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Friday, February 17, 2023

Abdomen and diseases in Medical astrology

 Abdomen-- Abdominal organs Bowels­ Hypogastric Urn-Navel-Peri tone urn­ etc.

As Per Dr. HL Cornell MD, this region is ruled by the sign Virgo, He further maintains that Mars rules the abdomen muscles, the common signs in Kendra’s these signs are occupied by planets, and they tend to affect the abdomen. As per him Planet Moon and Moon rule over the abdominal region.
As per Ayurveda Planet Moon is considered to be a very important constituent of indigestion and represents the stomach.
An afflicted Moon can give indigestion specifically in Cancer/Capricorn Axis.
Afflicted Mercury can cause Diarrhea.
Jupiter afflicted can give Diseases pertaining to Intestines and abdominal masses called tumors.
The role of the moon is to protect the inner lining of the stomach.
Planet Mercury Rules the Small intestine, Saturn Large Intestine.
Jupiter Rules the Liver and Pancreas.
Saturn represents the obstructions, stones, and blockages in the body it also represents the vestigial organs and wasting diseases.
Abdominal Diseases-Causes of-Liable to-The Sun and Moon acting through the Virgo Sign and especially through the Solar and Mesenteric Plexuses, and the Splanchnic Ganglia, tend to affect the abdominal organs; the Sun afflicted in Virgo or the 6th House.; afflictions to the Moon orVenus, and especially when these planets are in Virgo or Pisces, the 6th House or in any common sign; planets in Virgo and afflicted planets in Pisces and afflicted.; planets in Gemini, Sagittarius, or any common sign, and afflicted Virgo on the cusp of the Ascendant or 6th House, afflicted, or containing a malefic; Virgo intercepted in the 6th House., and containing the sun, moon, or malefic, and afflicted.; common signs on the angles at Birth, and containing the Lights, or malefic, and afflicted; rulers of the 6th, 8th, or 12th House in Virgo and afflicted.; Virgo upon the Ascendant at the Vernal, and with mercury afflicted, or with mercury in libra at the Vernal, lord of the year, and afflicted, tends to a general prevalence of bowel and abdominal disorders.
The abdomen is prominent - Prominent Abdomen-Abdomen-Large-Sun in Cancer or Virgo or Virgo on the ascendant at birth, and especially in middle life; Jupiter in the A cancer sign on the Ascendant., and often due to over-eating; Virgo on Ascendant. At Birth tends to have a prominent abdomen in middle life; Mars is afflicted in Virgo.
Sarvarth Chintamani the classic also refers to the watery signs and Jupiter’s impact on the Ascendant or Jupiter in Watery Signs to give a bulky body.