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Consultation charges.

Consultation charges.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


The loss of husband is shown by the affliction(s) caused by the most or functional malefic planet(s) to one or more of the following weak and badly placed planets/houses:-
  • The planets ruling the houses signifying marriage.
  • Jupiter as significator for the husband.
  • Venus as significator for marriage.
  • The sign, Libra, which is the seventh house of the natural zodiac.
Female born 1st June 1962, 2000Hrs. 28N40 77E28 India.
The prime determinant, the Moon, is placed in the twelfth house in the state of debilitation and hence weak.  The significator for marriage, Venus, is placed in the eighth house and is weak in this nativity.  Rahu-Ketu axis closely afflicts the MEPs of the second, fourth, eighth and twelfth houses pertaining to marital affairs.  Ketu is closely conjunct with Saturn, the dispositor of the significator for husband-Jupiter-in the second house and weakens both Saturn and Jupiter.  The weakness of the prime determinant and the affliction to the MEP of the houses pertaining to marital affairs indicated curtailment in the longevity of married life.  The native lost her husband at the age of 34 years in the sub-period of Rahu, conjunct with the MEP of the eighth house and in the main period of Mercury.

Female born 28th April, 1960, 0600 Hrs. 28N39 77E13 India

Venus is weak due to its being in the state of old age.  The weak Venus represents the seventh house and being the prime determinant for marriage, is badly placed in the twelfth house.  The husband died in the sub-period of Venus in the main of Rahu at the age of 29 years.