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Sunday, November 14, 2021

Heart attack analysis of Puneet Raj Kumar through the moon chart


Puneet Raj Kumar – Moon chart analysis for the fatal heart attack, may he rest in peace.
As the birth time is unavailable the moon chart is the only logical choice present.
As per the Moon chart the Sun is weak in 12th and under the malefic influence of Saturn and Rahu, The sign Leo is also under malefic aspect of Saturn .Moon the other planet that signifies heart is related to the 2nd and 7th lord Venus a category one Marak from moon chart, Moon, Venus are also related to Mars, both moon and sign cancer carry the malefic influence of Mars.
Jataka Sara deep – gives out the combination as the link of Mars, Saturn and Jupiter.
In the moon chart we have Mars in Saturn’s sign while Saturn aspects Jupiter and Sun in the 12th.
Mars – inflammation and defence system, Jupiter –arteries and arterial system, Saturn -blockages, decay and degeneration.
Transit – Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn over Mars, here the Saturn connects with moon chart placement of Sun and Jupiter again, it also influences the 4th house as well, Rahu was transiting over natal ketu .Mars is in Libra .
The link pf Mars ,Saturn and Jupiter is again evident in transit as well .
64th Navamsa lord from Moon is Saturn, 22nd drekana from Moon Jupiter.