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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Transit of Sun and moon explained as per zodiac houses.

Transit Sun and moon  explained.

During the transit all planets give good effects in 11th house. Sun proves good in transit in 3,6 and 10th houses. Mars and Saturn in 3rd and 6th houses. Moon in 1,3,6,7 Olnd 10th houses. Venus in all houses
other than 6,7 and 10th houses. Jupiter in 2,5,7,9 houses whereas Mercury in 2,4,6,8 and 10th houses.
The Sun and Mars in their transit through 3,6 and 11th houses bring an improvement in position,honour and give gain. In 2nd house they cause loss of money: in 4th and 5th misery and fear, in 7th houses diseases,
Intense sorrows in 9th house. Mars causes disappointments in10th whereas Sun in 10th causes success in profession.
Now we explain brief effects of various planets in different houses of the birth chart to be modified according to conjunction vedha and aspects etc.
1.THE SUN(Transit Period one month)
lst House: Loss of prestige and position. ill health, irritated temper,aimless travels, obstacles, delays, separation from family and anxiety etc.
2nd House: Loss of money, financial worries, to be duped by of the wicked, quarrels with relations and friends. Danger of loss in business etc.
3rd House: Gain of money, new position and status, happiness. good health, success over enemies. domestic comforts,. recognition by superiors, good friendship etc.
4th House: Domestic unhappiness, Loss of respect, financial stress,Quarrels, and disputes in family. Problem regarding property and land and conveyance etc.
5th House~ Mental tension, loss (from enemies and children. Expenditure, displeasure from Govt worries, Loss of money, sorrows and accidents etc.
6th House: Victory over enemies, good health, happiness, peace of mind, favour from superiors, success in efforts, enjoyments, gain in service etc.
7th House: Afflicted health, humiliation, loss of money, quarrel with wife, depression of mind, unsuccessful efforts and troubles etc.
8th House: Fear, anxiety. ill health to wife, displeasure from superiors.quarrel with friends., expenditure, loss through enemies and high blood pressure.
9th House. One may become rash, false accusation, loss of money,disturbed mind, quarrels with elders. Failure in attempts and separation from loved ones etc.
10th House: Victory over enemies, wealth, happiness. gain and of luxurious articles. Success or promotion in service, gain through friends and others etc.
Ilth House: Enjoyment of new position, honour, gain of money, good health and luck.  Gain through father, success in understandings and domestic bliss etc.
12th House: Be cautious from opponents, Loss of money, troubles,disfavour from GO\1, and superiors. Eyes affliction, friends will behave like enemies etc.

 2. MOON (Transit period 21/ 4 days)
1st House: Good health, gain of money, sexual enjoyment, meeting with friends, you will be emotionally demanding from loved ones, be within control. Good food etc. 
2nd House : Depression of mind, loss of honor, obstacles, expenditureand dispute. Minor gain of money. A bad time to spend money, so avoid.
3rd House: Success, gain, friendship with opposite sex, fruitful correspondence and conversation. Vicinity joy and happiness etc.
4th House: You should relax at home. Avoid confrontation, emotionally possessive. Keep safeguard your valuables and  things. Mental worry etc.
5tb House: Expenditure, Loss of memory, in love greater emotional depth, do not be possessive, express your feelings to loved ones and others etc.
6th House: Gain of wealth joy, enemies will be destroyed, good health and friends happiness. Gain by desire. Pay attention to home and take care of health etc.
7tl. House: Sexual bliss, good friends, food and clothes. Gain of conveyance,money and happiness. Co-operation from opposite sex.Favor from elders etc.
8th House: Untoward event, loss of money, quarrels, ill health, be stable.
9th House: Beneficial travels, new foreign friends, unexpected expenses etc.
10th House: Success, Pleasure all round in business and service.Good public relations, and sale of property. Happiness and gifts etc.
11th House: Meeting with friends, sexual enjoyment, gain of money,prosperity and good health. Friends will be helpful.
12th House: Jealousy, loss, expenditure, injury, misunderstanding,Secretive mind, good for mystical or spiritual trials.