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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mantras of Devi Ma.

Mantras of Ma

The 'Mother' is the manifestation of the Absolute Energy that pervades the Universe.
As 'Durga' sitting on a Lion, Mother is a Manifestation of 'Shakti' or the Primordial Energy. The Power to breathe, walk, digest etc, comes from Ma Durga.
As Laxmi She is abundance. Not only material, but of Air, Land, Space etc.
The fact that one has understood what one has read so far is due to the Grace of Ma Saraswati' She is the 'OM', from where all sound emanates.
'Ma'  is the 'Garbha' (Womb) from where the Universe manifests. The word 'Garba' stems from 'Garbha' and symbolises the 'Dance of Creation' Mother holds us in her arms when we feel dejected, gives us various gifts from time to time, but admonishes us when we cross our line.
There are various Mantras which are recited to revere the 'Mother' or 'Ma' as every devout Hindu calls Her.
Below I present some:
1) Asato Ma sadgamaya
    Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya
    Mrityur Ma Amritam gamaya
Which means:
  From untruth, lead me to the Truth,
  From Darkness, Lead me towards the Light,
  From Death, Lead me to Life Eternal.
Ma does not mean 'mother'..its an 'avyaya' used for negation (write Mayank)
2) Sharanaagata dinaarta
    Paritraana paraayane
    Sarvasyaarti harey Devi
    Naraayani namostute
Which means:
  Salutations be to you, O Mother
  You who are intent on saving the downtrodden
  and distressed that come under your refuge.
  Oh Devi! you remove the suffering of everyone
The following Mantra of Ma, is one of my favourites as it can be said anytime of the day, and anytime during your life, to pray for benediction for yourself and all your loved ones.
3) Om Sarva mangala Maangalye
    Shivey Sarvaartha Saadhikey
    Sharanye Trayambikey Gauri
    Naraayani Namostutey
Which means:
Oh Gauri Ma!, consort of Lord Shiva,
You, who bestow auspiciousness on all,
And fulfill everyone's' wishes,
I prostrate myself before Thee,
Take me under your care.
The following Mantras describe the various qualities of Ma:
I have picked up 3 and I generally like to say them during Navratra as they are rather simple to remember and recite:
4) Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu
    Shakti Rupena Sanshtita
    Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai
    Namo Namaha
Which means:
Prostrations unto Thee, O Devi (Ma)
who dwells in all beings in the form of Shakti (Energy)
5)Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu
    Budhi Rupena Sansthita
    Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastsyai
    Namo Namaha
Which means:
Prostrations unto Thee O Devi (Ma)
who resides in all beings as Intelligence (Wisdom)
6)Ya Devi Sarva bhuteshu
    Laxmi Rupena Sansthita
    Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai
    Namo Namaha
Which means:
Prostrations unto Thee O Devi (Ma)
who resides in all beings in the form of Laxmi (abundance
7) Gauri Mantra for:
Acheiving child, son, spouse, prosperity

Gauraageem Dhrut Pankaja
Trinaya naam Shvetaambaraam
Sinha gaam Chandrod Bhaashit Shekharaam Smit mukheem
Dobhhyarhu vahteem gadaam
Vidhi Chandraambuj yochi kaam tridasheiha
Sampoojitaam dhrid va yom Gaureem
Maana sapam kaje Bhagavateem Bhakteshta daam taam bhaje

The Mantra describes the smiling countenance of Gauri Mata
and requests the fulfillment of desire.
A mala (rosary) of 108 beeds is recommended to be chanted.

The beej (seed) Mantra of Gauri Mata
Aum Hreem Shreem Glaum ga Gaureem Geem Svaahaa
8) Shri Kali-Mata Mantra
Aum Eim Hreem Kleem Sheem Kaaleeshwari (aa like in far, ee like in feel)
Sarva Jana Mano haarini Sarva mukha Stambhini
Sarba raaj vash karee sarva dushta Nirdalani (t like in tea)
Sarva Stree Purushaa Karshinee
vadhee Shrinkhalaa Strotaya Trotaya (d like in 'the')
Sarva Shatroon Bhanjaya (oo like in soot)
Bhanjaya Dvesheen Nirdalaya Sarvaan
Stambhaya Stambhaya Mohnaa Strena
Dveshina Muchaataya Uchaataya
Sarvam vasham karu karu svaaha
Dehi dehi sarvaa Kaal raatri Kaamini
Ganeshvaryei Namaha

The following mantra protects against violence and helps improve life in general.
It is the first stanza of the 
Argala Stotra :

Jayanti Mangalaa Kaali Bhadrakaali Kapaalini
Durgaa Shamaa Shivaa Dhatri Swahaa Swadhaa namostute.

Rohini Gupta
GLOSSARY (Pronunciation)
A Like in 'but'

Aa Like in 'Far'

Ai Like in 'hair'

Ey Like in Whey

I Like in 'Pin'

Oo Like in 'Shoot'

Oon 'n' has got a nasal sound.

U Like in 'Put'
Sanskrit believes that the sound of the word never gets ruined and that it has an everlasting value.
Words in Sanskrit open out from their seed (beej) form.
A root is always a single syllable that contains one of the basic sounds a, I, u, ri
The root or seed may create a word, yet the word will vibrate to its best, and gives it tremendous power.
The Vedic or the Sanskrit view gives more importance to the special sound it should produce, than to the meaning of the spoken word.