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Monday, May 10, 2010

Medical theme charts.

How do we use these Medical Theme Charts?

The numbers 1-12  (meaning the first through the 12th houses) in each individual box below reference the specific HOUSE with respect to each different lagna (ascendant). For example, underMARS in the Medical Theme Chart for Planets below, we see that the NECK is ruled by the planets Mars and Venus, along with the 2nd House - irrespective of what sign rises in any given chart. So if we have a chart with Pisces rising, we know that the neck is ruled by the planets Mars and Venus, the 2nd house (which is ARIES for a Pisces rising and its lord, Mars), along with theNATURAL Zodiac Sign and Lord of the 2nd House - which is TAURUS and Venus. Therefore - affliction, bad placement (in dusthanas 6th, 8th, or 12th houses), or weakness of any of the above significations may give rise to problematic situations involving the neck, and both natal and transit charts must be checked thoroughly fo/Methodologiesr proper assessments and timing.
Now if we have a chart with Cancer rising, using the same parameters as indicated above, we know from the TABLES below that the NECK is naturally ruled by the planets Mars and Venus, the sign Taurus, and the 2nd House, (all natural indicators for the neck) along with the sign Leo and its ruler, Sun for a Cancer Ascendant. WHY Leo and the Sun for a Cancer Ascendant?Because Leo and the Sun have functional lordship over the 2nd House for a Cancer rising, which rules the neck in any given chart. So we simply synthesize and integrate both the Natural and Functional indicators in any given chart prior to reaching any conclusions or final assessments...
 Note: Each planet, house, and sign is representative of certain medical conditions and therefore is considered to be the 'significator' of the specific condition it represents. The significator is also called the Karaka, and the corresponding representations are known as the Karakatwas. Many significations for different approaches or systems are common karakas and applicable for different systems of study  - meaning they are familiar significations taught in a variety of different systems of Astrology.  Any given signification listed below cannot be considered to be either the onlysignificator or representation - nor - on the other hand - can these significations be considered to be the sole property of any particular System or Methodology -  irrespective of what System/Methodology of Astrology one practices, as many systems share 'common significators'.  Additionally, there are other Systems and Methodologies that are analyzed relative to Houses and Primary and Linked Cusps, and along with consideration for the natural significations, charts are delineated by Star, Sub, and Sub Sub Lord considerations. These delineations are very 'chart specific' and require much more in depth study due to the variances in Primary and Linked or Supporting Cusps, so along with consideration for the natural significations, charts are delineated according to Star, Sub, and Sub Sub Lord functionality resulting in significations that will inevitably vary from those listed below.