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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mars Signs

In Aries - Organizing capacity, commanding, rich, social, scars in the body, sensual, dark, mathematician, rich social, scars in the body, sensual, dark, mathematician, active, powerful, inspiring, pioneering able, statesmanly, frank, generous, careful not economical in domestic dealings, vague imaginations, combative tendencies, hard-hearted.

Taurus - Influenced by women, timid, rough body, stubborn, sensual, liking for magic and sports, somewhat unprincipled, selfish, tyrannical, not soft-hearted, rash, emotional, animal instinct strong sensitive.

Gemini - Loving family and children, taste in refinement, scientific, middle stature, well built, earned, ambitious, quick, rash, ingenious, skilled in music fearless, tactless, peevish, unhappy, subservient, diplomat, humiliating, detective.

Cancer - Intelligent, wealthy, rich travels and voyages, wicked perverted, love of agriculture, medical and surgical proficiency, fickle-minded, defective sight, bold, dashing, headlong, speculative unkind, egoistic.

Leo - Tendency to occultism, astrology astronomy and mathematics, love for parents, regard and respect for elders and preceptors, independent thinking, peevish, liberal, victorious, stomach troubles, worried by mental complaints, generous, noble, author early in life, successful, combative, restless.

Virgo - Imitable, explosive, trouble in digestive organs, no marital harmony, general love for the fair sex, revengeful, self-confident, conceited, affable, boastful, materialistic, ceremonial-minded, positive, indiscriminative, pretentious, deceptive, scientific enterprises.

Libra - Tall, body symmetrically built, complexion fair and swarthy, ambitious, self-confident, perceptive faculties, materialistic, live for family, self-earned wealth, affable, warlike, foresight, business-like, deceived by women, sanguine temperament, king, gentle, fond of adulation, easily ruffled, boastful.

Scorpio - Middle stature, clever, diplomatic, positive tendency, indulgent, tenacious memory, malicious, aggressive, proud, haughty, great strides in life.

Sagittarius - Gentlemanly, many foes, famous minister, statesman, open, frank, pleasure loving, few children, liable to extremes, conservative, indifferent, exacting, impatient, severe, quarrelsome, litigation troubles, good citizen.

Capricorn - Rich, high political position, many sons, brave, generous, love for children, middle stature, industrious, indefatigable, successful, penetrating, bold, tactful, respected, generous, gallant, influential.

Aquarius - Unhappy, miserable, poor, not truthful, independent, unwise, wandering, impulsive, controversial, combative, well-versed in dialects, free, quick in forgiving and forgetting, conventional, danger on water, morose, meditative.

Pisces - Fair complexion, troubles in love affairs, few children, passionate, restless, antagonistic, exacting, uncertainty of feeling, faithful, unclean, colic, indolent, and willful.