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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Prostate cancer and astrology pointers.

Prostate cancer astrology.

Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. Most prostate cancers are slow growing;[1] however, there are cases of aggressive prostate cancers.[2] The cancer cells may metastasize(spread) from the prostate to other parts of the body, particularly the bones and lymph nodes. Prostate cancer may cause pain, difficulty in urinating, problems during sexual intercourse, or erectile dysfunction. Other symptoms can potentially develop during later stages of the disease.

Astrology of cancerCancer the dreaded killer disease,what causes it ?which planetary combinations are responsible?  Made me take the aid of my trusted tool search engine named google . Now what it did throw up was confusing as usual . 

One learned soul held rahu responsible because rahu stands for poison another pointed at sixth lord being in 6th ,8th ,10th and 12th ,yet another held mars,Saturn aspect ( the hard aspect as he called it) responsible ,western astrology as usual pointed at uranus . 
So i decided to do some data searching  of my own and found out the following common elements present in cancer patient charts . 
Conjunction of Sat with moon or  venus. 
Saturn and mars aspect or vice versa 
Malefic lord of 6th in ,6th,8th 10th or 12th. 
Lord of 6th in 6th ,8th 1oth and 12th. 
Jupiters aspect on waning moon . 
Moon and venus aspect  on each other. 
Aspect of saturn on moon or venus. 
Venus or moon in Rahu ,ketu axis aspected by saturn ,mars or jupiter. 
I found that venus played a significant role in most charts. 
Maha dasha or antar of Rahu .
Another factor was that  in most of charts you had two or more of above listed combinations so no single combination is responsible for the dreaded disease. 
Dear readers the ball does not stop here you need to check D9, D30 ,D6,D12and D3 to further look for clues. Last but least do the kota chakra scan of transit analysis of nakshatras.

Condition number one sat + venus  here saturn is debilated and is lord of sixth house and is also significator of  chronic disease , second is as sixth lord its in placed in 8th and is aspected by mars a malefic on the virtue of it being retrograde  from the previous house of libra ,signifying the lower abdomen and sexual parts .The lagna is afflicted by ketu and dasha sequence is MD jupiter  badhak for dual sign and functional malefic due its lordship of two kendras(quadrants),morever its marak as a as lord of seventh as well the bhukti lord is venus ,which is conjuct the debilated sixth lord in the 8th house and the paryantar is of Rahu the planet signifying all poisons and sudden chronic diseases. Gulika and mandi in libra all point to the area of infection and something chronic,the native is undergoing treatment for the prostate cancer as of now ,it was detected and confirmed in jan 2013.