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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Planetary state

Graha Samyam ( Planetary State)

While reading the effects of a Major Lord ( Udu Dashanath) it would be also helpful to know this additional character obtaining from its state. Even here there are different versions but the one I state below may be taken as authentic since it has proved to be true in all cases. There are 27 states in all

Method of Finding the State:-

Count the number of Rashis from Mesha to Lagna and again count the number of Rashis from Lagna to the Planet ( Dasha Lord). Add the two and multiply the sum by twice the number of years allotted to the planet under Udu Dasha. Divide this product by 27 and consider the remainder. This represents its state.

Do not take literal meaning of these effects. Interpret them to suit the situations.

Snanam ( Bathing )

Vastra Dharanam: Honoured by King and government; acquisition of money, clothes,and precious metals, scents, perfumes and Ornaments, Possesing good strength

Vibhuthi or Gandhalankaram : Fame or Scented decoration, State honours, happiness and Mirth ; ability in work

Shivalingam or Pooja Yatnam ( Attempt to Worship) ; Money through lands ; acquisition of vehicles, happy living, revered by kinsmen

Panchaksharijapam ( Chanting of five Letters ) : Acquistion of lands and Money ; trouble by Government ; loss of Money

Shiva Pooja ( Worship of Ishwara ) : Association even with wicked men, Love of people ; monetary gains



1.0     Stars to be noted as per Rasi chart and not as per Bhava Chart or Cuspal Chart.

 Longitudenal span of a Rasi is 30 Degrees. Distributing these 30 degrees to 9 Padas of a Rasi , we get 3 degree 20 Minute as the longitudinal span of a star pada. As such 4 pada of a star means full star. It constitutes 13 degree 20 Minute span of a star in a Rasi of 30 degree.

There are 9 Padas in a Rasi. This means in a Rasi there shall be two fuul star and 9th Pada shall be one pada of one star and so on. 12 Rasis means 12 X 9 Padas=108 Padas.