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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Astrology of Paralysis

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Combinations of Paralysis as per astrology.

Dr Bv raman-( How to judge a horoscope)-

1.Sun afflicted by saturn and mars.
2.Jupiter and saturn in 6th house.
3.Mer+ moon( Afflicted by rahu or ketu)

Ptolmey--Malefic planets are in angle and luminaries in conjuction or opposition. 
Moon afflicted by rahu or ketu.

Chart no1- Lagna lord is com-bust and retrograde in 12th ,this chart fulfills the condition  of Ptolemy of luminaries being conjunct and mars lord of sixth is in second  house is aspected by saturn from 12th house .The Maha dasha at the time of attack was Mercury ,Antar of venus and prayantar of jupiter.
Saturn- Skeltal and body defense system,Mars- Muscular,mercury- nervous system..
Lagna is in paap kartari yoga.12th house cluttered ( 12 Th signifies)-addiction to alcohol or drugs, hospitalization suspension of normal functioning, wasting diseases and general lethargy. Anything that impairs normal functioning or gradual erosion of functions. Immune system problems, fluid retention, hormonal imbalances, chilblains, glandular problems.

Paralysis of limbsSagittarius
Here sagitarius is the rashi that rules seventh house and its lord jupiter is badhak placed in lagna and in paap kartari yoga thereby the disease was triggered by nervous system disorder due to excessive stress and the trigger was badhaka jupiter the planet of expansion. Antar dasha lord is in twelth from its sign the taurus thereby it could do nothing to prevent the sudden attack.
