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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Kendra the modifiers .

 Kendra positions are modifiers, they may add additional element balance other than the normal friendship enmity influence of the sign-owning planet, When we examine the Kendra positions from the Lagna or the planet, the four Kendras will all express different elements, thus the planet may be exposed to different element if not in the sign of exaltation, the exception to this mars, it owns a fire sign and the water sign but exalts in earth sign Capricorn, it shows the adaptability and fighting nature of the mars as it is not intimidated by the elements but rather controls them. Let us assume Moon is in Libra and Jupiter is in Capricorn, both the planets are in enemy signs and exposed to different elements Moon to Air and Jupiter to Earth, so it will bring in a few changes first because of disposition, second because of the element now let us assume the moon is in cancer its own sign and element, Jupiter is in libra here Jupiter is in an enemy sign and under the influence of an airy sign. But when the planets are in trine or in Trikona to each other they are in the same element and are friends to each other so the trine relationship offers better support than the Kendra relationship, no doubt the author of Laghu Prashari Opines that Kendra positions are secondary in being benefic to Trines or Trikonas.