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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Medical Astrology- by Asish Kumar Das

Medical astrology for human being, begins with the analysis of different segments or organs of a human body with respect to its dependence under various planets. In the sketch aside we have tried to differentiate our body into 12 parts and their dependence on different planets individually or collectively. We will now start to learn the 12 classifications of human body and the planets concerned to act over those and also discover tremendous similarity of the nature and feature of the planets with respect to the corresponding organs of our body. The analysis could be read as follows:-
  1. Head & Brain – Mars
  2. Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat – Venus
  3. Heart & Lungs – Mercury
  4. Hands – Moon
  5. Upper abdomen – Sun
  6. Lower abdomen – Mercury
  7. Genital organs – Venus
  8. Rectum & Anus – Pluto & Mars
  9. Thigh – Jupiter
  10. Knee – Saturn
  11. Leg – Uranus & Saturn
  12. Feet – Neptune & Jupiter
Mars – Head, Brain & Blood: Brain and blood represent the center of influence of Mars in human body. Although blood has no access into the brain but it has tremendous influence directly or indirectly on it. Mars is the grey-matter of our brain in which Mercury, the intellect works. But whether the Mercury will be able to activate itself there in the brain or not, that depends exclusively on the Sun, as the Sun supplies energy to be activated. Thus, the Sun plays the most vital role behind the action of every planet. Mars is also the marrow within our bones; thus Mars produces blood-cells with the help of Saturn or metals. In a perfect harmony, the Mars and the Saturn augments production of quality blood in human body. It’s seen that a man with an optimum level of quality blood in body is very calm and cool in nature and passes a soothing life & on the contrary, give rise to an irritating and eccentric life.
Venus – Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat & Genital or sexual organs: Venus performs two types of functions in human body, which are Type I and Type II respectively. Venus in affliction may cause obesity, ocular, auricular, glandular, sexual diseases.
In type I activity, Venus takes care of our eyes to facilitate vision, auricle for hearing, smelling power, throat and glands. Minerals, which float easily in blood stream may cause damage in the eyes and in extreme level and even may bring about blindness. Therefore, while administering mineral supplementation necessary precaution has to be taken to combat with its negative or adverse effects on eyes. In this context, this could be said with assurance that mineral-supplementation through the organic sources are much more rational, safe and bio-available for human body than the inorganic sources.
In type II activity, Venus takes care of maturation of sex organs, normal secretion of growth hormones and proliferation of sex cells. In type II activity of the Venus, heat contradicts its normal activity by the combustion of sex cells which has the secondary adverse or toxic effect on human-brain. If this cycle of abnormal activity goes on continuously may give rise to obesity.
Mercury – Heart, Lungs, Skin & Lower abdomen: Mercury is the indicator of life as it allows air to get into the lungs after birth of a baby. Mercury stimulates the nervous system as soon as the baby comes out of womb and sends impulse to all the organs of the body to initiate actions which, as a result, causes a tremendous thrill into the body that makes the baby cry. Mercury is the only causative as well as the remedial factor of all the diseases.
Mercury has tripartite mode of action into our body which keeps similarity with the organs it influences. Heart muscle has three layers e.g. endocardium, myocardium and pericardium i.e. muscles incorporate from inner to outer periphery of our heart. Similarly in skin anatomy we also find the three layers i.e. outer protein layer, middle fat layer and the inner protein layer. Mercury in its first phase of action, inflows oxygen and eliminates obnoxious gases (e.g. Carbon-dioxide) from our body, in the second phase consolidates the benefits and utilities of oxygen into our body and in the final phase, Mercury helps keeping the normal function of lower abdomen for the absorption of food nutrients and elimination of waste products, thus stimulates the immune system to maintain normalcy within the body. To maintain a perfect immune system into our body, Mercury acts as a balancing factor which firstly controls inflow of oxygen into the body and secondly as a result, bile secretion remain in optimum level and finally keeps secretion of phlegm normal to facilitate respiratory system. Mercury has direct impact on the grey-matter and CNS (central nervous system) of our head. Mercury controls our heart and lungs i.e. the entire respiratory system, lower-abdomen, skin and the nervous system of our body. Mercury is responsible for the basic cause of skin disease. Besides skin, Mercury has direct control over the maturation and action of white blood cells or leucocytes in our body. Mercury, while in affliction may cause imbalance in the production of leucocytes (white blood cell) which as a result may cause leucoderma (white disease) in the skin and even may cause leukemia (abnormal high count of leucocytes) which is commonly known as blood cancer.
Moon – Hands & Mind: The Moon controls our mind and hands. Moon stands for the symbol, water. The entire water content of our body is under direct control of the Moon. Besides, Moon the supreme controller of our mind and all its effects are related to psychiatric diseases as well as freshness too. Moon is responsible for pain management in our body. Body pains are primarily of two types, the first one causes due to lack of water and the other is due to surplus or excess of water. The first type of pain troubles our due to lack of water causes when the Moon comes closest to the Sun i.e. during the time of new Moon. The second type of pain causes due to excess content of water i.e. more than optimum level, which happens during the time of full Moon. Regarding psychiatric diseases, autism has gradually become widely known in our global society.
Autism: Indian astrology can analyze the causative factors of autism. Hyper-activity is the primary symptom of autism which is followed as a genetic character to the following generation, thus, autism becomes the second generation genetic disease. Symptoms of hyper-activity in first generation could be controlled either by meditation or by medication. Therefore, autism is clearly the second generation congenital-disease, but not purely genetic; which is steered by the planetary effects, particularly the Moon is responsible for the said disease. As the genetic characters hardly remain static, so autism could be considered as a manifestation of “Acquired Genetic Qualities” & even if we consider autism as a genetic disease, but that is definitely not being carried over more than a generation. To be very specific, the recessive genetic factors (mental stress & strain) of the parents manifest as a dominant character on their offspring’s which gives rise to autism. Usually, it affects the first issue. The disease has a tremendous fluctuating mode of action on the mind of the patients. Physical debility, mental retardation due to excessive stress or fatigue, pesticides used in agriculture and GM (genetically modified) food, ecological pollution & inadequate care before and during pregnancy might be the prominent factors which cause autism.
Vedic astrology guides that the horoscope of any patient, suffering from autism, this could be mentioned categorically, the span of time which will be severely painful for the patient as well as less troubling, which I’ve already dealt with. From the astrological angle of view, I’ve noticed that autism is not an absolutely curable disease but its period of ups and downs is predictable from the horoscope of every individual patient. This is actually hyperactivity of mind which peeps into the mind of the patients at least once in every 27 days. The disease is controlled by the Moon by stimulating mind to such a degree (Hyper-stimulation of CNS), which is more than normal & has passive adverse-effect on the body. Extreme manifestation sustains a span of time which is on and average 24 hours amongst the patients of the said disease, then returns back to normalcy gradually. Severity of the disease usually sustains, on and average from 6 to 20 years in the life of an autist. But continuity of the disease with severity or acute manifestation for more than 20 years is quite possible at a stretch or with a couple of intermittent years. Autism has better alternative than sedatives, which could be applied considering the mode of manifestation of the disease, which differs from patient to patient. While administering chemo-therapy (medicine), as we know that any particular drug on its persistent use brings about somatic or physical disorder. So, to avoid those hazards, controlled chemo-therapy could be administered on the day before the acute phase and on the day of acute phase and also on the day after the acute phase. Horoscope of every individual patient can guide us to find out those critical days for the preparation of chemo-therapy. Any particular day, may become critical to one or more patients but never for every patients. This cycle of acute or critical phase rotates at least once in every 27 days, even during the better condition of any patient of autism. Thus, we can reduce usage of chemo-therapy or medicine and simultaneously can ensure minimum health risk to the patients. Meditation helps a lot to overcome the mild type of autism. Besides psychological problems, autism causes physical debilities like:-
  • speech problem which may begin with mild to moderate stammering and even complete dumbness
  • Mal-function of respiratory system & heart, which has manifestation as timidity
  • Abnormal digestive disorder and allied problems in GI tract
  • Immaturation of the brain cells, which results in lack of intellect
  • Hands without strength
  • Weak immune system, as a result the patient may become susceptible to any disease
  • Poor growth of the sex organs as well as proliferation of sex cells
  • Lack of control on urination and evacuation
  • Lack of growth of the thigh muscles
  • Weak knees
  • Slender legs &
  • Weak toes.
Any one of the above mentioned debilities is found common amongst the autists and even more than one of the said complications are also possible. In a nut shell, this could be said unhesitatingly, that autism is purely a lunar but a semi-genetic disease. Efforts could be made to combat autism, with the knowledge of astrology, provided being offered with a conducive environment of work.
Sun – Upper abdomen: The upper abdomen is the part which enjoys maximum influence of the Sun in a human body. Upper abdomen is the zone of our body where food liberates its energy by the effect of pancreas, as we know pancreas is the organ which produces insulin for the assimilation sugar in blood. Adverse effect of the Sun in our body may cause various diseases out of which narcolepsy and insomnia are well known to us.
Narcolepsy: Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder causes when our brain fails to regulate sleep-wake cycles in our body which is widely known as sleeping disorder. At various times throughout the day, people with narcolepsy experience instant urge to sleep which lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. In rare cases, some people may remain asleep for an hour or longer. All human being takes birth with a certain effect of sunlight from a particular angle, which entirely depends primarily on the position of the Sun during birth. Birth place is also not devoid of the solar effect which creates a perfect macho on the person born, although that effect is not so fatal but simply avoidable. Human eyes are functionally different in accepting sunlight from different angles. Sunlight coming from a particular angle may have soothing effect to the eyes of a particular person but may not be equally soothing to everyone. This happens due to formation of different refractive index (RI) forms in different eyes amongst different people; this is due to difference of structural configuration of our body proteins. Narcolepsy is purely a solar disease, causes due to unequal distribution of heat or calorie throughout the body. Primary cause of happening is due to random consumption of hot stimulants in irrespective time-frame. Beverages with toxic effects are quite comfortable to cause narcolepsy. Insomnia is the output of narcolepsy.
Pluto & Mars – Large Intestine, Rectum & Anus: Large intestine or colon represents the part of human body influenced by Pluto in association with Mars. Large intestine is the final storage of water as well as unused liquidated food stuffs where absorption of water takes place mainly to maintain balance of water content in human body. As we know Pluto, due to its eccentric movement, is highly sensitive planet to heat and cold, likewise muscular movement of large intestine increases with the increase of temperature which could be experienced very easily with the intake of hot tea or coffee in the morning helps us to have a prompt evacuation.
Jupiter – Thighs: Jupiter is called the life initiating planet to earth. Thighs are the parts mainly influenced by the Jupiter in human body as it has natural influence on our thighs, but in versatile aspects it has command over any parts of our body. The most important function of Jupiter is that it initiates life on earth by stimulating the Sun.
Saturn – Knee: Knees are the parts in human body which enjoy the maximum influence of Saturn. Saturn is responsible for the management of all sorts of metalic components in human body. Saturn helps for the formation of bones, cartilages and blood cell in human body. It’s only iron and oxygen, provides the red colour of blood. Although blood cells at their origin of production remain pink white. Among the metals, iron has the highest affinity to come in contact with oxygen.
Uranus & Saturn – Legs: Legs, particularly the calf muscles are the parts resemble the function of Uranus in a human body. Uranus in co-operation with the Saturn takes care of our legs. The most important function of Uranus is to maintain geseous balance mostly derived from anaerobic respiration within the calf muscles in legs of our body.
Neptune & Jupiter – Feet: Feet represent the part enjoy influence of Neptune in human body. Neptune along with the help of Jupiter take care of our body by eliminating obnoxious fluid & gases through the feet.
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