: Dog
Gana: Rakshasa

Mula people are direct, and get to the basics of things. They are lovers of truth, and are ardent researchers.

The Nakshatra`s deity is Nirriti, the goddess of calamity. Mula Nakshatra can accordingly create many reversals in life.
But more often than not, Mula people with their hard work, shrewdness and ambition, either manage to sidetrack the calamity, or overcome it emerging as very successful.  

Purva ashadha (The invincible) Nakshatra
Deity: Apah (Water deified.)
Yoni: Monkey
Gana: Manushya

Water is known to be the most impressive force of nature. Apah (Deity of cosmic waters) bestows this Nakshatra with a proud independent and commanding nature. Just like the manner in which water purifies us after taking baths, the native born in this Nakshatra have the constant urge to improve on themselves and situations in life.

They keep on winning battles one after another, and hence the sign of "The invincible". Their asset is the huge reservoir of philosophical and emotional depth, through which they take easy command and precedence over others. This Nakshatra is known for declaration of wars. The Purva ashadha people move towards their goals with awesome fearlessness, aggression and control. Yet many people born in this Nakshatra remain passive, or unfocused towards their goals in career and education. This is a pity, Cause this constellation give one an opportunity to be truly victorious.

Uttar Ashadha (The invincible) Nakshatra
Deity: Vishawadevas (universal virtues)
Yoni: Cow
Gana: Manushya

As the Nakshatra is rule by Vishvedevas (gods of dharma), the native born in its influence are highly virtuous. They have profound stamina, patience and durability. In such sense they are quite different from the Purva ashadha people. Vishawadevas can grant unchallenging victory to the person seeking its blessings. Therefore, the subjects of this constellation, when proven worthy by their integrity and constant ness of the purpose, are granted success in time. The natives are natural leaders, and are highly respected for their virtuous qualities and unbending ethics. They have the power (many a times dormant) to penetrate deep in spirituality. If taken the path properly, the Nakshatra can produce invincible spiritual leaders as well.