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Sunday, November 14, 2021

High academic achievements as per astrology

 This is how the dictums need to be explained by authors here it is done by me for the benefit of all.

High academic achievements
Lord of 9th and the lord of Ascendant is in quadrant under the aspect by the lord of 5th, the native will attain high academic qualifications and be lucky and prosperous throughout.
Note – Here the ascendant lord is with 9th (the lord of 9th represents the effort undertaken for the education, while the ascendant lord represents the self) the 4th house represents the education, 10th the expansion, the 7th is 4th from 4th therefore will represent education only, the aspect of 5th adds the wisdom and education signification of the 5th to the combination.
Prosperity angle is because of involvement of ascendant lord ,5th lord and 9th lord in the Kendra and we all know that trine lord in Kendra is an auspicious yoga ,further the 5th and 9th signify creation of wealth and the common factor between the two is creation of education and wealth .