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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Unsound Health

Weak health indicators
1. Weak afflicted Lagna / Lagna Lord
2. Adverse yogas fro Lagna
3. Lagna Lord placed adversely in divisions also.
Both favourable and unfavourable factors must be judiciously balanced in order to
determine the actual state of health.
Lagna Lord in 8th is usually good for health. However, if afflicted in the eighth house
promotes ill – health and may lead to unending incurable suffering.
If there are no benefic in Kendras and only malefics occupy Kendras and trikona
particularly when Lagna Lord and Lagna are afflicted, native suffers prolonged or
repeated illness.
Placement of eighth Lord in Lagna generally indicates a sickly body.
A strong and inflicted Lagna and Lagna Lord are important for good health.
It is better to have no planets in kendras than to home a malefic there.
Adverse dasa, afflicting lagna and Lagna Lord tends to produce more intense illness.
It is important to understand that extent of affliction to a planet is important in order to
understand severity of illness. A single affliction is not a serious matter generally. A
double affliction indicates serious disease and triple or multiple affliction leader to
incurable disease.
Important of Karkas
Karkas assume a lot of important in medical astrology. There will being is important for
good health.
Significations of planets
Sun: Heart, stomach, gut, bile, bones Right Eye, Injuries , burns falls disturbances
of blood circulation, father.
Moon: Fluids in body, mind, blood Left eye, breast, psychiatric problems, emotions,
menstrual cycle, mother
Mars: Sound physical health, head, bone-marrow, bile, musculature, endometrium,
accidents, burns, injury, surgical procedures, high BP, miscarriage, diseases above neck,
Mercury : Discrimination, through, nose, ears, lungs, speech, importance, nightmares,
uncle, younger coborns.
Jupiter : Liver, gallbladder, fat, diabetes, chronic disease, ear trouble, elder brother.
Venus : Genitor-urinary system, viral disease, eyesight, seminal fluid, sexual perversions,
intestine, appendix, diabetes urinary stones, wife or sex-partner.
Saturn : Legs, feet nerves, legmphaties, Paralysis, amputation, chronicity, incurability,
melancholy, exhaustism, fatigue, longevity.
Rahu : Bones, positioning, snack bite, chronic or incurable diseases, phobias, maternal
grand father.
Ketu : Viral, infection diseases, epidermis, defective speech, surgical operations,
diagnostic confusion, Paternal grand father.
Since each planet is signification for many body organs or disease, one has to carefully
study the house, signs and dasha Lords, along with Karkas to reach a Medical diagnosis.