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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dhatu, Moola & Jeeva Divisions of planets

Dhatu, Moola & Jeeva Divisions of planets
In chapter 3 of Brihat Parashara Hora Shashtra, the sage Parashara has provided a very detailed description of planets and their respective characters. The humanization of the planets is done in order to have an in-depth understanding about the role and activity of the planets in our life.

In verse number 47 - the sage Parashara has classified the planets on the basis of Dhatu, Moola and Jeeva.
Dhatu means metal and is basically related with the materialistic role of planets in the birth chart.

Moola means the roots; and Moola division is related with the existence of the self in the world.

Jeeva means the living beings and is basically related with the relationships of the native.

The Planets Rahu, Mars, Saturn and the Moon are lords of Dhatu in the birth chart.

The life giving Planet Sun and the Venus are the lords of Moola.

Remaining planets viz. Mercury, Jupiter and Ketu rule over Jeeva.