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Saturday, August 4, 2012

A window to African witchcraft

I was just surfing channels on my television when i came across a program-me on animal planet named worlds deadliest towns  i decided to watch for a few moments and thereafter became glued to my Tv set for the topic was how animals are used to kill humans by casting a spell using wodoo images of animals to whom an offering of blood would be made and spell cast ,now this image would be placed in victims compound or premises  for further action. Thereafter the story revolved on how a family of six and their friend set about in the banana boat to cross the river but here this friend of the family of six had a premonition as to something  was amiss and terribly wrong so when this feeling of uneasiness enveloped her she requested the family to leave her ashore , her request was heeded too and just as they returned to the river after dropping her off there boat was hit by hippopotamus for three times till it capsized ,when the occupants tried to swim ashore this hippo killed all six of them and it was witnessed by this lady friend from ashore.
From here the anchor who happened to be the scientist described the behavior of hippos in general he said it was very unusual for hippos to kill so many people at one go and that it does not attack till provoked . Now the scientist started working on theory of woo do  and finally got invited to a wodoo ritual of cleansing a village of such animal wodoo figures ,the wodoo doctor invited the spirits of his ancestors and was able to pinpoint a location where a wodoo image lay buried when the place was dug up it revealed a hole of some kind ,the scientist was asked to rerieve the wodoo image which he refused but agreed once sprinkled with holy water and he said that he felt the figure wodoo move ,once placed in water there were bubbles as if something was breathing thereafter the wodoo witch doctor deactivated the wodoo image of hippopotamus and the villagers were relieved of the constant lingering fear of being attacked by animals possessed through the spell created on their image .

In India  black magic is called abhichara and its as dangerous and lethal as african wodoo witchcraft.