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Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Mool Trikona results of the planets

 मूल त्रिकोणगत ग्रहफल सुखी धनाढ्यः स्वत्रिकोणगेऽर्के भोगी समृद्धः पुरुषः शशांके।

शूरोऽधृणाश्चोरपतिः कुजेवा विनोदशीलो विजयी च सौम्ये।।9।।
जीवे महान् स्यात् सुखितो नयज्ञः शुक्रेपुरग्राम विशिष्ट आढ्यः।
आत्मत्रिकोणोपगतेऽथ दुष्टः शनौ कुले ज्येष्ठ तमोऽति शूरः ।।10
If Sun is in Mool trikona then one is happy and rich. If moon, then indulgent and wealthy. If Mars brave, cruel and leader of thieves. If Mercury Jocular and winner. If Jupiter great, majestic, happy, strategist. If Venus rich and local leader. If Saturn wicked, first among clan and brave.