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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Marriage and astrology.

In matters of marriage, Mars is the karaka for husband and signifies passion, in the chart of women. He also rules over menstrual periods in women. Mars causes the breakage of uterus tissue in a female and thus menses flow. Since the birth of the civilization, it has been noted that when Mars in transit aspect the ascendant or lunar sign of a girl, she attains puberty.

Combining all these actors governing conjugal pleasures, we can summarize the following:-

1. The Seventh house from the ascendant, Moon, Venus and Libra sign, govern marriage and life-partner in a male chart.

2. Seventh house from the ascendant, Moon, Mars and Scorpio sign are the governing factors in a female chart. Mars in the female chart denotes husband, as it is the karaka for husband.

3. Eighth house from the ascendant, Moon and Venus signify marital pleasures in a male, while the same factors but substituting Venus with Mars speaks of conjugal pleasures in a female horoscope.Ascending sign, its lord, Sun and Moon occupying Male signs confer masculine qualities on the native, while reverse shall be the result in case of occupying the Female signs. This rule holds good for both males and females.