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Friday, July 7, 2023

Difference between aspect and relation in Vedic astrology

 Relationships of planets.

1) Same house planets (Yuti)
2)Exchange ( Parivartan)
3) Mutual aspect.
4) Dispositor aspects own sign with a planet in it, becomes related to that planet.
1) Same house planets (Yuti)
2)Exchange ( Parivartan)
3) Mutual aspect.
4) When in Kendra to each other (Kendra Sambandh)
5) When in Trikona to each other ( Trikona Sambandh)
Aspectual relation ( controlling aspect)
A planet aspect the other but does not receive an aspect, For example, Mars aspects Jupiter but does not receive the aspect from Jupiter.
The Difference between aspect and relationship
An aspect leaves an influence but in a relationship, planets exert influence on each other.
Let us assume Moon is being aspected by Saturn, Saturn leaves an influence on the moon but does not take any from it.
In situation two this Saturn is related to Mars, so when Saturn aspects the moon in this scenario it will also carry the influence of Mars it has soaked by being related to it when it aspects Moon in this situation.