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Consultation charges.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Tara: A unique Vedic system is followed in Muhurtha Astrology, Horary
Astrology and predictive astrology. In the system, Nakshtaras (Stars)
are grouped into nine sub-groups. Each sub-group covers three stars
and has a specific name of ‘Tara’ preceded by a word which signifies
benefic or malefic nature.

The nine Taras (Stars) by their individual names are:

   1. Janma (Birth) Tara - The Janma (birth star) Nakshatra, the 10th from
Janma nakshatra also known as Karna nakshatra and the 19th from Janma
nakshatra known as Adhana nakshatra constitute this Tara. Significance :
Not good.

   2. Sampat Tara - The 2nd the 11th and the 20th Nakshatras counted
from Janma nakshatra constitute this Tara.  Significance : Very good.

   3. Vipat Tara - The 3rd, the 12th and the 21st stars counted from Janma
nakshatra constitute this Tara.  Significance : Bad.

   4. Kshema Tara - The 4th, the 13th and the 22nd Nakshatras counted
from the janama nakshatra constitute this Tara.  Significance : Good.

   5. Pratyak Tara - The 5th, the 14th, and the 23rd nakshatras from
Janma nakshatra constitute this Tara.  Significance : Not good.

   6. Sadhaka Tara - The 6th, the 15th, and the 24th nakshatras from
Janma nakshatra constitute this Tara.  Significance : Very good.

   7. Nidhana Tara - The 7th, the 16th , and the 25th nakshatras from the
Janma nakshatra constitute this Tara.  Significance : Completely Bad.

   8. Mitra Tara - The 8th, the 17th and the 26th nakshatras from Janma
nakshatra constitute this Tara.  Significance : Good.

   9. Ati or Parama Mitra Tara - The 9th, the 18th and the 27th nakshatras
from Janma nakshatra constitute this Tara.  Significance : Good.