Astrology of addictions.

Addiction may be the state
of being where ingesting a substance becomes a driving force in a person's
life, but we may have to broaden our definition of "ingesting a
substance." It's easy enough to look at someone who smokes meth on a
regular basis and see an addict. But what about someone who numbs themselves
with their religion, philosophy, politics, or hobbies to the point where
they're able to ignore the parts of their life that are clearly (to an outside
observer) going to hell in a hand basket?
Addiction is long, slow, insidious process
that starts well before the addict’s life is disrupted by their illness. Winehouse’s
history is detailed at length on Wikipedia, demonstrating a six year history of
use that could not be hidden from the public.
As per vedic astrology
readings, the planets Rahu, Mars and Saturn are the real culprits in regard to
the problem of drug abuse. These planets also obstruct in drug addiction rehab and the native may
not get proper help for drug addiction treatment. If any of these planets is
having negative relationship with first, second or sixth house of the
horoscope; and at the same time the second house is also troubled – the chances
of the person being addicted to drugs are very strong.

lAGNA------------------------------indicates ones Jeevana, way of life.
Chandra---------------------------Indicates the fluctuating mind , imbalance Karaka
Kuja--------------------------------Forces the native to act or go for it.
Therefore if Shani is in Lagna or
Shani is with Lagnadipathi or
Shani rasyadipathi in Lagna or
Shani aspects lagna
this type of habit can be seen in ones nature
Here, one should note that if Shani is in Swakshetra or in his own nakshatra ( pushya, anuradha, uttarbhadra) the drinking habit may be less or limited
So we can safely conclude that Scorpio sign,Mars,Saturn ,moon and debilitated Venus and watery signs are the most evident factors contributing to alcohol addiction western astrology perspective see Neptune Uranus and sign Scorpio plus the 12th house which many western astrologers define as zodiacs dustbin for the signs and hints.
Western astrology prospective-
Alcohol addiction and Astrology.
Alcohol intoxication (also known as drunkenness or inebriation) refers to the physiological state induced by the consumption of alcohol, when it builds up in the bloodstream faster than it can be metabolised by the liver. Some effects of alcohol intoxication are central to alcohol's desirability as a beverage and its history as the world's most widespread recreational drug. Common effects are euphoria and lowered social inhibitions. Other effects are unpleasant or dangerous because alcohol affects many different areas of the body at once and may cause progressive, long-term harm when consumed in excess.
Common symptoms of alcohol intoxication include slurred speech, euphoria, impaired balance, loss of muscle coordination (ataxia), flushed face, dehydration, vomiting, reddened eyes, reduced inhibitions, and erratic behaviour Sufficiently high levels of blood-borne alcohol will cause coma and death from the depressive effects of alcohol upon the central nervous system. "Acute alcohol poisoning" is a related medical term used to indicate a dangerously high concentration of alcohol in the blood, high enough to induce coma or respiratory depression. It is considered a medical emergency. The term is mostly used by health care providers. Toxicologists use the term “alcohol intoxication” to discriminate between alcohol and other toxins.
There are other forms of intoxication.(
with drinking alcohol, this intoxication is a matter of choice – lots of small choices. We choose to let subjective thoughts turn into bitterness or jealousy. Then, instead of abstaining, we swallow foul thought after foul thought, and in no time we are intoxicated with hatred, anger and revenge. Similarly we become drunk with pride, lust, arrogance and power. Then, as with all drunks, it will not be long before we are making fools of ourselves and hurting those we love.
The truth is, from time to time, we all have these thoughts (the Bible says we are liars if we say we don’t). So at the first sign of intoxication, the wise person abstains by admitting those thoughts to God (1 John 1:9.) and starts afresh with a sober mind.
As per vedic astrology readings, the planets Rahu, Mars and Saturn are the real culprits in regard to the problem of drug abuse. These planets also obstruct in drug addiction rehab and the native may not get proper help for drug addiction treatment. If any of these planets is having negative relationship with first, second or sixth house of the horoscope; and at the same time the second house is also troubled – the chances of the person being addicted to drugs are very strong.
Venus rules sex, drugs and alcohol. If Venus is disturbed, He can over-do the
natural pleasures which can result in sex addictions, drug addictions, and
Venus Conjunct Rahu or Ketu = addictive tendencies.
Native has a powerful sense of entitlement to
pleasure and a love of extremes. Addictive substances include beautiful women,
precious wines, magnificent diamonds etc.
Role of Jupiter: As a planet of divine grace and morals, the strength and nature of
Jupiter in a horoscope plays a very vital role in vedic astrology solutions for
drug abuse. A strong and positively placed Jupiter can dilute the negative
influences of malefic and cruel planets over first, second and sixth houses. And,
the native may get reasonable and fruitful help for drug addiction treatment.
Afflicted or badly placed Mercury-- Induces a thought process that often leads to a craving .
Houses- 1,2,5th and 6th,11th and their lords.
Dr BV raman----- "How
to predict whether one will be addicted
to drinking?
Scorpio Rashi governs intoxicants. Neechcha (debilitated) Venus or Saturn also govern same.
When Scorpio happens to be the 8th house or the 3rd
house, and Venus or Saturn occupies
an afflicted position,
the native will be addicted to intoxicants."
If you have strong Scorpio in your chart you
will be driven to be obsessive and it is imperative you find a positive form to
channel this obsessive energy. Scorpio is about control, and you can fool
yourself that you have control over the alcohol or drug of choice. Yet it is
your destiny to understand that you are not all controlling and that there are
factors in your life you do not have control over; such as when you become the
addict, the drug has more control over you than you over it.
Drinking habit (
alchohol)--------Shanis Karakatwa
lAGNA------------------------------indicates ones Jeevana, way of life.
Chandra---------------------------Indicates the fluctuating mind , imbalance Karaka
Kuja--------------------------------Forces the native to act or go for it.
Therefore if Shani is in Lagna or
Shani is with Lagnadipathi or
Shani rasyadipathi in Lagna or
Shani aspects lagna
this type of habit can be seen in ones nature
Here, one should note that if Shani is in Swakshetra or in his own nakshatra ( pushya, anuradha, uttarbhadra) the drinking habit may be less or limited
If Shani is in Shatru rashi, the habit of
drinking alcohol may become too
much and the native may spoil his whole life.
If Shani is in Guru, Shukra nakshatra, the habit of drinking may not be there. But may drink occassionally
If Shani is in Ravi, Chandra, Budha nakshatra the native may drink very often
If Shani is in Kuja s nakshatra, the habit may go LIMITLESS
If Shani is in Guru, Shukra nakshatra, the habit of drinking may not be there. But may drink occassionally
If Shani is in Ravi, Chandra, Budha nakshatra the native may drink very often
If Shani is in Kuja s nakshatra, the habit may go LIMITLESS
if Shani is
In this case,Shani should not be either in Swa-kshetra or in his own nakshatra and he should not be efflicted by Papa grahas, only then he fails to limits himself for drinking . Otherwise not.
That means , if Shani in his own nakshatra or swa -kshetra or not efflicted by papa grahas, Shani wont do any harm to the native
In this case,Shani should not be either in Swa-kshetra or in his own nakshatra and he should not be efflicted by Papa grahas, only then he fails to limits himself for drinking . Otherwise not.
That means , if Shani in his own nakshatra or swa -kshetra or not efflicted by papa grahas, Shani wont do any harm to the native
So we can safely conclude that Scorpio sign,Mars,Saturn ,moon and debilitated Venus and watery signs are the most evident factors contributing to alcohol addiction western astrology perspective see Neptune Uranus and sign Scorpio plus the 12th house which many western astrologers define as zodiacs dustbin for the signs and hints.
Encyclopaedia of Astrology. Carter associated alcoholism and drug addiction
with a number of different factors. In the birth chart of an alcoholic,
according to Carter, the Sun and Moon are almost always weak by sign and house
position, or else they are badly afflicted, especially in or from fire and
water, or both. Additionally, the fifth house (pleasure and entertainment) is
nearly always afflicted by Neptune or by planets in watery signs, and Mars is
frequently afflicted by Neptune, in or from Pisces. Astrologer Liz Greene has
also seen Mars-Neptune in the charts of those with serious drinking or drug
falls under the rulership of Neptune and many of the behaviours associated with
addictive behaviour echo this planet’s characteristics of escapism, deception,
altered sense reality, and the ability to disappear into a different world
altogether. Neptune is the planet that can slip into uncharted depths. It’s
also the planet of disintegration, and the sad thing is that a lot of Neptune
people are highly creative, but they dangerously slip down the drain chasing
the next high and seeking oblivion through substances for the illusory sense of
oneness. Ultimately this leads to a wasted life and close family and friends
are left wondering what happened to them? Where did it all go wrong? How did
they get so wasted? It brings up the sad reality that some astrologers refer to
the 12th house (Neptune's house) as the dustbin of the zodiac .
From an astrological view, there are three levels of inferiority,
each level represented by one pair of signs. The Sun controls the hellish
level, Mars powers the intermediate level, and Mercury maintains the last
Sol - Hell (= Helios in
Greek, the Sun in English)
Mars - Conflicts and
Mercury - Crime and Evil.
Few charts---
Notice the sign Scorpio in 5th under aspect from Saturn and rahu.
Jupiter badly placed.
Sun conjunct combust mercury under aspect from Rahu.
Moon afflicted and debilitated
Venus in paap katari yoga.
Moon as lagna lord debilitated and afflicted.
Native has been drinking since 16 years- Dasha sequence-- Venus-sun( 2nd Lord)
Incidentaly Venus is lord of 64th navamsa and 22nd drekana.
.Neptune is in same house as venus and in same nakshatra.( western prospective)
Gulika in first house makes for weak and deceptive personality.
Saturn in 8th house in nakshatra of rahu shows his propensity to visit brothels and even borrow money from prostitutes for his drinking.This saturn is also under aspect from mars and jupiter also in nakshatra of rahu from 12th house adding the angle of 12th house significations.