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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Career Astrology

According to famous astrologer Varahamihira, from the strongest planet of the Lagna, Sun or Moon, the Lord of 10th house from that planet, located in the D9(Navmansh Chart). People of that sign earn income by Dasha and transit of this particular sign. 
Also, Varahamihira said that if an auspicious planet is placed in the Lagna house, 2nd house and 11th house then the person have chances of getting income from many areas. In simple words it can be said that, apart from planets having relation with 10th house and Dashmesh (10th Lord). 

Saturn governs our ambition, motivation, career, authority and influences our own sense of duty, responsibility and discipline. Saturn is also thought to represent a person's organizational abilities and their endurance during hardships, both physically and emotionally. The Return of Saturn marks extreme significance in each person's life.
10th,and 6th house play an important  part in careers apart from the 6th house and the 10th house, the 3rd house also plays an important role in determining the growth in career. 3rd house happens to be the 6th house from the 10th house / 10th house from the 6th house indicating its importance. It is the house which determines the abilities of the individual to handle a job, service thereby shaping up the career of the native. A strong 3rd house gives a good and high achieving career for which the services are recognized significantly. Similarly a weak 3rd house will not give the native advances in his career and his life will be full of struggles.
The third house in Astrology deals with all art related matters. Painting, singing, writing, films, dance, drama are some of the matters which are governed by the third house. In the charts of famous actors and singers we very often see a strong third house or many planets placed in the third house. We even see a strong third house in the charts of archeologists, journalists, and people associated with the media industry. Venus is not the karaka of the third house but Venus represents art and all the third house matters indicated above. When Venus gets connected with the third house either by ownership, occupation or aspect, it gives a boost to the third house matters. Those who are looking for a career where glamour and public attention are involved need to have a strong Venus and a strong third house. Together with Venus other planets will produce different artists when placed in the third house.

Ruler of the Tenth house in different houses  

Ruler of the tenth house in the first house
The condition of the ruler of the tenth house placed in the first house is extremely auspicious as the tenth angle being the finest in the horoscope has association with the personal sector. As a result, the person’s fortunes will be constantly increasing with age and if the planets are dignified fame of a reasonably high order will be achieved by the person.  If other factors in the horoscope agree, political power may also be part and parcel of the combination. If however there’s association of the rulers of the sixth, eighth or twelfth or the tenth ruler is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth Navamsa houses, the effects will not be so pronounced or may in fact be nil. This could also be unpromising inasmuch as the person’s reputation may be sullied. 
Ruler of the tenth house in the second house
This is an excellent placement for wealth and finance as the second house indicates the acquisition of money.  Because the tenth house regulates one’s career the person will also choose a professional line associated with banking, finance and other trading spheres, particularly if the earth signs like Taurus and Capricorn are involved. If the rulers of the eleventh house and ninth house also combine with dignity, the person can become a very wealth man.
Ruler of the tenth house in the third house
This can give dramatic and valorous activities in the area of profession as the third house rules one’s bravery. The individual has no fear in attempting bold and ambitious enterprises. It’s better for the tenth lord to be un-associated with the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses rulers or to be not placed harmonically in those sectors.  If so, he may experience great difficulties in achieving the successes he aspires to. The individual has good writing and linguistic skills and can pursue a career in journalism or other literary areas. Music and dance are also hinted at by the third house and many successful artists are born with this combination. Look to the fifth house and also planets Venus, Mercury and Neptune to see which areas this artistic element may flourish. Siblings may also achieve great success as a result of the tenth ruler here.  
Ruler of the tenth house in the fourth house
Whenever the rulers of angles combine or posit each others houses it’s considered a good omen in Vedic astrology.  Having the tenth ruler in the fourth assures one of success and a love of knowledge and learning. Great respect accompanies this combination but if the aspects to this planet are very strong, the person is also fortunate in not only acquiring worldly success but inner spiritual happiness as well. 
Ruler of the tenth house in the fifth house
The combination of the tenth house in the fifth is an excellent omen for the children of the person.  His offspring attain a great height professionally and this even points to some link between the individual’s career and his children’s.  The fifth house is the sector of speculation and if the planets are well placed with good aspect this can herald great fortune in such things as stock market or gambling. The fifth house is the house of future karma and having the most powerful angular lord in this position ensures very strong and robust karma with many successes to be predicted for the future.

Ruler of the tenth house in the sixth house
There’s an opportunity for the individual to pursue a career in law and possibly even the judiciary, depending on the strength of the tenth and sixth rulers. If the planets are not quite strong, the sixth house may give work in a more menial role and causes obstacles to the achievement of success. The negative influence of planets such as Saturn, Mars and Rahu here causes disputes and litigation or even some sort of professional collapse. Generally as the sixth house is a growing house, success in most circumstances will come later in life.
Ruler of the tenth house in the seventh house
With favorable influences on this planet the partners of the individual will shine and in fact success can be achieved after marriage. The professional life is linked to travels and this could indicate life in the diplomatic corps. This normally offers a tremendous opportunity for the person in both business and personal relationships.
Ruler of the tenth house in the eighth house
Unfortunately, the individual born with the tenth ruler in the eight house is not destined to have an easy run where profession is concerned. There’ll be many obstacles in the performance of work and even if the aspects are reasonably auspicious, the employment itself may still only be temporary. If heavy aspects and malefics influence this combination the results can be disastrous. This may indicate the person has a natural tendency towards criminal activities and litigious problems as well.  Because the eighth house is the house of Tantric or spiritual knowledge, the favorable influence of benefics like Jupiter or rulers of the ninth and fifth house may mitigate these influences and cause the person to pursue a more spiritual path in life.
Ruler of the tenth house in the ninth house
Good results are to be expected with the ruler of the tenth house here. It’s noteworthy to see how many spiritually enlightened masters and religious leaders have this combination. Therefore, there’s a direct link between work and the spiritual motivations of the individual which make him a preacher or someone attempting to enlighten the world generally. This is also a strong and positive placement for the father and promises tremendous success and wealth to them.
Ruler of the tenth house in the tenth house
High status in life and fame are to be expected for the tenth ruler in its own sector. The person’s name will shine brightly, particularly if lords of the other angles or trines partake of the combination. It’s important for this ruler to be strong however, as the reverse results are to be expected if it’s posited in its house of debilitation. More often than not great results are to be expected during the cycle of the planet ruling the tenth or planets found in the Nakshatras (stars) of this particular ruler.
Ruler of the tenth house in the eleventh house
This is a very strong financial placement and gives immense wealth with many powerful and influential friendships along business and career lines. Unless there’s an affliction to the ruler of the eleventh or tenth rulers, the person is likely to have great support from people both in his employ and socially.  Alternatively, under negative aspects, these friends may turn on him. This placement also indicates strength in the relationship and professional status of the siblings.
Ruler of the tenth house in the twelfth house
There’s a strong connection between foreign countries and the profession of the individual and they may spend time overseas, living there for a considerable time, particularly if the signs on the twelfth house are fixed. Along with this seeking of material success in faraway places, there’s a tinge of spirituality about the person yet if negative planets such as Rahu, Mars or Saturn aspect negatively, they may turn to a life of crime.

Career, profession, or status, is the domain of Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, and Saturn its ruling planet. Capricorn ruler  Saturn or what we would call the tenth house of kaal pursh.
(Therefore the principle indicators or career significators in a chart are...
1. the Saturn sign
2. any planet in Capricorn
This can mean that ALL of your planets are career significators in some way, especially if you have a planet in every sign. This should not seem so unusual, as it is not uncommon for some people to be totally geared to their profession, while others only partially so.

Begin by assessing your Saturn placement. Saturn shows how or where you can plan, organize, and achieve an objective.
Saturn in fire has personal goals or objectives, such as achieving a clearer sense of self or identity(Aries), personal fame or power(Leo), or spiritual illumination(Sagittarius).
Saturn in earth has material goals or objectives, such as achieving wealth and possessions(Taurus), health and skill(Virgo), or some position of power and authority(Capricorn).
Saturn in air has social or intellectual goals or objectives, such as achieving knowledge or learnedness(Gemini), unity or harmony(Libra), and freedom or truth(Aquarius).
Saturn in water has security goals or objectives, such as achieving a sense of belonging or family(Cancer), fusion or regeneration(Scorpio), or universal compassion or understanding pisces).