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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Timing the Event of Marriage

Venus, the natural significator of marriage often determines the time of marriage for this planet rules sexual desire, passion, semen, vigor, love, and beauty and also governs emotions Lord of 7th (Life partner) is the chief significator of marriage. Similarly lord of 2nd (family), 11th (Gain, friendship), 5th (Progeny), 9th (Bhagya, Charma) are equally important. The Moon also plays an important role as it rules the mind and the functional system.

The Moon, Venus and the lord of 7th, if strong, occupying benefic signs, unafflicted by malefics give marriage early or at proper age. Venus if placed in the 1st, 2nd, 9th houses identical with earthly and firry signs and in the 7th identical with firry and watery signs brings marriage at proper age. Conjunction of Venus with Mars is also favourable for marriage at proper age. But the conjunction of Venus and Saturn, Moon and Saturn, Lord of 7th and Saturn delay the event of marriage considerably and the causes may be love disappointments, fear emotional disturbances, for want of something, poverty and depression. Lord of 7th or Lord of lagna in the 12th, Moon-Saturn oppositions. Saturn’s influence on the 7th and Saturn as Lord of 7th will delay the matter. With this Dasha Bhukti period should cooperate.

In this connection we must consider the 7th, 2nd, 11th, 5th and 9th houses, their Lords, and the planets placed in those Bhavas and the planets conjoined or aspected by the said lords. Above all, the lord of 7th and the planets in the 7th are more powerful than the lord of 2nd and the planets in the 2nd. Similar is the case with the lord of 11th, 5th and 9th in their order.

Lord of 7th if placed in the 7th or aspects the 7th or placed in his own constellations affects marriage in its Dasha or Bhukti. Lord of 7th if placed in the 2nd or aspects the 2nd or placed in the constellation of the lord of 2nd, 7th, 11th, 5th and 9th houses, in the constellations of planets placed in the 7th, 2nd, 11th, 5th and 9th houses will give marriage in its directional period.

Lord of 7th if placed in the 11th or conjoined with or aspected by the lord of 11th or placed in the constellation of the lord of 11th, in the 5th house or in conjunction with or aspected by lord of 5th, or if placed in the constellation of 5th lord in the 7th, 2nd, 5th and 9th houses if placed in the 9th house, in conjunction with or aspected by lord of 9th in the 7th, 2nd, 11th, 5th and 9th houses will produce marriage in its Dasha or Bhukti. Similarly we have to study the lord of 2nd, 11th, 5th and 9th.

Any planet that is aspected by or conjoined with the lord of 7th or when it is placed in the constellations of the 7th, 2nd and 11th lords or in the constellations of planets who posit in the 7th, 2nd, 11th, 5th and 9th Bhavas in conjunction with the lord of 2nd in the 2nd or 7th will also give marriage.

The planets in the constellations of the lords of 2nd and 5th houses anyway related to the 7th will give marriage. 9th lord any way related to the 7th will also give marriage in its directional period. The planet that is aspected by 11th lord of placed in the constellations of 11th lord in relation to the 7th will be friendly in timing the event.

The planet being placed in his own constellations aspects the 7th or aspected by the lord of 7th or 2nd or 11th or 5th will also boost the matter.

“The planets in their Dasha or Bhukti antara period will definitely give marriage when they are anyway related to the 7th, 2nd, 11th, 5th and 9th or 7th, 2nd, 11th and 5th or 7th, 2nd and 11th or 7th and 2nd or 7th atleast.

“The planets in the 7th or 11th or conjoined with or aspected by the 7th and 11th lord and the lords of 7th and 11th in the Navamsa will trigger off the event in their directional period.”

It is evident from various birth charts that the lords of 7th, 2nd, 11th, 5th and 9th either directly or indirectly linked producing the event of marriage.

When Jupiter transits the 1st, 2nd, 7th and 11th houses from lagna or transits the natal places of the lords of 7th and 2nd will be one of the determining factors in timing the event or marriage provided the Dasha or Bhukti period must also cooperate.

“Reduce the longitudinal distance of Rahu by that of Vivahastham from Mesha onward and ascertain the sign and degree. When Rahu transits the resulting sensitive point or transits its Angles at that time marriage will solemanised. An usual orb of 10 (degrees) must be allowed.”

“Reduce the longitudinal distance of Jupiter by that of Lagna from Mesha onwards. Multiply the resulting figure by 2. The rasi and degree so arrived when transited or squared by Jupiter in its transit will also give marriage. An orb of 12 degrees must be allowed on either side of the resulting figure.”

“Reduce the longitudinal distance of Jupiter by that of Lagna from Mesha onwards. Ascertain the resulting figure and divide it by 2. The Rasi and degree so arrived when transited or squared by Jupiter will also give marriage. An orb of 15 degrees must be allowed on either side of the resulting degree.”

The above formula of manipulation of longitudes of planets will also help in this direction with a certain degree of certainty.

Aries Ascendant

Venus, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

All the above or any of them if posited in Libra especially in Vishaka, Taurus especially in Krittika, in Pubba, Uttara 1st half of Poorvashadha, Uttarashada 1st half, in Aquarius especially Poorvabhadra will effect marriage in their Dasha or Bhukti period. Also in the Dasha or Bhukti period of the planets who posited in the constellations of the planets who are in Taurus, Libra and Aquarius will effect marriage.

Taurus Ascendant

Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.

All these or any one of them if posited in Scorpio, in Gemini especially Mrigasira and Punarvasu, in Virgo of Chittra 1st half, Dhanista of Capricorn, in Pisces will give marriage. Also in the Dasha Bhukti period of planets which occupied the constellations of the planets which are in Gemini, Scorpio and Pisces.

Gemini Ascendant

Jupiter, Moon, Venus, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu.

All the above or any one of them if placed in Sagittarius especially in Poorvashadha, in Cancer especially in Punarvasu, Pushya, in Vishakha or Libra, Chittra and in Dhanista, Poorvabhadra of Aquarius and also Rohini, Mrigasira will bring forth the event of marriage. Also in the directional period of planets which posited in the constellations of planets which are in Cancer, Capricorn and Aries.

Cancer Ascendant

Saturn, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Rahu and Ketu.

All these or any of these planets if posited in Capricorn especially in Uttarashadha and Dhanista, in Pushya and Punarvasu of Cancer, in Leo especially in Pubba, Uttara, Anuradha or Scorpio in Uttarashadha, Krittika and Mrigasira of Taurus will boost the event of marriage in their Dasha period. Also in the directional period of planets who deposited in the constellations of planets which are in Leo, Capricorn and Taurus.

Leo Ascendant

Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu.

All the above or any one of them if posited in Aquarius especially in Dhanista and Poorvabhadra, Uttarabhadra of Pisces, in Virgo mainly in Chitra, in Uttrashada of Sagittarius, Mrigasira and Punarvasu of Gemini and in Pushya and Aslesha of Cancer will be competent in giving marriage in their directional period. And also the planets placed in the asterisms of planets who are posited in Virgo, Aquarius and Gemini.

Virgo Ascendant

Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Moon, Rahu, Ketu.

If any one of the above planets or are all these significators if placed in Libra especially Vishakha, in Pisces especially in Poorvabhadra and Uttarabhadra, in Hasta of Virgo, in Poorvashadha, Sravana, Rohini, Punarvasu, Pushya produce marriage without fail in their Dasha Bhukti period. And also if any of the planets placed in the constellations of planets placed in Libra, Pisces and Cancer will also bring forth the event.

Libra Ascendant

Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Sun, Rahu and Ketu.

In the above planets singly or conjointly occupying Aries especially Krittika, Mrigasira of Taurus, Scorpio especially Anooradha, Libra especially Chittara, Dhanista of Aquarius, Mrigasira of Gemini, Uttra of Leo, and Chittra of Virgo will welcome the event of marriage in their directional period. And also any planet situated in the constellations of planets placed in Scorpio, Aries and Leo will also sanction it.

Scorpio Ascendant

Venus, Jupiter, Moon, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.

If occupy Taurus especially Rohini, Sagittarius especially, Vishakha, Jyesta and also Revati, Punareasu, Aslesha, Pubba and Hasta are favourable for marriage. Any planet which posits in the constellations of planets placed in Sagittarius, Taurus and Virgo will also cooperate.

Sagittarius Ascendant

Mercury, Saturn, Mars, Sun, Venus, Rahu and Ketu.

The above grahas if posited in Gemini especially Mrigasira, in Capricorn especially Uttrashadha and Dhanista, in Sagittarius especially Poorvashadha, in Bharani, Krittika, Aslesha, Pubba, Uttra, Chitra, Jyesta, Uttarashadha, Revati will produce the event of marriage. Those planets who posited in the constellations of planets who are in Capricorn, Gemini and Libra will similarly act.

Capricorn Ascendant

The Moon, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Rahu and Ketu.

The above planets singly or conjointly occupy cancer especially Pushya and Aslesha, Aquarius, especially Dhanista, Capricorn especially Sravana and Dhanista, Rohini, Mrigasira of Taurus, Hasta, Chitra of Virgo Anooradha, Jyesta of Scorpio will be competent in producing marriage. Any planet situated in the constellations of planets posited in Aquarius, Cancer and Scorpio will give similar result.

Aquarius Ascendant

The Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Rahu and Ketu.

Any one or all if placed in Leo especially purva and Uttra, in Pisces especially Poorvabhadra and Revati, in Aquarius especially in Poorvabhadra in Punarvasu of Gemini, Uttra by Virgo, Vishaka of Libra, Poorvashadha and Uttrashadha of Capricorn will effect marriage in their directional period. Any planet if placed in the constellations of planets posited in Pisces, Leo and Sagittarius will produce marriage in its Dasha or Bhukti period.

Pisces Ascendant

Mercury, Mars, Moon, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

If the above planets or planet occupies Virgo especially Hasta, Chittra, in Aries, in Pisces especially in Aslesha, Jyesta, Sravana, and Dhanista of Capricorn, Mrigasira of Taurus and Gemini will effect marriage in their Dasha or Bhuktis. Any planet if placed in the constellations of planets placed in Aries, Virgo and Capricorn will also bring forth the event of marriage.

“We must also consider the other planets when they are in conjunction with or aspected by the significators and when they are aspecting the signifying houses.”

Determination of the Time of Marriage

Innumerable, rules have been given in the text-books for determining the year and date of marriage of a native, and it is mostly from the rules given by the Western astrologers that the following information has been obtained. In this connection, attention may be drawn to the comprehensive series of articles on the 7th house written by the late Sri Surya Prakash.

Before proceeding to determine the date of marriage, however, the astrologer should first determine whether marriage will take place at all or not.

The native will not marry or will marry very late in life if:

(a)Venus and at least one of the luminaries, usually the Moon, is aspected by Saturn; or one of them is so aspected and the other is in the sign or constellation of Saturn. This should be judged both from the Rasi as well as the Navamsa charts. In 90% of cases this rule has been found to hold.
(b)Saturn or Uranus afflicting both the luminaries and at the same time the lord of the 5th.
(c)Venus situated 43° or more from the Sun, debilitated and aspected by Saturn (good or bad) and/or by Pluto. When it is configurated by Neptune, the engagement may be broken off or if marriage takes place, it does not last long.
(d)There are no planets in the 7th, and the Sun in case of females, and the Moon in case of males makes a bad aspect with the malefics, especially of Saturn when it is in tropical Scorpio.
(e)Ruler of the 7th, Venus, and the Ascendant degree be in barren signs (Gemini, Leo Virgo, and Sagittarius).

It is not necessary that all these indications be present in a particular chart, but greater the number of afflictions the less the probability of marriage.

Next determine whether the native will marry early or late. These words have only a relative significance. In the old days, child marriages were quite frequent, but gradually the marriageable age has been rising and teenage marriages are far less frequent today (except in predominately immoral countries like the United Sates.) Here, therefore, we will assume that an early marriage takes place when the native is 29 years or younger, and a late marriage when he is over 30. The indications for such marriages are given in parallel columns below:

Early Marriage

(1)The Moon for males in the 1st or the 3rd quadrants, i.e., from Ascendant to the 3rd or the 7th to 9th.
(2)The Sun for females similarly placed.
(3)The Moon passing from New to Full.
(4)Venus or many planets in watery signs.
(5)The strong Moon in the 5th or the 7th.

Late Marriage

(1)The Moon for males in the 2nd or the 4th quadrants.
(2)The Sun for females placed as above.
(3)The Moon from full to new.
(4)Venus or many planets in Aries.
(5)Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, ascendant have an inherent nature of delaying marriage.

In case (1) and (2), it sometimes happens that the native does not marry early or late as the case may be, but marries late or early to a partner who is younger or older than the native and this possibility should be borne in mind and judged from other indications. The rule of Indian astrology that an early marriage takes place when the rulers of the Ascendant and the 7th are close together, and late when they are far apart, has not been found by me to be a reliable indication.

There are many combinations for multiple marriages, and extensive rules have been given in the articles of the late Sri Surya Prakash. But the following rules might be noted as extra:

(1)If the Moon in case of a male or the Sun in that of a female is angular;
(2)Or if they stay in common signs aspecting many planets;
(3)Or if they are rulers of the 7th and are situated among a group of planets;
(4)Or if they apply by aspect to several planets in quick succession.

Having first determined the approximate period of marriage, the time when this will occur must be worked out by directions.

Of paramount importance in this connection is the Vinshtottari Dasha-bhukti system. But the rules given in the orthodox tests do not seem to hold in the majority of cases, and hence I give here some rules which have been verified statistically from a fairly large number of cases.

Which is the planet of the Vinshtottari Dasha that most often causes marriage ? The table below gives the statistics of 493 marriage cases arranged according to the planet in which the marriages took place:

PlanetNo.Expected No.Diff.Chi-square

The second column gives the actual number of marriages that took place in the Dasha period of the relevant planet. The third column gives the number that would have taken place according to the laws of chances. The fourth column gives the difference between columns two and three and the last column gives the chi-square values. A value of chi-square of 3.8 or more is statistically significant and indicates that there is a real effect and the differences obtained are not due to chance alone. These significant departures from chances are marked with an asterisk in the table. An inspection of the last columns shows that Rahu is the most potent match-maker, while Mars and Ketu are the two planets that are least inclined to cause marriages. All the other planets are not particularly significant.

Figure 1 shows graphically the differences given in column four. Areas above the horizontal line indicate more marriages, and those below the line a lesser number than those due to chance. Figure 2 gives graphically the chi-square values tabulated in the last column. Peaks lying above the dotted horizontal line are statistically significant departures from chance effects. The superiority of Rahu is at once evident.

A study of the table gives us some surprising facts. Our text-books are eloquent in praise of Jupiter and Venus Dashas in causing auspicious events. While Jupiter does show a slightly better value than chance, Venus actually shows a negative value. On the other hand, Mars by all astrologers, Indian or Western, is supposed to cause passion both in the male and the female; and yet it is most reluctant to cause marriages, and perhaps it is wise.

From these results we can deduce the following rules:

Graph (Figure 1 and Figure 2)

Rule I:If the Dasha of Rahu comes within the marriageable age, it will cause marriage in preference to the Dashas of other planets.
In the text books, it is invariably stated that marriage takes place during the Dasha of the planet seated in the 7th or in that of the ruler of the 7th or in those of the planets combined with them or aspecting them. Examination of the horoscopes listed in the above table gives a different view. From such an examination, we infer the following rules for getting the Mahadasha planets in which marriage is likely.
Rule II:Counting from Ascendat Chandra Lagna (natal Moon), and A/M Lagna, marriage takes place in the Dasha of the ruler of the 9th; or planets which aspect or are aspected by this ruler; or of a planet seated in the 9th.
Rule III:Marriage may also take place in the Dasha of a planet seated in the 2nd or in that of the ruler of the 2nd house from these three Lagnas.

In a large majority of cases Rules I and II will suffice to determine the correct Dasha. For instance, in the horoscope of Queen Victoria, Taurus was both the Ascendant and Chandra Lagna. The ruler of the 9th was Saturn who was seated with Rahu in Pisces. Marriage took place in Rahu Dasha Saturn Bhukti. In the case of King George V, Pisces was the Ascendant, Virgo the Chandra Lagna, and Capricorn the A/M Lagna. Ruler of the 9th from the Ascendant was Mars who aspected Rahu and Saturn. Ruler of the 9th from Chandra was Venus who aspected Rahu, Ketu and Mercury. Ruler of the 9th from A/M Lagna was Mercury who aspected Rahu, Ketu and Saturn. Marriage took place in Rahu Dasha Ketu Bhukti. In the case of the Duke of Windsor, Saturn was seated in the 9th from Ascendant, was aspected the Sun who was ruler of the 9th from A/M Lagna. Moreover, this Saturn was ruler of the 2nd from Ascendant and was aspected by Jupiter, ruler of the 2nd from Chandra. He married in Saturn Dasha Rahu Bhukti. In the case of King George VI, he married in Mercury Dasha Moon Bhukti. Mercury was the ruler of the 9th from the Ascendant,
ruler of the 2nd from A/M Lagna, seated with Mars, ruler of the 9th from A/M and with Mars ruler of the 9th from Chandra Lagna.

The Bhukti lord will also be one of the lords given by Rules I, II and III. It is not claimed that these rules will cover a 100% of cases. But they will certainly give the correct Dasha with a high degree of probability since they are founded on statistical data which is more than can be said of the orthodox rules.

An excellent method of predicting the year of marriage would be the solar return, but unfortunately long-range prediction cannot be given by this method as Ephemerides are not usually available so many years in advance.

Other methods of directing are used by the Western astrologers. The most important and accurate of these methods is the progression of the planets and relevant midpoints by the expired solar arc. As an approximation to this, the planets may be progressed at the rate of 1° per year. A large probability of marriage occurs when directed Venus contacts the Sun, Pluto, Jupiter, Ascendant or MC by any one of the usual aspects like sextile, trine, square, opposition or semi-square and sesquiquadrate. The Sun directed to Venus is also quite common. Jupiter directed should contact MC, Pluto, or midpoint Venus/Mars. The usual direction in Uranian astrology is a contact between the midpoint Sun/Moon directed (forward or converse) with the Ascendant, MC, the Sun, the Moon or Jupiter. It will be noticed that there are several possibilities in this method of directing, and at first sight it may appear that it would be impossible to get the exact year. But in practice it is too difficult to pick out the years as it will be found that in the year of marriage, there will be two or three of these directions present.

Although not strictly relevant to the subject-matter of this article, the attention of readers may be drawn to the fact that widowhood can be predicted in quite a large majority of cases by noticing the position of the star, Vindemiatrix in the nativity. The Niryana position of the star is 16°6’ Virgo (Lahiri’s ananamsa), and if this star makes a bad aspect to the key positions in the chart, widowhood is very likely. An orb of not more than 4° should be allowed.

Marriage-Time and Conditions

“Venus is accepted as the planet of Love and Marriage. Some astrologers go into hysterics when they see Venus in the 7th house and in extravagant language predict a good and fortunate marriage. What they fall to take cognizance of is that while Venus does point to sex attraction it does not uniformly urge orthodox unions according to the cannons of law and society”. Research and professional work all over the world has taught me that quite a lot of marriages (especially in the Western world) are the result of either sex attraction or economic necessity. In some parts of Asia, marriage is nothing but a dowry arrangement or an attempt to maintain a pseudosocial status, a rapidly declining factor in a progressive world.

Apart from the purely sexual and mercenary aspect of a union between a man and a woman, there is clearly a phase in the lives of persons, of both sexes, married or unmarried, when a marriage does occur. In the first type we can say that the person will marry twice or if widowed will marry again at a given time; in the second, for a large class of young persons the approximate time of a normal, health union can be predicted. In the Islamic world there is ordered polygamy and in Ceylon a certain amount of polyandry. And, of course, there are those who criticize both types of plural marriage but have mistresses and keeps-surely, another type of marriage.

In order to predict a legalized union the first principle is to ascertain whether marriage had been permitted at birth-not a random harvest-what type of marriage is possible, what are the benefits therefrom and in which period of time?

Before we can predict marriage it is essential to know whether an alliance is denied; whether it could be reached with difficulty. In Hindu-Sinhala Astrology the 7th house is the indicator of all matters pertaining to females-Katra-bhaveh keela sarva-metath. It is the house of our best friend and the comfort called Kama. Obviously this refers to the 7th house in a male chart because primarily it is the indicator of Kalatra, Sthri, Madana, Jami, Jayua, Diyuna, Kama. In a female chart the 7th is a secondary significator illustrating her partnership attitude, timbre, viability, amiability-the qualities that go to make a good friend, helpmeet, confidant, ally. Bhavakuthuhata says; “If at the time of a woman’s birth there is Sun in the 7th from Chandra Lagna aspected by evil planets, then she will be quarrelsome. She cannot have a husband”. Here it is the Fixed Star that is brought into prominence and not the 7th house. Again, If Venus and Mars be in the 7th bhava, the person will be bereft of a wife. If malefic planets occupy the 1st, the 7th and the 12th bhavas, and the Moon posited in the 5th is weak, the subject will either have a barren wife or be wifeless.”

In a female’s chart the 8th house and its ruler cannot be given secondary importance in predicting marriage. I attach more importance to the 8th than the 7th because the former refers to dowry, removal from paternal home on a new journey through life, association with foreign people or new relations, husband, his sweet hearts and mistresses if any, one’s portion or lot while voyaging in the ship of the soul-mate (husband), the contacts with enemies, i.e., the antagonistic persons that arise through the 7th house-partnership-servants, wills, testaments and the state of the person you take as husband. In ancient India, according to strict Aryan Law, the wife took the yatra with the husband through fire and ash and that is the 8th house.

A partnership between a male and a female is established for the purpose of sexual union, to beget children. There is the animal side no doubt but this force is channeled in a civilized manner for the propagation of the species. In such a state of existence the 7th and the 8th houses i.e., anupachayas play a vital role in creating a close union. I believe that when the Moon and Mars pass through the 7th house of a female and then pass through the 8th a pre-marital state is brought about when the lord of the 8th has rulership, major, sub or inter. Varahamihira asserts that “from the 8th house in a female’s chart the death of her husband, from the birth sign and the Moon her own physical beauty and from the 7th house her husband and his love to her must be predicted”. Here we have to understand a deeper implication, i.e., a female has reached a stage of life to have a husband and his death is not only the final transition but every time he seeks sexual union in the proper manner he loses 60 drops of blood with every drop of semen. Consequently men who are not abstemious die earlier than the females.

Marriage is therefore a step towards a union (physical) and the upachayas (6th and 11th) and anupachayas (the 7thg, the 8th and the 12th) are involved. It appears to be a co-operative effort. Don’t we see parents, well-wishers and marriage-brokers (even astrologers) involved? A law upholding such a construction is: “If the lord of the Lagna occupying the 12th bhava be in conjunction with the lord of the 6th bhava from that occupied by the Sun, the person born will get readily married.”

It is idle to think that all marriages are made in heaven. Some are made in hell. In that respect we can taken Kalatra to mean Kal-yatra also. What I mean by this is: a man has a rulership and sub-rulership indicating money through a rich female partner, so marriage has to occur; its time to have children, so marriage precedes the advent of a son or daughter; its time for him to prostitute a wife and make money; it may be that his approaching destruction is through a wife or it may be that the girl is due to be released from the disciplinary control of her parents, in a good way. All these are pointers to an approaching nuptial. I remember a case from Bangalore. Astrologers had told her parents that there can be some delay or obstruction about marriage. When I studied her chart I found that the time was approaching for her to leave her father’s house in an honourable way. This way was shown to be a good marriage. I contradicted the astrologers and predicted marriage. It happened.

In order to arrive at periods when such developments are possible we take Venus in benefic or malefic Lagna, i.e., happiness through a lawful sex union or pseudo-happiness through sexual indulgence; quarrels and dissensions due to Venus in evil admixture in the 7th house; happiness or otherwise through children in the 5th and wealth or loss of money/reputation by Venus in the 12th. There are two faces to Venus depending on the Lagna rising at birth and the house (sign) in which it is placed. The complexion of a person’s life does undergo a visible change when Venus brings on the state called matrimonial alliance. Varahamihira asserts that Venus in the 12th (Virgo) shows unscrupulousness. The two charts reproduced below illustrate two points viz., (1) that for a Libra person Venus in the 12th produces extra-marital interests; (2) that Mars being with the Moon increases the desires nature which can shortly after (in the appropriate sub-rule) lead to marriage.

Female: Born on Friday 19th November 1943 at 4-53 a.m. (L.M.T.), Ratnapura, Ceylon, in the second pada of the 9th Fixed tar, Aslesha (a Cancri) with Mercury major rule: 9 years, 3 months, 5 days ahead at birth. Venus Rahu till 30 August 1970. New interests-end of marriage with divorce-June 1969.

Male: Born on Thursday 25th December 1941, 29 seconds after 7-10 p.m. (L.M.T.), Colombo, Ceylon, the third pada of the 26th Fixed Star Uttarabhadrapada (Peqasi) with Saturn major rule 6 years, 9 months, 23 days ahead at birth. Ketu-Rahu till 21st February 1970, after divorce, marriage arranged for July 1969.

In the female chart Venus-Rahu till August 30, 1970 indicated change of residence due to professional interests and distaste for husband while in the male chart Ketu-Mars pointed to the end of the marriage and the development of a new alliance in Rahu antara up to February 21, 1970. marriage is expected to take place in July 1969. In both cases Rahu sub-rule controls the pattern. In the first case a weak Venus-Rahu created new attractions antagonistic to the husband’s interest; divorce followed and the husband decided to marry the subject below:

Female: Born on Sunday 9th April 1944 at 6-52 a.m. (L.M.), Negombo, Ceylon, in the 2nd quarter of the 14th Fixed Star, Chitta (a Virginis) with Mars major Rule 3: years, 7 months, 14 days ahead at birth. Now Jupiter-Saturn till December 4, 1970.

“Note (a) the planet occupying the 7th house; (b) the planet that aspects it; (c) the planets owning the 7th place from each of the two above; (d) the planet owning the Rasi or Amsa occupied by the planets in (c); (e) the planet ruling the asterism occupied by Venus or (f) the planet owning the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Lagna. During the Dasha or Sub-Dasha of anyone of the above factors, the marriage of the subject may come to pass. Some are of the opinion that the same may happen in Rahu’s Dasha or Sub-Dasha as well.

Sometime towards the close of 1967 a Madras astrologer told the parents of Sri X that the latter had a bad horoscope for marriage. Anyway they showed him a girl who, in their opinion, would be a suitable wife. The young man disliked her. He left Madras, came to London and saw me on January 27, 1968. I examined his chart and said that as the Moon/Mercury/Ketu stood in the 4th and the lord of the 8th from the Moon stood in the 12th he will contract a marriage disapproved by his parents; a very fair girl was indicated and that he would leave for a foreign country with her, immediately after marriage, before the expiry of Saturn-Saturn. He admitted that he had an interest in a girl in Paris (see chart). He flew back to Paris, married the girl and took up a lucrative appointment in the United States. Both were under Saturn indicating alliance, change and travel.

Sri XY: Born on Saturday 27th July 1935 at 9-30 p.m., L.M.T., Madras City, in the first quarter of the 6th Fixed Star, Aridra (Orionis) with Rahu major period: 13 years, 7 months, 24 days ahead at birth. Saturn-Saturn till September 12, 1968. Married in March 1968 by special license, Left for U.S.A.

Miss Paris: Born on Saturday 31st March 1945 at 9-21 a.m., L.M.T., Longueville, Seine, France, in the third quarter of the 15th Fixed Star Swati (L Bootes) with Rahu major period: 5 years, 4 months, 24 days ahead at birth. Saturn-Saturn till December 23, 1969.

If we follow Bhrigu Rishi we can predict marriage in Mercury-Mercury if the Ascendant is Aries and Mercury posited in the 7th at birth; also the waxing Moon in the 7th in its rulership. In Venus-Venus too, provided it is not placed 6th, 7th or 10th to the Moon. If Venus 7th to the Moon creates an alliance it is a forerunner of some partnership upheaval. If the Ascendant is Leo and Mars is in the 7th, then in its Dasha and Sub-Dasha marriage can be predicted-a dull, matter-of-fact alliance. There are many more combinations for all the twelve signs but space forbids a lengthy dissertation.

Although it is said that the lords of the 7th and the 8th produce had we should see whether they fall to Vipat, Vadha or Bandhana classification. In Yogini Dasha a good Moon’s Mangal or a favourable Venus’ Siddha can bring marriage. Also if the Lagna is Cancer and Venus is in the 9th, then it is termed Maausada, and an excellent marriage is given.

Society has decreed that marriage should take place within a certain age-group but astrology indicates that man-made laws and customs in respect of a male-female alliance are subservient to an ordained pattern, there being a time to sow and a time to reap. If we can tap the force of time relating to any subject we can predict the development and result of anything, including marriage.