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Consultation charges.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Description based on days of birth as per Vedic astrology

 From the upcoming book Translation a 15th-century classic. Weekdays and descriptions based on the day you were born in.

स्थिरः प्रचण्डः शूरस्तु रक्तश्यामतनुः शुचिः।
पित्ताधिकोऽतिचतुरो जायते सूर्यवासरे ||100।।
सोमवारे नरोजातः सात्विकः क्षयवृद्धिमान्।
हृस्वकायोऽतिगौरश्च पृथुवक्षाः सुबुद्धिमान् ||101||
क्षयवृत्तिसमायुक्तो जनयेद् भौमवासरे ।
रक्तायताक्षो लोलश्च वाग्युतोमधुरोऽक्षमी।।102 ||
Sunday: One born on a Sunday will be firm, fierce and valorous. His physical complexion will be blood-red with a mix of dark shades. He will be pure, of excessive bilious humour and skilful.
One born on a Monday will be pure and will have ups and downs in life. He will be short in stature, very fair in complexion, broad-chested and highly intelligent.
One born on a Tuesday will have a calling due to men of royalty. He will have blood-red eyes, be sweet in speech and of patient disposition.
निपुणोऽतिवृत्तशिरः पादश्चैव तथा कविः।
रूपवान् मतिचापल्यो जनितो बुधवासरे।।103 ।।
सुखी सबहुलोकज्ञः कालशास्त्रविदः शुचिः।।
प्रगल्भो कुशलो धीरः सम्भवेद् गुरुवासरे ।।104||
प्रकृष्टकार्यः सुमतिर्जातः शुक्रस्य वासरे।।
सुधीः सद्वाक् त्रिलोकज्ञः कलाशास्त्रविदः शुचिः।।105 ।।
रूक्षदुर्बलदेहश्च मलिनोऽतिचलः खलः।
रौद्रः क्रोधपरो नित्यं जनितः शनिवासरे ||106||
Wednesday: One born on a Wednesday will be very skilful. He will possess feet and heads that are more circular in shape (than being long). He will be charming and quite unstable in disposition.
One born on a Thursday will be quite intelligent and a good person. He will have a wide knowledge of worldly affairs, arts and scriptures, be pure, resolute, skilful and confident.
One born on a Friday will indulge in secretive acts, be benevolent, intelligent and righteous in deeds. He will have a wide knowledge of the affairs of the world, be an expert in arts and scriptures and be pure.
One born on a Saturday will have a rough and weak body, be dirty, very fickle-minded, villainous, fierce and cantankerous.