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Friday, December 8, 2023

Divisional or Varga charts in the Astrology

 Varga charts as being taught and propagated as the 30-degree independent chart need to be reassessed and reworked to something more acceptable and compliant to the classics.

You do not find even a single reference wherein it is suggested to allocate houses to the Varga charts rather they represent the degree-wise allocation of the planets and the lagna in different Varga or divisions this, in turn, provides us with the subtle influence of the lord of the sign where the planet is placed, for example, Moon is 10 degrees five minutes in Aries in Navamsa it will be placed in Cancer Navamsa. Hence, it is in its own Amsa thus, there is no specific outside influence in Drekana it is Leo's sign thus the subtle influence of the Sun as drekana placement lord.
Some people draw out a chart that is D81 and call it Sooksham Navamsa dividing 30 degrees by 81 we get 0.3703703703703704 since it's not divisible the solution is to go back into Navamsa and then reassess the Navamsa from Navamsa D9 XD9.
The D3xD3 can also be done but it will be different from your D9
Similarly, D24 can be drawn out as d2xd12,d4xd6, or d8 xd3 but its placement and result will be different from what the D24 produces.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Mercury retrograde effects

An analysis of the event based on the information available The current age of the native is 18 so based on the movement of Jupiter Taking it back to its position in 2002 the position of Jupiter in Cancer.
Similarly, the position of Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu are also as per the year 2002
The position of the moon is assumed based on the event death of the mother 2 years before the current time, so the transit of Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu in 2018 if taken from the moon the significator of the mother is unfavourable therefore the demise.
Currently, Jupiter is in Capricorn in 2002 the planetary configuration was such as Jupiter in cancer in July 2002 Saturn in Gemini, Rahu Taurus, and Ketu Scorpio.
Jupiter Placed in Cancer is always opposed to its sign Sagittarius which is also the MT (Mool trikona) sign of Jupiter. So, the result of Jupiter is likely to be subdued for the sign Sagittarius wherever it is placed.
Saturn in Gemini. Saturn is adverse from the sign Capricorn in 6/8 position, from Aquarius sign, it will be in trine. So, Saturn will give good results for the sign Aquarius.
Assuming The position of the moon in the natal horoscope to Sagittarius the death of the mother can perhaps be explained in 2018 with transit positional analysis of Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu
The inadvertent click happened on 31/10/2020 when Mercury was retrograded
May be an image of blueprint and text that says "The position of moon has been assumed on the basis of death of mother in 2018 Rahu n 2020 Mars 31/10/2020 Saturn Rahu Moon 31/10/20 11 Saturn in oct 2020 Jupiter 1 4 10 7 Ketu in 2018 5 6 Jupiter in 2020 Moon 8 Ketu Saturn in 2018 Venus 31/10/20 Ketu2020 Jupiter in 2018 Mercury (R) and sun on 31st 10 2020"

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Moon and diseases in medical astrology

 Moon in cancer

श्रेष्ठं रवि कुजेन्दवहिन बधे कार्यं न शोभनम् ।।37।।
कफ वातगदी गौर स्त्रिवारं स्वल्प मृत्युभाक् ।
द्वयष्टकविंशदब्देवी तुझी एकोनत्रिशंतासरुक् ।।38 ।।
वक्रनिर्बलपादस्तुर द्विभार्यश्च जलोदरी।
कटिमस्तकपादेषुराना व्रणग्रन्थिप्रपीडितः।।39।।
दृष्टिरूक् वाक्यनैष्ठुर्यं नीचैः प्रीतिः सितेऽशुभम्।
गण कृष्णे दुःखं श्वेतरक्त वस्तुष्वधिक लाभवान्।140।।
वर्षवातजलाद भीतिर्गन्ध लाभोऽहि वर्षके।
कर्क लग्न विधुः पश्येत्संक्रान्त्यहिन च गृह्यते।।41 ।।
यवस्तु द्विगुणोलाभो वातकष्टं च हानिमान्। ।
पर्वोत्तरं गृहद्वारं गजाब्धौ खगजे मृतिः।।42||
Moon in Cancer-Good days Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Bad day Wednesday. Suffering from Kapha/Vata-related diseases, a fair complexion may have sudden death-like conditions thrice in life. Diseases in 2,8,21,29th year, deformed or weak limbs, two wives, suffering from jalodar / oedema. Suffers from gland or injury in the area of forehead, waist, or feet. Weak eyesight, harsh speech, like the company of lowly placed people, losses on Fridays. Suffers on account of black objects, and benefits from white and red things. May suffer due to a natural calamity at age 8, If the Lagna is Cancer and the Moon is in Capricorn on a particular day Makar Sankranti, whichever commodity, thing or object you buy it will give double the profit, Suffers from Vata disorders, May have Northeast facing the door at his home, may die at age 48 or 84 years. (Romak)

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Deafness in Medical astrology


If the 3 planets, the Sun. Moon and Mars stand together in 4, 6, 8, or 12th houses, aspected by malefic/enemy, the native will become deaf.
Note – Here the pointer or inference is the 4,6th, 8th, and 12th houses, Now note that Sun, Moon, and Mars have to be together in the mentioned houses which means a relationship, this combination ensures a weak malefic moon and a factor that Sun and moon ascendant will be same, Mars represents inflammation and is the significator of 3rd house which represents right ear it also rules inflammation in 4th Mars influences 11th house the left ear, in 6th 12th house and ascendant, in 8th again the 3rd and 11th houses, in 12th the 3rd house, the 4th,8th,12th houses also represent the water element and the signs 4th,8th,12th are also considered mute, here the 6th house position seems to rather out of context for ear significations, however ENT ( ear, nose, throat are closely knit organs ) therefore the 6th,12th influence of Mars may cause deafness, through Moon and Sun which represent eyes as an organ in astrology.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Moon in astrology

 Moon is conditional benefic because if close to the sun (within 72 degrees) it is considered malefic, if malefic then it destroys the effect of the bhava it owns. When Moon is malefic it can still give good results if placed with benefic. In the first 10 days it is childlike (Baal Avastha) and therefore does not give the desired result, for the next 10 days, it's in youth, therefore, gives good results, in the last 10 days it's like its state is old age or death, therefore, expecting good results is useless.

It's strong in Cancer, Taurus, on Monday, in its hora, when placed in its own drekana and hora, when aspected or conjunct a benefic. If all planets aspect are on the moon, it is considered to be a Raj Yoga. (says Varahmir in Brihat Jatak)
Nature- Dual, Gender – Female, Guna- Satva, Avastha- Youth and old age, Element-Water Color of the body -Fair, Mineral assigned- Blood, Taste – Salty, Deity – Apa, Time frame – Second, Direction- Northwest, Aspect – Neutral, Rises from – East or west, Strong- During the night, Season- Rainy, Time- Sunset ( evening), Activity area- Water bodies, Age -48 or 70, Area- Jungle, Ayan – Dakshina ( Southwards), Caste – Trader.
Diseases of the moon – (Pandu Rog) Anamnia, Diseases arising from water, (Kamla)severe anorexia or malaise, Acharyacharak, and Harita considered the disease as a type of the second stage of Panduroga. Acharyavaghbhat considered it a separate disease. Sexually transmitted diseases, Diseases due to the wrath of female deities.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Common sense and astrology

 On common sense -- One must understand What exactly is common sense and why is it categorized as sense. As per Wikipedia -Common sense is sound, practical judgment concerning everyday matters, or a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge in a manner that is shared by (i.e. common to) nearly all people. This common sense is distinct from basic sensory perception and from human rational thought but cooperates with both. Now coming to the perspective of the senses, the Sense of sight is the first house and planets Mars and the sun, the Sense of taste is 2nd house of the planet Mercury, the Sense of smell 2nd and 3rd house of the planet Venus, the Sense of touch (is attributed through the skin) so all houses and representing planet Saturn, Sense of hearing houses 3rd and 11th representing planet Jupiter, Adding the mental faculties 1s t house represents head and brain, Jupiter white matter, mercury grey matter,3rd represents the subconscious mind,4th the mind,5th the wisdom and acquired knowledge. Now the planets Jupiter represents memory and wisdom, Mercury intellect and loss of memory, Mars logic, Saturn the practical knowledge and common sense through the practicality of it, Moon represents the mind that covers everything including the circumstances, brain, intellect, etc and is a pivotal point in a horoscope.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

The wealth producing houses in astrology.


Cold and flu or Corona combination as per astrology

 नजला, जुकाम, खांसी के योगः Cold and flu or Corona combination

कासश्वासक्षयजनिरुजं भानुभौमाहिदृष्टे,
षष्ठे सौरे गुलिकसहिते सौम्यदृग्योगहीने।
रिःफे पापे शशिनि रिपुगे भानुजे रन्ध्रयाते
पापांशस्थे तनुगृहपतौ पीनसं रोगमेति ।।96।।
Sloka 95 When Saturn occupying the 5th bhava in conjunction with (Mandi) is aspected by the Sun, Mars, and Rahu but is unaspected by or unassociated with benefic the person born will suffer from an illness caused by a complication; of cough, asthma, and consumption. When a malefic planet is in the 12th bhava, the Moon in the 6thf Saturn in the 8th, and when the lord of the Lagna occupies a Navamsa owned by a malefic planet, the person born under such yoga will be liable to dryness of the nose resulting in loss of smell.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

The 9th lord in 6th,8th or 12th .

 भाग्येशे त्रिकभावे चेत्भाग्यहीनो भवेन्नरः ।मातुलस्य सुखं न स्याज्येष्ठ भ्रातृसुखं तथा ।।७० ।।

If the 9th lord is in 6th,8th, and 12th then the native is unfortunate without the happiness from the Maternal uncle and elder brother.
Note – Elder brother is represented by the 11th Bhava,6th is 8th from it,12th is 2nd from the 11th a Marak, the 8th from ascendant denotes death/Separation as 8th is also the work sphere area or 10th from 11th, the hidden nature of the 8th house can separate the elder brother of the native owing to his work. The 9th house and the lord represent the gain of the elder brother.
Maternal uncle is seen from 6th to the 12th is the Marak for the same, While the 3rd from 6th is 8th the secondary longevity of the uncle. The 9th bhava represents the home of the maternal uncle.

Friday, September 15, 2023

The elements and the senses

 The five elements -

1)Ether- Aakash - empty space -Vaccum- Sense of hearing- Planet representing ether and sense of hearing- Jupiter.
2)Vayu- Air- Motion and movement- Associated sense- Sense of touch- Representing planet Saturn.
3) Fire- Agni- energy - associated sense - Sense of sight - Representing planets Mars/Sun.
4)Water- Jala- Circulation- associated sense- a sense of taste- Mercury/venus
5)Earth- Prithvi- Shape - associated sense - Sense of smell - Venus/mercury.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Conjunction or Yuti explained.

 Conjunctions or Yuti, are the important factors to be considered while trying to understand the impetus of such association.

1. Whether the Yuti forming planets are enemies, neutral, or friends of each other.
2. The house where the Yuti is formed and whether the lord of the house is a friend, enemy, or neutral to one or more of Yuti-producing planets.
3. Condition and dignity of the House lord where the Yuti is formed. if it is exalted, in MT, in own house, in enemy sign, debilitated, combust, defeated in war, or badly placed in 6th,8th, or 12th.
4. House signification of the house where Yuti is and house owner signification of Yuti forming planets.
5. Planetary signification of Yuti forming planets.
6. Condition of Karak of the house where Yuti is formed.
7. Aspects they Receive or aspects these planets cast
Example -Sun +Venus+Ketu in Libra in Sagitarrius ascendant.
House where Yuti is 11th, Lord of the house - Venus, Condition of Venus let's say - Combust, The Karak of 11th the Jupiter is in 8th. Sun is the lord of the 9th but debilitated and placed in Dushsthaana from its sign Leo on the 9th, Both Venus and +Sun are in RKA, Sun and Venus are Enemies. Sun is Bhahagesh in the horoscope and Karak of Father, Atma ( soul), represents Asthi Dhatu. Venus is a spouse in the male's horoscope, it is Karak of 7th, represents 6th and 11th in the horoscope, Represents Shukra ( reproductive fluid), kidney, Lustre, luxuries, indulgence, etc As the 6th lord it represents diseases, as 11th it represents Income, gains, friends, elder brother, etc. Now the result
Sun is debilitated, Venus combusts in RKA, they are in 11th will aspect 5th- Result in limited Progeny, Problems with Wife and marriage, income issues, diseases of the kidney like kidney stones or Urine infections, bone issues may lack vitamin D, Stressed relations with father, Placement of Septraist debilitated planet Sun and aspect of another Septraist Rahu intensifies the scarcities like income being not enough, no elder brother or brother in law Since Venus is Combust the Neech Bhanga is of little relevance and strength.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Venus explained

 Venus is an indulgence ( Bhog Karak). So can be addictive as it signifies an excess of anything.

A stand-alone Venus in any dignity cannot signify sexual depravement, Sexual diseases, or excess libido desires.
It's true that as it signifies Bhog it allures through the senses be it, sense of touch - Saturn, Sense of Sight - Mars, Sense of taste- Mercury, Sense of Smell- Venus, Sense of hearing- Jupiter.
As per Vedic texts, spiritual upliftment happens when an individual has control over his senses and vices such as lust, anger, greed, attachment, and ego.
Now let's attribute Sense to emotions.
Lust - Mind, Sense of sight, smell =Moon+Mars +Venus
Sexual gratification- Mind.Sight,smell,touch( Saturn+Mercury)=Moon+Mars +Venus+Saturn+Mercury
As a ruler of the natural zodiac, Venus rules 2nd, and 7th, and Mars 1st and 8th.
No wonder that Venus +Marsand lords of the 7th and 8th link can indicate sexual diseases and multiple partners, Another combination to look for is the 7th lord in 1st or Vice versa, the logic again rests in the ownership of Mars of 1st and 8th and Venus of 2nd,7th in the natural zodiac.
Venus exalts in Pisces the 12th of the natural zodiac. The 12th is said to be the final resting place, Venus in Pisces on the 12th will create indulgence through the creation of wealth but when that indulgence is gratified and mind and body stop reacting enthusiastically or excitingly to the senses and vices it is the time for spiritual roots to set in. Remember the Sambhog Se Samadhi Ki Aur as preached by OSHO. Do remember Venus is also a guru it teaches through materialism and indulgence that spirituality sets in once the soul and body realize that bigger purpose in the life realization ( Moksha) where the soul merges into the source ( Atma ka Paramatma Se Milan).

Monday, August 14, 2023

Rahu and Ketu ?

 When you write on Ketu and Rahu first determine what they are, if a planet or shadow planet, now if you consider them a shadow planet, why are they shadow planets? Next, if they are shadow planets do they cast the shadow or they themselves are shadows? Rahul and Ketu's axis is important considering one and ignoring the other is not the right process. Further, it's said they represent the bhava they are in and the association they have, so in 2nd and 7th one of them is a Marak, having said all let us not forget that they also represent some significations of their own, now the question when do the signification manifest and how? Consider Rahu in the 12th the 12 th house is itself neutral and the lord will give results of the bhava and association or the second sign of the 12th lord, since the 12th lord and Rahu are identical how can one interpret such Rahu? Ketu is Zaid to give positive results with self house mool Trikona and the exalted planet, why? Ketu is like Mars and Rahu is like Saturn, but Saturn is compressive in nature while Rahu expands, Saturn represents austerity and frugality, while Rahu represents indulgence and luxury why the difference?

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Rahu and Ketu as per Classics

 यद्यद्भावगतौ वापि यद्यद्भावेशसंयुतौ ।

तत्तत्फलानि प्रबलौ प्रदिशेतां तमोग्रहौ ॥ १३ ॥
Rahu and Ketu, give good or bad results according to their position or association. They give the results of the houses they occupy or the houses owned by the planets conjunct with them
Rahu and Ketu will act according to the quality of the house and the sign owner.
Rahu or Ketu also give results of the planets influencing them through aspects.
Rahu and Ketu also give the results of the planet they are conjoined to.
They will be neutral in the 2nd, 12th, 4th,7th and 10th houses. On the 1st, 5th, and 9th they will be auspicious. In the 8th they will be extremely evil. On the 3rd, 6th, and 11th they will be inauspicious. If they are solitary in these houses.
यदि केन्द्रे त्रिकोणे वा निवसेतां तमोग्रहौ ।
नाथेनान्यतरेणापि सम्बन्धाद्योगकारकौ ॥ २१ ॥
21. Rahu or Ketu occupying an Angle or Trine has a relationship with the Lord of any other Angle or Trine, the Yoga will be effective. If Rahu or Ketu occupies a Kendra or a Trikona and by occupying a Kendra is related to Trikona lord or by occupying a Trikona is related to a Kendra lord then they become Yogakarakas.
If Rahu and Ketu are Without the influence of any planet-
(a) In a Kendra they will be neutral while in a Trikona they will be auspicious.
(b) In the 7th or 2nd house they will function as Marakas.
(c) Placed In the 3rd,6th, or 11th house they may give inauspicious results.
(d) Placed In the 12th house they will be neutral and will reflect the result as per associated planets.
(e) Placed In the 8th house they may produce evil results.
(f) If conjunct with the planets-
(g) In a Trikona with a Kendra lord, Yogakaraka.
(h) In a Kendra with a Trikona lord, Yogakaraka.
(i) Placed In the 3rd, 6th, or 11th house with their lords, inauspicious results.
(j) Placed With the 8th house lord Rahu-Ketu will give inauspicious results but placed with the 8th lord in the 8th house—may give auspicious results.
(k) Placed In the 2nd or 7th house with their lords, as specific Marakas.
(l) Placed In the 12th house with the 12th lord, neutral.
See Insights and Ads
All reactions:
Baljinder Singh Bawa, Hemal B. Bhatt and 5 others

Monday, August 7, 2023

Mercury explained for Taurus ascendant.

 Astrologers write generic things about planets let us say it is Mercury.

When they write about it it's only 25% of what should be written and explained.
Mercury is a product or offspring of the Moon and adopted Son of Jupiter, it is called neuter or neutral it gives the result of its association with a malefic it is malefic, with benefic its benefic.
Suppose Mercury is lord of 2nd and in 7th with Saturn, as a second lord its Marak or killer, as lord of 2nd it's gone in 7th, it acquires the maraka quality from 7th house as well, here Saturn is lord of 9th and 10th therefore it cannot take over the Marak traits from Mercury because it does not own a trishadya or the 8th house.
As a second lord neutral mercury becomes, more neutral and thus will give the result of its association and the other sign, Mercury is adverse from both its sign so its result will be adverse for both the bhavas, the association of Saturn the 9th, and 10th lord with 2nd and 5th will create karak effects for Saturn but if the AD of Mercury is operative in Md of Saturn it will turn marak towards the end of its antar dasha, a planet can simultaneously be a Karak and Marak and can produce likewise results, so generalizing Mercury in signs or houses and then claiming it to be research is too farfetched and deceptive astrology.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Mercury, Jupiter, and Moon.

 Mercury, Jupiter, and Moon.

Mercury is intellect, memory loss & learning.
Jupiter- Wisdom, Memory, higher learning, and code of conduct (Dharma)
Mercury is an offspring of the Moon and the adopted son of Jupiter.
Moon is the mind and the circumstance you are in at a given moment, being reflective in nature it reflects the circumstances you are in. (the reason why transits from Moon are considered).
Moon is Jupiter + Mercury and it portrays all that Mercury and Jupiter signify along with its inherent traits like waxing and waning just like the phases of the Moon the mind is never stable.
Further Mercury is trade and commerce and Jupiter is the economy while the Moon represents your economic position in the wake of the significations of Jupiter and Mercury.
Moon in itself is the mind and the aim and purpose of all spiritualists is to control the mind so that they can concentrate on their spiritual upliftment.
Moon the mind can be controlled only when one is contended and desires nothing so the adage Mann Jeeta to jag Jeeta( if you are able to control your mind that is equivalent to conquering the world) Such, is the importance of Moon.
In north India Moon chart was given tremendous importance, but the practice is no longer in vogue.
Texts claim that the Sudarshan chakra technique is important. The three charts viz the Ascendant or lagna charts tell you about the self and physique, The moon chart the state of mind and nature of circumstances and its physical effect on the body. The sun chart tells you about the soul's aspirations.
Bunched together all three represent the actual position of the individual.
Note - I read a post where the author claims that Moon is an alternative to Mercury, I do not know how to react to this intellectual shallowness, Moon is Jupiter and Mercury + its inherent traits, one should read about the concept of Mind to understand the importance of Moon, even the Soul (Sun) cannot progress or digress without the Mind(Moon). A reminder Take the shakti or the alphabet (i) out of Shiv it becomes Shv, spoken in tandem it sounds like SHAV or the dead body. Have a good day learn from only those who know about Vedic astrology classics only the classics can give you the complete point of view.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Fortune defined through astrology...

 कर्माखिला प्तिभुजि मोघ इहान्यथा नो वारि प्रसिक्तपदवृक्षवदाहुरेके ॥35॥

Fortune is like a seed that matures through the waters of efforts, handwork, and the environment if your fortune is good or the seed is of good quality then efforts are rewarded if the seed or fortune is not good, then the effort is only partially rewarded. If the effort is done after the time has passed then the effort is wasted. So intelligent men know the value of time and must act so as to reap the benefit of their effort.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Diseases ascendant lord and moon

 Medical astrology

पापो विलग्नाधिपतिर्विलग्ने चन्द्रेण युक्तो यदि बालकः स्यात् । तदातिरोगं स हि केन्द्रसंस्थस्त्रिकोणलाभेषु गदं निहन्ति ॥ ॥ २४ ॥
There will not be bodily health if the malefic ascendant lord is conjunct Moon and is placed in the ascendant. If the same combination of the malefic ascendant lord and the moon is in trine, Kendra, or 11th bhava the native will be without diseases and healthy.
यदि लग्नेश पापग्रह चन्द्रमा से युक्त होकर लग्न में हो तो बालक अत्यंत रोगी होता है। यदि वह केन्द्र - त्रिकोण और लाभभाव में हो तो रोग का नाश करता है ।। २४ ।।

Monday, July 17, 2023

Mercury (how to evaluate results) it will give.

 Mercury in12th house, read a post on mercury in the 12th wherein a rosy picture was painted and claimed that the elder sibling will help the native because it is 2nd from the 11th.

Now the question is how can mercury represent self or native?
Only when it is ascendant lord.
Has the neutrality of Mercury been considered?
Mercury is conditional benefic or malefic as it gives results of its association.
Question three by being in 2nd from 11th house, How the elder sibling will help?
Here only the bhava are being considered to evaluate the result which seems too far-fetched.
Astrology of this kind is misleading and negates all fundamentals and principles of astrology.
Mercury signifies intellect, speech, trade, commerce, communications, neurons, and maternal uncle.
Rule-When a planet is placed in 6th,8th, or 12th its significations suffer so the houses Mercury represents, the significations it represents will all suffer.
Suppose the 12th lord is Mars and it is also the lord of 5th.
Let us say that this Mars is in Leo and it aspects Mercury, now this means Mercury is related to the 5th and 12th lord Mars since the ascendant is Sagitarrius mercury represents the 7th and 10th houses, in Such a condition the house significations of the 7th and 10th will suffer but the Mercury being associated with a functionally benefic Mars will give mixed results good in phases and bad at times.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Difference between aspect and relation in Vedic astrology

 Relationships of planets.

1) Same house planets (Yuti)
2)Exchange ( Parivartan)
3) Mutual aspect.
4) Dispositor aspects own sign with a planet in it, becomes related to that planet.
1) Same house planets (Yuti)
2)Exchange ( Parivartan)
3) Mutual aspect.
4) When in Kendra to each other (Kendra Sambandh)
5) When in Trikona to each other ( Trikona Sambandh)
Aspectual relation ( controlling aspect)
A planet aspect the other but does not receive an aspect, For example, Mars aspects Jupiter but does not receive the aspect from Jupiter.
The Difference between aspect and relationship
An aspect leaves an influence but in a relationship, planets exert influence on each other.
Let us assume Moon is being aspected by Saturn, Saturn leaves an influence on the moon but does not take any from it.
In situation two this Saturn is related to Mars, so when Saturn aspects the moon in this scenario it will also carry the influence of Mars it has soaked by being related to it when it aspects Moon in this situation.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Yuti results or conjunctions how would they reflect in horoscope

 The horoscope analysis is based on several principles and fundamentals, in a horoscope, there may be several dictums applying to a set of planetary combinations, you just cannot explain a horoscope in the light of a single dictum, planet, or set of planets. The probabilities and possibilities change with exposure and influence. To date, most astrologers have not been able to evaluate Rahu And Ketu as to how they will behave during their periods. People are confused about how to analyze Yuti's ( Conjunctions -not as per Western concept, but when planets are together). Let me try to explain what Yuti is like and then later give you the principle of analysis. Assume you have a glass of milk, and add sugar as the sugar dissolves in it you won't be able to see it in a real sense but you will still be able to taste the sweetness( This perhaps is like the Aspect influence, add a stronger visible influence like Roohafza syrup the taste and color both change but the milk is still drinkable and good to taste, this is because the Yuti forming ( here the two planets soak each other's energies and is called relation or Sambandh) planets have a common feature that they bring to fore. The principle is that when two or three planets combine they will bring out the feature that is common between them to the forefront, take the example of Yuti of 2,5,9,11 or two or three of them the common factor is the acquisition of wealth as they are wealth-producing houses. Take the Yuti of 6th,8th, and 12th the common factor here is adversity so in the Dasha Antardasha of one of these, you can expect adversity. But when the Yuti forming planets are not on the same tangent for example Jupiter, Saturn, or Rahu, the result will depend on the placement and dignity of the planets concerned, Rahu and Saturn have common features but Jupiter is the odd one out here, Now if this Yuti is in Sagitarrius and the strength of Jupiter prevails over in Vargas as well, the suffering of Jupiter related bhavas is reduced a bit, however, Jupiter is soaking in the influence of two separatists planets here, therefore it will carry the malefic influence of associated planets, the Rahu, Saturn will also carry the essence of Jupiter on their sphere of influence. Lower or higher degrees do not matter here what matters is Grah Bal. Take the milk example again if we add salt in it will be saltish, if we heat it a bit and then add a spoonful of curd it will end up as a curd but still, a milk-related product, Adding lemon juice to the same milk over heat will end up producing paneer or cottage cheese but the product again is milk-related, assume heat as the malefic separatist influence. hope I have not confused or addled up your brains

Note - The common feature being prominent in the periods of associated planets is a principle and fundamental to watch for.
Placement and ownership are other factors.
Do not care about degrees the Vargas take care of that.

Monday, July 3, 2023

True astrology is only the astrology that comes from Vedic classics

 Seemingly absurd theories are passed on as astrology and nakshatra-based evaluation for the entire chart is one such practice, the inferences drawn are vague and generic but in a clever clandestine way so that the native finds some semblance through it. The problem with a subject that astrology is that you can explain anything through any method or Padhati once the results are pre-defined, no wonder that you find people arguing or debating that it works for them.

A stopwatch is accurate two times a day, and the result it will provide is a predetermined time at which it stopped, stopwatch is usually used to measure seconds and minutes.
But can it replace the normal watch, the answer is absolute no .
In the same way, these methodologies are just like stopwatches you still need the backing and expertise of Vedic astrology to understand the possibilities and probabilities of nativity, based on a set of rules, fundamentals, and dictums.
On this Guru Poornima, I ask all of you to learn and adhere to the teachings of the classics of Vedic astrology.
Stay away from the swindlers and pied pipers of deceit who lure you into false methodologies and practices. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The correct way of Atam Karka Derivation


Atam Karaka What it is, why has it obtained significance suddenly, that all are talking about it. Even those who are still wet behind the ears talk about Atam Karak and Char Karak.
One finds shlokas on Karak, Argala, and Pada in BPHS itself. The method of evaluation of AK is based on a planet achieving the highest degrees but the method seems in contradiction to the basic fundamentals of Avasthaa's, any planet beyond 25 degrees is either in Mrit or Vridh Avasthaa. Planets Like Saturn and Jupiter if they are in transit and transiting in degrees more than 25 degrees will most necessarily be the Atam Karaks for the next few months for all and sundry barring the time when the moon crosses over these planets in its transit. Is it possible? The planet that attains the highest Ansh (degrees)is mentioned but it's not explained how to evaluate, Shri UK Jha in his book Jamini char Dasha has suggested a possible logical method of evaluation using the planetary degrees and its position in Navamsa.
How to derive Char Karaks as per Sh Uk Jha- As per his book Chara Dasha of Jamini
In the normal Scheme of derivation – Saturn is the Atma Karaka.
As per Sh U K Jha, the Atam karak will be as follows
Saturn is 28 .22 its Navamsa sign will be Gemini.
So let's check how far it has progressed in Gemini Navamsa.
The Gemini navamsa under Libra starts from 26.40 degrees.
So Saturns progress 28.22 -26.40=1.42
Mercury is of Virgo 23.22 and its Navamsa Leo begins from 23.20
so 23.22-23.20=2 minutes.
Mars is in Virgo of 16.54 its navamsa is Gemini it begins from 16.40 so Mars 16.54-16.40=Mars has progressed 14 minutes into the navamsa sign of Gemini.
Jupiter is Leo 4.34 its Navamsa sign is Taurus. Taurus Navamsa begins at 3.20 so Jupiter's progress is 4.34-3.20=1.14
Venus is of Libra 27. 01 its Navamsa is Gemini
It starts from 26.40 so 27.01-26.40=21 minutes
Sun is in Libra at 11.49 its navamsa is Capricorn, and its Navamsa starts at 10.00 so Sun's progress is 11.49-10.00=1.49
As per the above-mentioned derivation, Sun is the Atam Karaka.
Note- Rahu and Ketu will not be considered owing to controversy related to their origin or signs they are on.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Badhak Concept

 The concept of Badhaka and why I believe that taking 9th as Badhak for fixed Lagna is out of context. I do not adhere to the 9th lord Badhak for fixed Lagna on the basis of a few factors, I believe that the 9th is mostly a friend and yoga karaka, while the 3rd is an enemy, Moreover, for moveable Lagna, the 11th is a Badhak, For Dual signs, it is the 7th. If 3rd is considered to be a Badhak it completes the Kaam Trikona ( 3,7,11). If desires are the hindrance for moveable and dual signs how come the onus of hindrance shifts to the dharma house, I feel when the author quoted the 9th as a Badhak he would have meant 9th from the 7th that would come to the 3rd house, From 7th house the 3rd is 9 places away, from 11th the 7th is 9 places away. From 11th 3rd is 5 places away from 7th 11th is 5 places away.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Body Parts In Medical Astrology the left and right Part of it


Body parts as assigned to houses are based on the logic that is hinged on the fact that some organs do have right and left parts, other though being single organs like the brain and heart are also categorized by medical science mostly in two parts the left and right part of it. To accommodate this the 12 houses of the horoscope are arranged in such a way that one half of the zodiac depicts the right side the other the left, talking about ears and eyes, the right ear is assigned a house 3, and the left the 11th it seems to defy logic, but both these houses depict the element air and are part of a breathing process or talking about ayurvedic Tridosha it represents the Vata, the sense of hearing is attributed to Jupiter and of the two houses three and 11 Jupiter is the Karak Significator of 11th, therefore the inference. Another factor that goes in favor of the systemic placement of ears in the 3rd and 11th is that air is an essential element for the sense of hearing and it exists within the ether element again represented by planet Jupiter. When sound waves travel toward you, the first part of the process of hearing involves the ears. The sound waves enter the ear and the sensitive structures of the inner ear pick up the vibrations. These vibrations stimulate nerves and create a signal which contains sound information, so the brain is the central organ here therefore and is signified by the first house or Lagna, and the right year from 3rd and left from 11th seems logical anatomy of the hearing process image as attached. The Drekana or d3 chart clearly categorizes these parts based on the number of degrees of the Lagna each being 10 degrees. The 0-10 degrees cover the face,10-20 neck to the pelvis, and 20-30 degrees the organs below the pelvis. The body parts again are clearly categorized on the left and right parts Similarly both eyes as depicted in 2 and 12 of the horoscope represent Kapha dosha both these eyes draw the source of the image and its depiction from the fiery or pitta house of Lagna through Alochoka pitta so Lagna or head has to be in between and common source of power and imagery. The heart as such is one organ yet it's divided into the left and right ventricle and it's assigned house no 5 some texts particularly Vrahmir maintains 4th to represent the heart, the heart is the body,s centralized pump that pumps blood and oxygen to various organs, while the right ventricle pumps the blood from the right atrium into the lungs to pick up oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. The left atrium receives blood from the lungs. This blood is rich in oxygen. The left ventricle pumps the blood from the left atrium out to the body, supplying all organs with oxygen-rich blood. So going by 4/5 the imposition of the organ heart the left part of it will be depicted in 10th and 11th and it's so 11th is the veinous flow and exhalation of breath expelling out CO2 from the body its called Vyana Vata. The anatomy of circulation is attached for the benefit of all. Continued -----------
May be an image of 1 person