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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Excerpt From my upcoming book on Medical Astrology.

 Excerpt From my upcoming book on Medical Astrology.

राशियों के अन्धांश ( blind degrees)
षड्भागाद्दशभाग उक्षिण नवमे तिथ्यशंके कर्कटे
सिंहे धृत्युडुपिण्डकेऽथकुनगाष्टांशे धृतौ भाद्वर्ये || गोऽब्जांशेऽष्टमभे त्वथोत्कृति लवाद् वेदाशंकेष्वेणभे
कुम्भेदकधृतिभूतविंश लवके चांधोऽरणेऽगाशंकाः।।37
Taurus-6,7,8,9,10, Cancer-9,15, Leo-18,27, Virgo and Libra -1,7,8, Scorpio-18,19,27,28 Capricorn26,27,28,29, Aquarius-2,5,18,20.
एतेषां चैवभागानां मध्ये चन्द्रदिवाकरौ।
लग्नस्थौ यदि जायेतां नेत्रनाशस्तदा स्मृतः।।38
If Sun, Moon be in ascendant in the above-mentioned blind degrees then it leads loss of eyes.
लग्ने षष्ठपभूनविंशलवके चानोऽरणेगांशंके
षष्ठाष्टस्थितमिन्दुजं गुरुक्षितौ नौ पश्यतः काणता।।
लग्ने षष्ठपभार्गवे यदि खलैर्दृष्टेऽश्रुपातोऽप्यथो
व्येकांशे कुजशीतगू यदि तदाऽक्ष्णोश्चिह्नमुक्तं ध्रुवम् ।।39
If the 6th lord is in the ascendant in the 19th degree, then this is combination for blindness.
If Mercury is in the 6th,8th under the aspect of Jupiter or Venus establishes the link with such placed mercury then one may be one eyed.
6th lord in ascendant then one suffers from the excessive flow of eye secretions from the eye.
If mars and Moon are in the same navamsa sign then there is some mark on the eyes.