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Saturday, April 29, 2023

Adoption in Vedic astrology

 BPHS on Dattak or Kritrim Putra If there is a sign of Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn or Aquarius, and Saturn or Gulik/mandi be in it then the person may acquire an adopted son or from other means. If the lord of 5th is in 6th and 6th in 12th and the lord of ascendant is weak then the person may again have an adopted child. Now in the present age, this shloka can indicate surrogacy If the 5th house has a malefic in it, Saturn is in 5th to Jupiter then the native will have a son from the 2nd or third wife. In present conditions that can indicate siring a child from a woman other than the own wife and therefore may indicate a surrogacy combination here. Shlokas 88-121 ( BPHS)