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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Piles, Fistula and Fissure

Piles, fistula and fissure are some of the most common diseases of Ano-rectal anatomy. A pile is one of the most common diseases of human beings indicated by painless bleeding due to swelling up of blood vessels in the anal canal.
Fistulas are an abnormal small opening next to the anus from where anal discharge keeps occurring.
Fissure with skin tags leading to painful bleeding due to a small cut or scar at the anal margin.
By analysing ones horoscope the astrologer can predict exactly the possibilities and timing of having the anal diseases.
Factors responsible for anal diseases
· Sign Scorpio: pelvic region, rectum, sacrum and colon and bladder
· Moon: intestinal functions
· Mercury: bowels, worms,
· Mars: infection and contagious diseases, inflammation
· Jupiter: piles, tumours,
· Saturn/Rahu: chronic diseases
· 6th house: diseases
· 8th house: fistula, piles, rectal infection
Different combinations for anal diseases
· Saturn in ascendant, and Moon in 6th/8th being aspected by Mars, the native may suffer from the problem of piles
· 8th lord as a cruel planet posited in 7th without having a influence of a benefice planet
· Ascendant lord, Saturn and Mars placed in 12th house.
· Saturn is being aspected by ascendant's lord and Mars
· Saturn in ascendant and Mars in 7th gives the problem of piles
· Ascendant's lord is being aspected by mars
· Mars is in Scorpio sign, and the ascendant is not influenced by Jupiter and Venus, possibilities of having piles increases
· Rahu posited in 8th, indication of piles
· Lord of ascendant, Mars and Mercury placed in 6th/8th/12th
· Rahu placed in 8th and being aspected by Mars, native may suffer from fistula
· Weak Saturn placed in ascendant, native is venerable to fistula
· Jupiter, the lords of 6th and 8th placed in 7th/8th
· Lord of ascendant and Mars are in sign Virgo/with Mercury/aspected by Mercury, chances of having fistula increases
· Saturn is posited in 12th and being aspected by a malefic, chances of having fissure increases
· Saturn in ascendant, Mars is in Scorpio sign posited in 7th, and the ascendant is not influenced by Jupiter, the native may have the disease fissures
· Saturn in 7th and the native was born in the day- time, fissure may occur
· Mars is in sign Scorpio being placed in 9th
· Only Mars is posited in 6th, the native may have fissure
· Saturn in sign Scorpio being placed in 7th, Mars is posited in 9th and the native was born in day-time, chances of having fissures increases