भावेश के बलानुसार भाव की पुष्टि (Bhaav Manjri)
**Verse 1 (Shloka 16) **
*यद्भावेशस्त्रिभवगुरुधी केन्द्रगः स्वोच्च मित्र-
मध्ये तत्पः शुभदिविचरैर्युक्तदृष्टः किमुच्च-
क्षंस्थः खेटः स चपलमतुलां भाववृद्धि करोति ॥ १६॥*
If the lord (ruler) of a house is positioned in the 3rd, a Kendra (angular house), or a Trikona (trine house) in its exaltation sign, own sign, friendly sign, or in its exalted Navamsha, and is surrounded by benefic planets (with at least one benefic planet in both previous and succeeding houses), or if the lord of the house is conjoined with benefic planets, aspected by benefics, or is exalted, then that planet brings extraordinary growth and prosperity related to the matters governed by that house.
This verse emphasizes conditions under which the house and its related significations will prosper:
1. The house lord is in a strong position like the 3rd, Kendra, or Trikona.
2. The planet is in its exalted sign, own sign, or friendly sign.
3. The planet is surrounded by benefic influences.
4. The planet is conjoined with or aspected by benefics.
If these conditions are met, the planet ensures substantial positive outcomes for that house's significations.
Uttar kalamrit
**Verse 2 (Shloka 20) **
Here is the text of the verse from the image:
**राश्यंशवर्गोत्तम उत्तमग्रहः ।**
**स्यात्सौख्यकृच्छेवेद पापक्षेत्रेऽ-**
**प्येवं विधः सौख्यकरः समीरितः ॥ २० ॥**
If a planet is situated in its own sign, exaltation sign, Mooltrikona sign, or a friendly sign; or if it is associated with a friendly planet; or if it occupies its own Navamsha, exalted Navamsha, or a friendly Navamsha, then regardless of whether it is a benefic or malefic, it is said to bring happiness and prosperity.
**Explanation: **
This verse highlights that a planet placed in strong positions (own sign, exaltation, friendly sign, or favorable Navamsha divisions) can deliver positive results, even if it’s naturally considered a malefic planet. The strength gained from these dignities overpowers the planet's innate harsh tendencies.
**Summary of Core Concepts: **
1. **House Lord's Strength:** The conditions for a strong house lord are emphasized — if positioned in powerful houses (3rd, Kendra, or Trikona) and dignified positions like exaltation, own sign, or friendly sign, the house will thrive.
2. **Benefic Influence:** A planet surrounded by or interacting with benefics enhances positivity.
3. **Navamsha Strength:** Even malefic planets can turn beneficial if well-placed in exalted or friendly divisions.
These principles align with classical astrological rules where planetary dignity and benefic influences shape outcomes.