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Monday, July 3, 2023

True astrology is only the astrology that comes from Vedic classics

 Seemingly absurd theories are passed on as astrology and nakshatra-based evaluation for the entire chart is one such practice, the inferences drawn are vague and generic but in a clever clandestine way so that the native finds some semblance through it. The problem with a subject that astrology is that you can explain anything through any method or Padhati once the results are pre-defined, no wonder that you find people arguing or debating that it works for them.

A stopwatch is accurate two times a day, and the result it will provide is a predetermined time at which it stopped, stopwatch is usually used to measure seconds and minutes.
But can it replace the normal watch, the answer is absolute no .
In the same way, these methodologies are just like stopwatches you still need the backing and expertise of Vedic astrology to understand the possibilities and probabilities of nativity, based on a set of rules, fundamentals, and dictums.
On this Guru Poornima, I ask all of you to learn and adhere to the teachings of the classics of Vedic astrology.
Stay away from the swindlers and pied pipers of deceit who lure you into false methodologies and practices.