Classical texts often hint at a particular result to a planet subject to its placement, while other texts may appear contrary in attributing the same planet's result. However, the fact is that they are not contrary but talk of different perspectives.
For example - Mars placed in the 8th in its own sign for Aries ascendant is considered good by prashara on the basis of the dictum that the lord of ascendant even if placed in dushthana in its own sign is likely to give a good result, this rule gains support from another dictum that says that of two signs if a planet is placed in its own sign, the other sign placement bhava also gets a boost.
Contrast - Ram Anuj Achariya says in Bhavarth Ratnakar that a planet placed in adverse placement (3,6,8,12) from its sign or signs gives adverse results for the bhava or bhavas, its adverse from.
So - Mars in 8th in Aries ascendant does not give good results for the physical body and health being placed in 8th and its own sign.
Prashara attributes good results because as an 8th lord in 8th, it is likely to be good for inheritance and unearned wealth as signification attached to 8th.
Conclusion- Yoga can manifest in many different ways.