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Sunday, February 26, 2023

Relationships or Sambandh in Vedic astrology and difference between aspect and relation.

 Relationships or Sambandh is an important factor that most ignore while evaluating the horoscope. The difference between aspect and relation or Sambandh is that aspect is an influence while the relationship is a mutual influence that the related planets exert on each other.

Sage Prashara has Maintained that there are four kinds of Sambandh
1)Mutual exchange
2)Mutual aspect
4) The Depositor aspects the other planet sitting in its own house.
Mantereshwar the author of Phaldeepika describes 5 types of relations.
2)mutual exchange
3)Mutual aspect
The additional two relations as per Mantereshwar are
4) Kendra Sambandh- Planets are related if they are in 4,7,10 from each other
5) Trikona Sambandh- Planets are related if they are 5,9 from each other.
An aspect is an influence of the planet that casts an aspect on the other planet its intention is to control or manipulate the consequences.
A Sambandh or relationship is a mutual absorption of energies of planets here the planets influence each other.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Peace of Mind and astrology

 Peace of Mind and astrology, the 4th house and planet or planets in it give you an indication on the same as the 4th house is a kind of happiness index, along with lords of 3rd ( subconscious /illusions )and the 5th house which represents Punya karma, Mind, and wisdom( Uttara Kalamrit), the 6th,8th, and 12th house represents mental duress of some kind ( Uttar Kalamrit).

Lets us try to understand this through an example.
Consider Sagittarius ascendant, Saturn in 4th of 0 degrees, aspects the 6th,10th, and ascendant, Saturn is of separatist nature, the lesser dignity it represents the more malefic it is. Saturn is lord of 2nd and 3rd and it is the Significator of 6th,8th, and 12th, from 4th its aspect to 6th will enhance the qualities of 6th which include strife and mental agitation. The 5th house has the Moon, Rahu in it, the significator of the 5th, Jupiter is in the 8th and the lord of the 5th Mars is in the 9th under the impact of Rahu.
The native of Such placement normally does not find a stable peace of mind and may be opposed by all including close relatives, for whatever reasons there may be.
Note - The above analysis is Just an Indicator we cannot decide on an eventuality on the basis of a few planets and houses, we need to probe further and with diligence the impact and influences of the whole horoscope based on possibilities and probabilities it represents.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Rahu and Saturn (Shani)

 Rahu and Saturn together in house number 8 where the things are hidden and events sudden is a potent combination as it provides for lots of confusion and haze, Rahu operates on the mental plane, while the miseries that Saturn inflicts are both on physical and mental levels. Saturn represents the practical thinking approach in normal conditions, in the house of hidden things, occult, cremation ground, longevity, anxiety, insult, humiliation, and secrecy, Saturn here loses the gift of a practical approach here Rahu magnifies the mysterious nature of the house and it makes the practicality of Saturn quite subdued and defunct. The person may also have a bad experience related to the occult .lt.Lal Kitab mentions this combination ( Saturn+Rahu) as Mani on the head of the snake. Some people mention it as Shraapit dosh or the curse carried forward. The remedy by far would be to worship Shiva and Shakti both, Shiva because there is mention of the deity of Saturn as Rudra and for Rahu, we all know that deity is Durga Ji. Rahu is restless and ever-inquisitive it wants to explore and unravel Saturn is restrictive and orthodox it sticks to the traditions so the conflict in thought process is ever evident in such natives. Destiny is the carry forward of the past may it be the debit or credit balance. As regards remedies the name of the all-prevailing lord can help you keep the equilibrium of life in better shape, after its all mind, if your mind and thinking are less clouded you fare much better in tough times.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Abdomen and diseases in Medical astrology

 Abdomen-- Abdominal organs Bowels­ Hypogastric Urn-Navel-Peri tone urn­ etc.

As Per Dr. HL Cornell MD, this region is ruled by the sign Virgo, He further maintains that Mars rules the abdomen muscles, the common signs in Kendra’s these signs are occupied by planets, and they tend to affect the abdomen. As per him Planet Moon and Moon rule over the abdominal region.
As per Ayurveda Planet Moon is considered to be a very important constituent of indigestion and represents the stomach.
An afflicted Moon can give indigestion specifically in Cancer/Capricorn Axis.
Afflicted Mercury can cause Diarrhea.
Jupiter afflicted can give Diseases pertaining to Intestines and abdominal masses called tumors.
The role of the moon is to protect the inner lining of the stomach.
Planet Mercury Rules the Small intestine, Saturn Large Intestine.
Jupiter Rules the Liver and Pancreas.
Saturn represents the obstructions, stones, and blockages in the body it also represents the vestigial organs and wasting diseases.
Abdominal Diseases-Causes of-Liable to-The Sun and Moon acting through the Virgo Sign and especially through the Solar and Mesenteric Plexuses, and the Splanchnic Ganglia, tend to affect the abdominal organs; the Sun afflicted in Virgo or the 6th House.; afflictions to the Moon orVenus, and especially when these planets are in Virgo or Pisces, the 6th House or in any common sign; planets in Virgo and afflicted planets in Pisces and afflicted.; planets in Gemini, Sagittarius, or any common sign, and afflicted Virgo on the cusp of the Ascendant or 6th House, afflicted, or containing a malefic; Virgo intercepted in the 6th House., and containing the sun, moon, or malefic, and afflicted.; common signs on the angles at Birth, and containing the Lights, or malefic, and afflicted; rulers of the 6th, 8th, or 12th House in Virgo and afflicted.; Virgo upon the Ascendant at the Vernal, and with mercury afflicted, or with mercury in libra at the Vernal, lord of the year, and afflicted, tends to a general prevalence of bowel and abdominal disorders.
The abdomen is prominent - Prominent Abdomen-Abdomen-Large-Sun in Cancer or Virgo or Virgo on the ascendant at birth, and especially in middle life; Jupiter in the A cancer sign on the Ascendant., and often due to over-eating; Virgo on Ascendant. At Birth tends to have a prominent abdomen in middle life; Mars is afflicted in Virgo.
Sarvarth Chintamani the classic also refers to the watery signs and Jupiter’s impact on the Ascendant or Jupiter in Watery Signs to give a bulky body.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

From my upcoming book on Medical astrology

 From my upcoming book on Medical astrology

Disease or issue related to private parts.
द्वादशस्थो यदाजीवो गुह्यरोगी तदा भवेत्।
शनिभौमौ रिःफसंस्थौ षष्ठस्थौ वा तदा व्रणी ।।42।।
सक्रूरौ चन्द्रयुक्तौ च कर्क वृश्चिक मीनगौ।
श्वेतकुष्ठी खलाढ्येन्दौ कुष्ठी सुखविवर्जितः।।43।।
Jupiter in 12th may lead to some issues with private parts, if Saturn and Mars are in 6th or 12th there may be wound on the same.
Moon with malefic
in 4,8,12 signs or moon is in cruel signs with malefic in these conditions one may suffer from Viti Glo.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Excerpt From my upcoming book on Medical Astrology.

 Excerpt From my upcoming book on Medical Astrology.

राशियों के अन्धांश ( blind degrees)
षड्भागाद्दशभाग उक्षिण नवमे तिथ्यशंके कर्कटे
सिंहे धृत्युडुपिण्डकेऽथकुनगाष्टांशे धृतौ भाद्वर्ये || गोऽब्जांशेऽष्टमभे त्वथोत्कृति लवाद् वेदाशंकेष्वेणभे
कुम्भेदकधृतिभूतविंश लवके चांधोऽरणेऽगाशंकाः।।37
Taurus-6,7,8,9,10, Cancer-9,15, Leo-18,27, Virgo and Libra -1,7,8, Scorpio-18,19,27,28 Capricorn26,27,28,29, Aquarius-2,5,18,20.
एतेषां चैवभागानां मध्ये चन्द्रदिवाकरौ।
लग्नस्थौ यदि जायेतां नेत्रनाशस्तदा स्मृतः।।38
If Sun, Moon be in ascendant in the above-mentioned blind degrees then it leads loss of eyes.
लग्ने षष्ठपभूनविंशलवके चानोऽरणेगांशंके
षष्ठाष्टस्थितमिन्दुजं गुरुक्षितौ नौ पश्यतः काणता।।
लग्ने षष्ठपभार्गवे यदि खलैर्दृष्टेऽश्रुपातोऽप्यथो
व्येकांशे कुजशीतगू यदि तदाऽक्ष्णोश्चिह्नमुक्तं ध्रुवम् ।।39
If the 6th lord is in the ascendant in the 19th degree, then this is combination for blindness.
If Mercury is in the 6th,8th under the aspect of Jupiter or Venus establishes the link with such placed mercury then one may be one eyed.
6th lord in ascendant then one suffers from the excessive flow of eye secretions from the eye.
If mars and Moon are in the same navamsa sign then there is some mark on the eyes.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Diseases of the Planet Moon

 चंद्र रोगानाह

विधुर्विधत्ते ऽरूचिमग्निमन्दता ऽम्बुदोष शीतज्वर पाण्डु कामला:
प्रमेह वाताधिकताकफानीला अतिसार मसृग्विकृतिं च पीनसम्। ७।
चंद्र यदि दुष्ट स्थिति में हो तो अरुचि ,अग्निमंदता ,जल दोष,शीतज्वर ,पाण्डु,कामला ,प्रमेह वता अधिकता ,कफ ,वायु ,अतिसार ,रक्तविकार एवं पीनस रोग अदि देता है।
Moon when in adverse conditions can create the following diseases, indigestion, weak metabolism, water-related issues, cold fevers, and pramēha (प्रमेह). — (m (S) Urinary affection; as the change in the color, quantity, or consistency of the urine. Twenty-one varieties are enumerated, including diabetes, gonorrhea), Vata issues, Pāṇḍu (पाण्डु) refers to “jaundice, Pāṇḍu (पाण्डु) refers to “anemia, Blood issues, Pīnasa (पीनस) refers to “sinusitis”, Pīnasa (पीनस) refers to “catarrh.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Sun in 8th house in medical astrology.

 मृत्युस्थितेऽर्के मनुजोऽथ यद्वा पापैर्नभोगैः क्षयकासयुक्तैः । भर्गदरपीहगुदामयैश्च प्रपीडितः स्याज्ज्वरकुष्ठमेहैः ॥ १७३ ॥

The Sun or another malefic in the 8th house will cause tuberculosis, diseases of cough, piles, diseases of the spleen and rectum, leprosy, or urinary disorders.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Various results derived when a planet recieves more than two malefic aspects..

 करोति पंसां विपुलं दरिद्रं हृदामयं वै निजपक्षहानिम् ॥ ८७ ॥

तीक्ष्णोपघातं खलसंयुतश्चेत्स्कंधेच कुक्षौ हृदये तदानीम्।
एवं चतुर्थे कुसुतेऽग्निदाहं मन्देऽनिलार्तित्वपरैर्विघातम् ॥ ८८ ॥
तये क्रूरोभवेत्तस्य माता स्याद्वित्रिसंख्यया।
मातुस्थानगते सौम्ये तदैका जननी भवेत् ॥ ८९ ॥
The Sun receiving aspects of three malefic planets at the cost of beneficial aspects will destroy the father (i.e. will cause the untimely death of the father). The Moon thus appearing will kill one's mother. (b) Saturn in the 10th house with the aspect of the Sun, or the Sun in the 10th aspect is Mars or Rahu will also cause father's destruction. In addition to this, the subject will be strained with abject penury and heart troubles. Evils to his kinsfolk will also exist. (c) The 4th house associated with malefic planets will cause deep injury to the shoulder, belly, or chest. Mars in this house will cause fire accidents, Saturn windy diseases, arid other planets injuries. (d) One will have two or three mothers with a malefic in the 4th house. There will be one mother with a benefic planet