Sex and astrology

No marriage can be happy and successful without satisfactory sex life. A spouse who is having loving partner and able to satisfy the sexual urge of his/her partner, is lucky and thereby is also more creative, more responsible and a good citizen. The negative side of sexual displeasure is not only unfavourable for the individual but it effects in totality.
The Moon denotes antahkarana, Mercury stands for
intelligence, Judgement, an open and amusing nature, the Sun denotes soul and
character and Jupiter denotes Samyak Gyana. Under such an affliction the Moon
may give a perverted outlook and evil habits. Mercury agonize under similar
conditions indicate selfish and mean motive, a peevish nature. Similarly,
Jupiter afflicted by Mars-Saturn-Rahu indicates shrewd intelligence, ignorance,
overindulgence and complacence. Afflicted saturn denotes mean and leading
character and inclination towards illegal acts in a personal secret way.
Afflicted Mars is adamant, ill-tempered, murderous, furious and stubborn.
Afflicted Rahu is vindictive, ferocious, violent, jealous, a smuggler, lustful
and reckless in mood. The nature of afflicted Ketu is to causing harm without
reason,find fault with others and always wanting to go ahead with secret plans
of an obnoxious kind. When the first, the fourth, the fifth, the ninth and the
tenth houses are involved under such malefic afflictions and the karaka planets
are evilly disposed without any neutralizing effect, the person may turn into a
liar, cheat, criminal, ill-tempered, sensual, a thief, hypocrite and an out and
out imposter and murderer. Afflictions on the Seventh, the Eighth or the
twelfth house may cause a corrupt sex life.
No marriage can be happy and successful without satisfactory sex life. A spouse who is having loving partner and able to satisfy the sexual urge of his/her partner, is lucky and thereby is also more creative, more responsible and a good citizen. The negative side of sexual displeasure is not only unfavourable for the individual but it effects in totality.
The natal chart can also reveal the
impotent man and frigid female and thus one can be cautioned before going into
the relations.
There are some combinations of planets,
which make one highly sexual at mental level, but they are not good in reality.
Problem like nymphomania, hysteria, homosexuality, sex curve and other
unnatural traits of sex can be diagonised by the help of astrological charts.
Sex behavior and Sun Signs
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are Oversexed.
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn are sober in sex behavior.
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius have secret liking for sex but never exhibit their sexual feelings.
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are not very sexoriented but show highly passionate feelings.
The following is derived from Anang ranga
Of the Four Orders of Women.
First, let it be understood, that women must be divided into four classes of temperament. These are:--
1. Padmini
2. Chatrini;
3. Shankhini; and
4. Hastini.
The same correspond with the four different phases of Moksha, or Release from further Transmigration. The first is Sayujyata, or absorption into the essence of the Deity; the second is Samipyata, nearness to the Deity, the being born in the Divine Presence; the third is Sarupata, or resemblance to the Deity in limbs and material body; the fourth and last is Salokata, or residence in the heaven of some especial god.
For the name of woman is Nari, which, being interpreted, means "No A'ri", or foe; and such is Moksha, or absorption, because all love it and it loves all mankind.
Padmini, then, means Sayujyata, also called Khadgini-Moksha (Sword-release), the absorption of man into the Narayan (godhead), who lives in the Khshirabdi, or Milk-sea, one of the Seven Oceans, and from whose naval sprang the Padma, or Lotus-flower.
Chitrini is Samipyata-Moksha, like those who, having been incarnated as gods, perform manifold and wonderful works. Shankhini is Sarupata-Moksha, even as the man who takes the form of Vishnu, bears upon his body the Shankha (conch shell), the Chakra or discus, and other emblems of that god. The Hastini is Salokata-Moksha, for she is what residence in Vishnu's heaven is to those of the fourth class who have attributes and properties, shape and form, hands and feet.
Personal Peculiarities of the Four Classes.
And now learn ye by these words to distinguish from one another the four orders of woman-kind.
She in whom the following signs and symptoms appear, is called Padmini, or Lotus-woman. 1 Her face is pleasing as the full moon; her body, well clothed with flesh., is soft as the Shiras 2 or mustard-flower; her skin
is fine, tender and fair as the yellow lotus, never dark-coloured, though resembling, in the effervescence and purple light of her youth, the cloud about to burst. Her eyes are bright and beautiful as the orbs of the fawn, well-cut, and with reddish corners. Her bosom is hard, full and high; her neck is goodly shaped as the conch-shell, so delicate that the saliva can be seen through it; her nose is straight and lovely, and three folds of wrinkles cross her middle, about the umbilical region. Her Yoni 3resembles the open lotus-bud, and her Love-seed (Kama-salila, the water of life) 4 is perfumed like the lily which has newly burst. She walks with swanlike gait, and her voice is low and musical as the note of the Kokila-bird 5; she delights in white raiment, in fine jewels, and in rich dresses. She cats little, sleeps lightly and, being as respectable and religious as she is clever and courteous she is ever anxious to worship the gods, and to enjoy the conversation of Brahmans. Such, then, is the Padmini, or Lotus-woman.
The Chitrini, or Art-woman 6, is of the middle size, neither short nor tall, with bee-black hair, thin, round, shell-like neck; tender body; waist lean-girthed as the lion's; hard, full breasts; well-turned thighs and heavily made hips. The hair is thin about the Yoni, the Mons Veneris being soft, raised and round. The Kama-salila
(love seed) is hot, and has the perfume of honey, producing from its abundance a sound during the venereal rite. Her eyes roll, and her walk is coquettish, like the swing of an elephant, whilst her voice is that of the peacock 7. She is fond of pleasure and variety; she delights in singing and in every kind of accomplishment, especially the arts manual; her carnal desires, are not strong, and she loves her "pets", parrots, Mainas and other birds. Such is the Chitrini, or Art-woman.
The Shankhini 8, or Conch-woman, is of bilious tempermament, her skin being always hot and tawny, or dark yellow-brown; her body is large, or waist thick, and her breasts small; her head, hands, and feet are thin and long, and she looks out of the corners of her eyes. Her Yoni is ever moist with Kama-salila, which is distinctly salt, and the cleft is covered with thick hair. Her voice is hoarse and harsh, of the bass or contralto type; her gait is precipitate; she eats with moderation and she delights in clothes, flowers and ornaments of red colour. She is subject to fits of amorous passion, which make her head hot and her brain confused 9, and at the moment of enjoyment, she thrusts her nails into her husband's flesh. She is of choleric constitution, hard-hearted, insolent and vicious; irascible, rude and ever addicted to finding fault. Such is the Shankhini, or Conch-woman.
The Hastini is short of stature; she has a stout, coarse body, and her skin, if fair, is of a dead white; her hair is tawny, her lips are large; her voice is harsh, choked, and throaty (voix de gorge) and her neck is bent. Her gait is slow, and she walks in a slouching manner; often the toes of one foot are crooked. Her Kama-salila has the savour of the juice which flows in the spring from the elephant's temples. She is tardy in the Art of Love, and can be satisfied only by prolonged congress, in fact, the longer the better, but it will never suffice her. She is gluttonous, shameless, and irascible. Such is the Hastini, or elephant-woman.
The days of greatest enjoyment for the Four Classes
As per lunar tithis( See the impact of luna or moon and tithis)
Having thus laid down the four classes of womankind, Kalyana Malla, the arch-poet, proceeds to give a table of the time in which each order derives the greatest amount of pleasure from the venereal rite. These periods must be learnt by heart, and students will remember that on the other days not specified, no amount of congress will satisfy passions. Read, then, and master the elements.
1st day |
2nd day |
4th day |
5th day |
Satisfy the Padmini
6th day |
8th day |
10th day |
12th day |
Satisfy the Chatrini
3rd day |
7th day |
11th day |
13th day |
Satisfy the Shankhini
9th day |
14th day |
Full Moon |
New Moon |
Satisfy the Hastini
Immorality & Perversion
Sexual perversion is outcome of affliction on various planets governing various
factors. A person (ascendant) will be perverted if his
emotional aspect (Moon 5H/L) is under affliction to create excessive lust for
lascivious pleasures (Venus, 7H/L, 8H/L, 12H/L) secretly (12 H/L). He / she
will have extra courage (Mars, 3L, 3H) also to break the socially accepted
norms (Rahu, affliction on 5H/L and involvement of 8H/L) for sexual act (7H/L)
in multiplicity (11H/L). Besides, there would be noticeable degradation
in character of such person (affliction on Sun and influence on Saturn on above
factors). These factors form various combinations that may show sexual
immorality of native.