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Consultation charges.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Body parts and astrology.

 If the 3rd house is about inhalation or Praan Vayu it cannot be denied that lungs need to be seen from the 3rd and 4th houses both, the planet representatives being Mercury and Moon, If the moon is heart as specified by classics then what is Sun then while accessing heart both 4th and 5th should be considered. The Aquarius sign is named Hridya Roga now think of Leo as the second part of the axis, the ruling planet is obviously Sun the energy center, Moon is Rakta (blood) which is the prime constituent material that runs through the heart to other parts of the body and chest where the heart is located. So consider both the Moon and the Sun.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Yoga For IVF etc From Saravali as Given in Jatak Saradeep the astrology classics

 Yoga For IVF etc From Saravali as Given in Jatak Saradeep.

सौरर्क्षे सौरगणो बुध दृष्टश्चेज्यकुजार्किदृग्घीनः ।

क्षेत्रजपुत्रं जनयति बौधोऽपिगणे रविजदृष्टः ।।9।।
The sign of Saturn in the 5th or 5th lord in the divisions (Vargas) of Saturn and the 5th or the lord, is aspected by the neuter planet Mercury, further, there may be no aspects of Jupiter, Mars, or Saturn on it.
Or there be a sign of mercury in the 5th or 5th lord be in the Varga of mercury in both these conditions the 5th or the 5th lord is aspected by Saturn then also the wife of the native may conceive from the sperm of some other man it may be due to adultery or in modern parlance, it can be the test tube baby or IVF.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Teeth and dental problems in the light of Medical astrology

 स्याद्दतुरो दंत रुगर्दितो व सिंहीसुते चेद्भनभावसंस्थे।

तत्र सिथ्ते ऽब्जे खलुशीतदोषः स्यात सन्निपात श्रययुङ्नरः स्यात। ४०।
(c) Rahu or Ketu in the 2nd house will make one have large teeth or suffer from dental disorders. The Moon therein will cause cold and vitiation of the three humors (i.e., delirium).

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Eye disease of wife and son (a dictum of medical astrology)

 Can anyone answer the why of this Sutra?

षट्चन्द्रेऽन्त्यरवौ स्त्रियैकनयनःसार्धं तथैकात्मजो।
भूग्राभेन्दुमदा स्फुजित्सुकलहो वन्ध्यस्त्रिपंचाद्यसृक् ।।5।।
If the moon is in 6th and Sun in 12th, then the wife of the native and the son of the native both have an eye defect.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Shukra or Venus

 Shukra is in no way related to Sugar( Sweet), Shukra in a real sense means the reproductive fluids, these fluids or Shukra emerge out of all the other six Dhatus of Ayurved. The other meaning of Shukra is Venus the planet and as per Six tastes thus assigned in Vedic astrology Shukra or Venus represents the sour taste, and the sweet taste is assigned to Jupiter.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Breathing and lung diseases and the combination for the same as per astrology.

 Saturn in the 6th or its aspect to 6th indicates some problem in the stabilization of breath, the process of breathing starts from the 3rd house ( inhalation) then the sixth house stabilization of breath and lastly, the 11th house represents the exaltation of birth, As regards, signs Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius represent the process. Saturn is a planet of decay and degeneration and represents a cold and damp climate. Saturn's influence on the 3rd and 6th houses from its placement in the 6th influences the lungs, third house, and stabilization of breath 6th house, therefore the classics opine particularly Sarvarth Chintamani that Saturn in the 6th can cause lung-related issues.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Mool Trikona results of the planets

 मूल त्रिकोणगत ग्रहफल सुखी धनाढ्यः स्वत्रिकोणगेऽर्के भोगी समृद्धः पुरुषः शशांके।

शूरोऽधृणाश्चोरपतिः कुजेवा विनोदशीलो विजयी च सौम्ये।।9।।
जीवे महान् स्यात् सुखितो नयज्ञः शुक्रेपुरग्राम विशिष्ट आढ्यः।
आत्मत्रिकोणोपगतेऽथ दुष्टः शनौ कुले ज्येष्ठ तमोऽति शूरः ।।10
If Sun is in Mool trikona then one is happy and rich. If moon, then indulgent and wealthy. If Mars brave, cruel and leader of thieves. If Mercury Jocular and winner. If Jupiter great, majestic, happy, strategist. If Venus rich and local leader. If Saturn wicked, first among clan and brave.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Planets if malefic and diseases they represent.

 If the Sun is malefic it will make the ' native fall Sick due to fever. A headache. Eye trouble. Periodic fever. Typhoid. Malaria, Such a person does not tolerate milk and milk products. The Sun and Mars cause (fainting, and vertigo. Shooting pain in the back in legs. Disorders in the chest region

And the liver. Head and face, blood and eyes. Burning, scalding cutting accident for surgery. Bleeding. the disorder causing weakness of the brain and anaemia. They also cause disorders of the hones. Plague. Swelling. boils. Smallpox. measles piles liver trouble.
The Sun and Rahu or the Sun and Ketu cause disease. If the Sun and Saturn are unfavourable, illness can affect us easily.
if the Moon is weak, the subject will have no thinking power. Therefore there is much confusion in daily life. In conjunction with other planets, it causes such illnesses as insanity inability, epilepsy, fits, possession etc.
Unfavourable mercury causes abuse of medicines and unnecessary medication troubles following. Injection. Injecting the person poisons or wrong medicines by mistake. Mars, Causing illness, bitten by poisonous animals. Injury by explosives, lightning. Electrocution . and also all disorders of the brain .ruck. throat. scrofula. mumps. weakness or nerves, Aching of The head. Mental disorders. Constipation. Mercury/Jupiter Indigestion and dyspepsia.
An unfavourable Jupiter causes disorders connected with phlegm. Liver trouble. Obstruction to blood circulation. Blood collection. teeth trouble boils. diabetes. jaundice. dropsy, spleen enlargement.
An unfavourable Venus causes gallstones. Diarrhoea, stones in kidney and bladder, hernia. Hydrocele. Disorders of kidneys, impotence. sterility in women. electric shocks, leukaemia
All unfavourable Saturn causes. the following disorders Because of connection with the intestines, and skin. And the nervous system, arthritis skin disorders. paralysis. Nervousness, Stomach disorders. Chronic undiagnosed. Debilitating illness, Cough plague. TB. cold. gangrene.
atrophy, toothache. Indigestion constipation .continuous pain.
Blood disorder and consequent itching. Asthma such as people
cannot tolerate oily. spicy food.
Rahu and Ketu are not directly connected with the body But affect the mind. Rahu and mars cause smallpox and Urinary disorders. Venus and mars cause sex disorders. Saturn and Moon cause cough. asthma and arthritis.
In horoscopes in which the Sun and Mars in transit aspect house through Gochar (transit)conjunction and opposition with Saturn, the period will be troublesome for health. Similarly, if the Moon Venus-Mercury is weak and in the 8th or 7th inimical houses these are planets which cause great trouble to health, If in the horoscope Mars, Venus and Saturn are causing illness. in such cases TB is possible. Whatever the age of the native. such people should take great care during dangerous periods.