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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Belly injury or surgery in astrology

 भूसूनु लग्ने यदि वा तदंशे सूर्यान्विते कृष्णनिशाकरे तु।

फणीशचन्द्रात्मजसंयुतेऽर्कराशौ यदा तर्हयुदरप्रभेदम् || 96 || ( Belly injury or surgery two yogas)


Sloka 96. When the rising sign or its amsa is owned by Mars and occupied by the Sun, and the waning Moon in conjunction with Rahu and Mercury occupies Leo, the person concerned will have his belly ripped open. (Surgery or injury)


मन्दोदये सौम्यदशाविहीने सर्वार्कयुक्ते यदि कृष्ण चन्दे।

नाभिप्रदेशोदरभेदमाहुः शस्त्रेण जातस्य पराशराद्याः || 97 || ( Belly injury or surgery two yogas)

Shloka 97. When Saturn in the rising sign is without benefic aspect and the waning Moon is in conjunction with Rahu and the Sun, the person born, says BPHS and also the other authorities/ one will suffer a wound by a weapon in the upper region from the navel. (Surgery or injury)

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

बुधरोगनाह --- Diseases related to planet Mercury

 बुधरोगनाह ---

कुष्ठ त्रिदोषं नयनामयं गल -
घ्राणोत्थरोगं ग्रहणीं विचर्चिकाम्।
भ्रान्ति कृशानो पतनं विषं ज्वरं
दुः स्वप्न मोहान्कुरुते कलेशजः। ९।
बुध यदि दुष्ट हो तो त्रिदोष धातु,नेत्र रोग ,गलजन्य तथा नासिकजन्य रोग ,संग्रहणी ,विचर्चिका रोग,भ्रान्ति ,अग्निपाटन ,विष,ज्वर ,एवं,दुषस्वप्न और मोह (मूर्छा) को करता है।
Mercury if adverse can create the following diseases, tridosha related, eye diseases, throat diseases, nose issues, Inflammatory bowels, skin diseases eczema, psoriasis, mental aberration, fear from fire, poison, fainting, bad dreams etc.
Vicarcikā (विचर्चिका) refers to “dry and weeping eczema” and is one of the various diseases mentioned in the 15th-century Yogasārasaṅgraha (Yogasara-saṅgraha) by Vāsudeva: an unpublished Keralite work representing an Ayurvedic compendium of medicinal recipes. The Yogasārasaṃgraha [mentioning vicarcikā] deals with entire recipes in the route of administration, and thus deals with the knowledge of pharmacy (bhaiṣajya-kalpanā) which is a branch of pharmacology (dravyaguṇa)
संग्रहणी रोग | Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Five elements in Vedic astrology.

 The five elements -

1)Ether- Aakash - empty space -Vaccum- Sense of hearing- Planet representing ether and sense of hearing- Jupiter.
2)Vayu- Air- Motion and movement- Associated sense- Sense of touch- Representing planet Saturn.
3) Fire- Agni- energy - associated sense - Sense of sight - Representing planets Mars/Sun .
4)Water- Jala- Circulation- associated sense- a sense of taste- Mercury/venus
5)Earth- Prithvi- Shape - associated sense - Sense of smell - Venus/mercury.

Monday, September 12, 2022

The seven Dhatus in Ayurveda has been linked by Vedic classics to 7 planets.

 The seven Dhatus in Ayurveda have been linked by Vedic classics to 7 planets.

They are as follows
1)Ras - Plasma-Moon- It draws nourishment from digested food.
2) Rakta- Blood-Moon-it derives nourishment from Rasa.
3) Mamsa- Muscles/ligaments/Tendons- Saturn- It derives nourishment from Rakta.
4)Medha- Fat/lubrication- Jupiter - It draws nourishment from Mamsa Dhatu.
5) Asthi - Bones- Sun - It derives its nourishment from Medha Dhatu.
6) Majja- Bone marrow- Mars- it draws its nourishment from Asthi Dhatu.
7)Shukra- Reproductive fluids- Venus, it draws its nourishment from.
Note- Twacha - Skin - Is represented by Planet Mercury as per classics of Vedic astrology.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Neech Bhang Yoga

 Honestly speaking and taking straight my article here will perturb many, particularly those who have learned their astrology from or following the big name gas bags who call themselves gurus or from sleazy but famous youtube channel owners.

Neech bhang yoga is the topic today, the joke is that people believe that Neech bhang can happen in divisional charts, the first anomaly is to allocate houses there, and the second is to create yogas inside the divisions.
Phaldeepika in chapter Raj yoga Adhaya sutra 26 -29 talks extensively about Neech bhang.
Note- If you cannot do the simple reading then it's better you stop learning or practicing astrology altogether.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Mars Mercury combination and living from crime

 षष्ठाष्टमे च मूर्तो च बुधभौमो यदा स्थितो

तस्करं घोरकर्माणा करपादं विनश्यति | ।2 ||
Mars-Mercury combination in the 6th, 8th, or Lagna, the native may perhaps be a thief, smuggler, or criminal and may be susceptible to losing his limbs.
The ascendant or first house rules self, the 6th signifies the theft,( Uttara Kalamrit)7th signifies the wealth of thief,8th house here represents courage required for cruel and daring acts for thief/criminal/loss of limbs as well, Mars represents the thief signification(Uttara Kalamrit), Mercury is said to be like the planet it is with, further as a planet signifying intellect, the person will use both intellect(mercury) and courage (Mars)to make a living.