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Friday, June 22, 2018

Heart malfunction of an Infant .

Heart trouble of a new born ,left side of heart is not functioning properly
Heart malfunction of an Infant  an astrological analysis.

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This is her vedic chart . We have cancer ascendant and the lord of ascendant is under a very severe malefic influence ,Saturn aspects moon as lord of 7th and 8th ,mars aspects the moon through ketu (south node) .I probably feel that there is likely to be the requirement of corrective surgery as both mars and ketu exert their influence on moon the ascendant lord . Now coming to the problem Saturn is in Sagittarius the sign that rules arterial system ,sun and moon represent the heart and the aspect of Saturn on both the significators indicates a problem of heart and supply of blood as moon also represents rakta or blood .Saturn is known to block,decay and degenerate here it is lord of 8th . Jupiter in 4th as lord of 6th also points toward a problem in breast chest area. As both Venus and Jupiter are in kendra (angular houses)so it is said that natural benifics like Jupiter and Venus can ward of many evils . I probably think that she may survive . However a surgery correction may be required. As mercury .Gemini and Virgo all are under the malefic gaze of Saturn there can be some breathing issues due to the problem at hand.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Astrology of extramarital relations.

Astrology of extramarital relations.

Image result for extramarital affair

Jatinder Sandhu

Astrology of extramarital relations.

.Affliction of Venus by Tamasic Grahas Saturn/Rahu. If Venus is IN tamasic Rashis and afflicted, even surer sign.

.Some house combinations to watch for:
7L in 8H
8L in 7H
7L in 2H
11L in 7H (afflicted) (native might be having affairs)
7L in 11H (afflicted) (native's spouse might be having affairs)

. Association of Me, Mo with the sign scorpio

. Association of Me, Mo, Ve, Ju for women in Nakshatras Jyesta, Anuradha, Krittika, Mrigashirisa etc. Basically those that have some story of extramarital affairs etc.

. Presence of sensitive planets in Navamsha of Scorpio, Capricon and Cancer.

. Affliction of 5H, 5L, 9H, 9L

. You need about 3 factors listed above atleast to be certain of propensity towards marital infidelity.

. If thus confirmed using static factors listed above, you get Dasha of 7L and Antar of 5L or 7L/2L or 7L/8L then opportunities might be available and be used effectively by the person.

. Classics have said one of indications of 5H is "Embrace of a Courtesan". This is probably because it is 7th from the 11th (ie having sexual relationships with "others"). 

. Planets like Me and Saturn in the 7H (in a chart that has many of the above combinations) can indicate propensity towards casual sex (depending on the country of residence need NOT mean paid sex).

. DONT be fooled by Jupiter's aspect alone in this respect. Look for diginity of Jupiter, where he is located, which sign he is located and whom he associates in Navamsha and what houses he rules. In many cases Jupiter will actually "facilitate and promote" such promiscuity.

There are some people who falsely believe that if Jupiter is in trines to Navamsha Lagna, the person cannot be promiscuous. This is just not true 100% of the time and cannot be taken as a golden dictum.

Second, fourth, seventh and tenth house lords

The lords of these houses play a pivotal role in determining whether one is a loyal partner or not. 

Ramanujcharya, the celebrated author of ‘Bhavarth Ratnakar’ opines that presence of Mercury in the seventh house causes desire to have sex outside marriage. Same is true for Mars and Sun. He further says that the lords of the second, seventh and tenth houses in the fourth give extra marital sex. Why should it be so? 

The fourth house represents the general population or people at large. The tenth house is the seventh from the fourth and so represents the sex organs of the masses. Seventh house is also the house of one’s own sex organs. The second house is the eleventh from fourth and so represents the arms or deliberate action of an individual. The convergence of all these influences gives a desire to unite with the opposite sex from the masses.

‘Sarvarth Chintamani’ another celebrated classic authored by Vyankatesh Sharma goes one step further and says that if even one of the lords of the second, seventh or tenth is in the fourth, it causes extra marital sex. 

It says that the lords of Lagna second and sixth house if connected to malefics give sex outside marriage. Same thing happens if Saturn is placed in the seventh with the seventh lord. 

Weak Moon in the seventh house with a malefic and the seventh lord in Lagna with a malefic also give infidelity.

Some other combinations from Sarvarth Chintamani

The lords of the twelfth and second house in the third gives many women. The effect increases if Jupiter or the ninth lord aspect the third house.

The Yoga formed by the lords of the seventh and eleventh wither together or opposite to each other gives many relationships. 

Role of Nakshatras

Nakshatra(constellations) are the templates of our lives and generally indicate the characteristics of a person accurately. Of the 27 Nakshatras that Vedic astrology considers, Ashlesha, Shravan and Shatabhishaj Nakshatra are more prone to sex outside marriage. 

It is important that these points be examined holistically and not piecemeal. It will be cruel to look at a horoscope and give a judgment about one’s fidelity based on one occurrence alone. Human relations are fragile, and great care must be taken when reading a horoscope.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Planets and The Elements - ( medical astrology - Basic0

Image result for elements of planets images

Planets and The Elements
There are five elements or ‘Pancha Tattvas’ that are the causal form of Purusha and make up creation.  ‘Pancha’ means five and ‘Tattvas’ mean ‘true essences’.  These elements are Fire, Earth, Ether, Water and Air ruled by the planets Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, respectively, according to this sutra from Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra:
“Fire, Earth, Ether, Water and Air, in that order, o’Twice Born, from Mars and the other Grahas in their order are the Tattvas.”   -BPHS:  Nature and Form of the Grahas, 20
The Vedas contain instructions on how to placate and worship the elements.  The elements are actually the causal manifestation of Purusha that creates all that is.  The Elements came first and then the planets were born from the Elements.
Each of the Five Tattvas or Elements has a Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic quality.  The Sattvic qualities of the Elements manifests through the five senses.  Our senses are called ‘Organs of Knowledge’ in the Srimad Bhagavatam.  These organs of knowledge are necessary for our growth and evolution.  It is only through abuse by human beings that the senses have been given a bad name.  Since the senses are Sattvic, they have an elevating quality that will bring us closer to the Source if used properly.
The Five Organs of Sense
The Sattvic attributes of the Five Elements are the Organs of Sense.  They are as follows:
Ether is ruled by Jupiter and causes the Sense of Hearing. Through Hearing we acquire knowledge from Sound.  For a person to be able to hear, Ether must be present.  Conversely, for someone to have poor hearing, Jupiter must be afflicted in the horoscope.
Air is ruled by Saturn and causes the Sense of Touch:  Through Touch we acquire knowledge from Tangibility. For a person to be able to feel touch and differentiate the object of touch, Air must be present. Conversely, for a person to not be able to feel or lack acquiring knowledge through touch, Saturn must be afflicted in the horoscope.
Fire is ruled by Mars and causes the sense of Sight.  Through Sight we acquire knowledge from Light and Colors.  For a person to be able to see, Fire must be present.  Conversely, Mars must be afflicted in a horoscope if the person has poor eyesight.
Water is ruled by Venus and causes the sense of Taste:  Through Taste we acquire knowledge from Flavors.  For a person to be able to taste, Water must be present.  Conversely, Venus must be afflicted in the horoscope if a person has a poor sense of taste.
Earth is ruled by Mercury and causes the sense of Smell.  Through Smell we acquire knowledge of Odors.  For a person to be able to smell, the Element of Earth must be present.  Conversely, a person has a poor sense of smell if Mercury is afflicted in the horoscope.
Because the organs of sense are Sattvic, they are elevating in nature and pure when the organs of sense are working properly.  They are Sattvic because one acquires knowledge through their organs of sense.
The Five Organs of Action
The Rajasic attributes of the Five Elements are the Organs of Action. They are as follows:
Fire is ruled by Mars and causes the action of Motion.  Feet hold the primary power of motion, but all motion of the body is ruled by Mars.  Most motion is guided by Sight which is also ruled by Mars.  All motion must have fire, or in this case the electrical impulses carried by the nerves, which is ruled by Mars.  For a person to have afflicted motion Mars must be afflicted in a horoscope.  Notice how people with paralysis or partial paralysis cannot move, the electrical impulses are not carried along the nerves or the spinal cord.
Earth is ruled by Mercury and causes the Action of Excretion.  The anus holds the primary power of excretion but all excretory actions are ruled by Mercury and the Earth Element.  Sweating is also considered to be excretory as well as acne.
Ether is ruled by Jupiter which causes the Action of making Sound.  The power of Sound lies in the vocal chords.  If a person cannot use their vocal chords to make sound, then Jupiter must be afflicted in the horoscope.
Water is ruled by Venus which causes the action of Generation.  The power of generation lies within the sexual organs, but it also lies within all tissues that can repair themselves.  Water and food, both ruled by Venus, satiate us after exertion.  These things give us recuperation.  Venus also rules ‘Virya’ which loosely translates as semen.  Venus rules the vitality in the body.  When Venus is afflicted in a horoscope, then it takes a long time for the person to recover after exercise or illness.
Air is ruled by Saturn and causes the Action of Manual Skill, of which the power lies in the hands.  Manual dexterity is ruled by Saturn as is all manual labor.  Saturn rules the menial and when manual labor is a person’s profession, their caste is ruled by Saturn.  When a person has poor manual dexterity, then Saturn must be afflicted in the horoscope.
The Five Objects of the Sense
The objects of the senses are Tamasic, meaning they are obscuring.  The purpose of the five objects of sense is to satisfy the longings of the heart.  Jupiter as Ether produces space.    Saturn as Air produces gases.  Mars as Fire, produces fire, electricity and energy.  Venus as Water produces liquids.  Mercury as Earth produces solids.  Space, air, fire, liquids and solids can all be experienced by the senses.  The two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon rule over the Atman or Higher Self and the Jiva or Individual respectively.  The Higher Self and the Individual are the ones experiencing the objects of sense.
Fear, which is the great cause of all neurosis and psychosis, is the number one contributing factor to abusing the objects of sense and not feeling satiated and at peace.  When the desires are not satisfied within a certain time frame, the person begins to fear that they will not be satisfied, and will crave more satiation through another source.  This gives rise to many different desires cropping up that cannot be satisfied all at once.  So the person half-heartedly pursues many different desires which cannot all be satisfied in one lifetime.  The unmet desires are still manifest within the psyche when the person dies, so the consciousness must be reborn to satisfy the numerous desires.  The best course to take, to avoid acquiring numerous desires and having numerous longings, is to concentrate the mind on satisfying one desire at a time.  Turn one’s whole attention on fulfilling one desire then the psyche can find more peace and satisfy the desires of the heart

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The theory of Sympathy and antipathy

The theory of Sympathy and antipathy ( medical astrology)

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The theory of Sympathy and antipathy By – Max Heindel and Augusta Foss heindel.  

Astro-Diagnosis A Guide to Healing

By Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel

Doctors have for years been studying the strange sympathy between different parts of the body which they have found manifested in the diseases of various patients. When they find a disease in one organ, they are in the habit of looking for the cause in another organ which is in sympathy with the first. For instance, in glaucoma or certain kinds of eye trouble they have invariably found that the real cause or seat of the trouble was in the stomach or the kidneys. In certain types of throat trouble and in goiter a weakened heart has frequently been found to be the cause.
The four points of the circle of the cardinal or equinoctial signs, namely, Aries the eyes, Libra the kidneys, Cancer the stomach, and Capricorn the knees, are closely in sympathy with one another, and trouble in one will frequently manifest in one of the other signs of this circle. For instance, if we find Saturn in the sign of its fall, Cancer, and afflicted, digestive troubles ensue and invariably the kidneys will be disturbed; sometimes stiff knee joints are the result. Eye troubles are frequently developed as a result of wrong eating. People with Saturn in Cancer are extremists in their selection of food. They have strange likes and dislikes.

The second vicious circle is that of the fixed signs: Taurus the throat; Scorpio the generative organs, rectum, urethra, and nose; Leo the heart and spine; Aquarius the legs, below the knees. When the organs of voice or the tonsils are operated upon in childhood there will be disturbances at puberty and later troubles in childbirth. Great sympathy is found between organs and the organs of speech. The removal of parts of the sex organs causes change of voice, the male voice becoming feminine, and the female voice masculine. Valvular heart trouble often causes the swelling of the ankles.

The third group of squares we find composed of the common or mutable signs, corresponding to the cadent houses. The 6th house, which is correlated to Virgo, and the 12th house, correlated to Pisces, is especially vital in the Horoscope, for they are respectively the house of sickness and the house of confinement and hospitals. We find great sympathy between these two signs and houses. Common signs are the most productive of sickness and more hopeless invalids are found among common-sign people than in any other group for the reason that their will power is not overly strong.
Two common signs are ruled by Mercury, which has dominion over the breath, nerves, and sense perception; and one by Jupiter, which has rule over the fibrin of the blood, the arterial circulation, and the liver.
Gemini rules the lungs, and through these organs the blood is oxidized. Virgo has rule over the intestines, sympathetic nervous system, and spleen. How often we hear the remark, "I caught cold (or pneumonia) due to wet feet," involving Gemini and Pisces. Many more examples could be cited of the action of the vicious circles.    By – Max Heindel and Augusta Foss heindel.

Note – This view is corrobated by ayurveda as discussed in chapter on Types of diseases