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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Possible Disease for native born in different Stars:

Possible Disease for native born in different

1. Those born in Ashwini are prone for periodical fever.
2. Bharani born are prone to disease/ dysentry.

 3. Those born in Kritika star are likely to suffer
from intestinal connected disease causing
constipation and diarrhoea alternatively.
4. Those born in Rohini are prone for piles (Anorectal
5. Those born in Mrigashira star are prone for
6. Those born in Ardra star suffer from Mandagni
i.e. weak digestion.
7. Those born in Punarvasu may suffer form cholera.
8. Those born in Pushy a suffer disease of tastelessness (Anavoxea).
9. Those born in Ashlesha are prone for anemia.
10. Those born in Makha star have breathing
problem and diseases connected to various problems of respiratory system.
11. Those born in Purvaphalguni star are prone to cough (dry or wet).
12. Those born in Uttaraphalguni star Leprosey or skin disease.
13. Those born in Hastha star are prone to diabeticsof various types.
14. Those born in Chitra star giddiness and partial loss of conciousness.
15. Those born in Swathi star are prone to eyediseases.
16. Those in Vishakha star ear diseases are caused.
17. Those born in Anuradha star diseases of the nose.

18. Those born in Jyesta star diseases of the mouth
which includes diseases of teeth, tongue, lips,
pallet, gums and throat.
19. Those born in Moola star tuberculosis of any
20. Those born in Poorvashada star formation of
stone in urinary tract.
21. Those born in Uttarashada star are prone for
disease connecting to vomitting.
22. Those born in Shravana star suffer from
tastelessness disease.
23. Those born in Dhanishta are prone to suffer from
pains caused by vatha disorder like sprains,
rheumatism etc.
24. Those born in Shathabhisha star are prone for
bilous diseases.
25. Those born in Poorvabhadra star are prone for
any of the phlegmatic disease.
26. Those born in Uttarabhadra star diseases
developed from fatigue are caused.
27. Those born in Revathi star are prone for diseases
developed from boils and wounds.
Astrologically, the above diseases can be kept
under control or cured by propitiating the Nakshatra
Devatas as mentioned hereunder by following
procedures exclusively for different devatas of the stars.