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Sunday, October 24, 2021

Description based on days of birth as per Vedic astrology

 From the upcoming book Translation a 15th-century classic. Weekdays and descriptions based on the day you were born in.

स्थिरः प्रचण्डः शूरस्तु रक्तश्यामतनुः शुचिः।
पित्ताधिकोऽतिचतुरो जायते सूर्यवासरे ||100।।
सोमवारे नरोजातः सात्विकः क्षयवृद्धिमान्।
हृस्वकायोऽतिगौरश्च पृथुवक्षाः सुबुद्धिमान् ||101||
क्षयवृत्तिसमायुक्तो जनयेद् भौमवासरे ।
रक्तायताक्षो लोलश्च वाग्युतोमधुरोऽक्षमी।।102 ||
Sunday: One born on a Sunday will be firm, fierce and valorous. His physical complexion will be blood-red with a mix of dark shades. He will be pure, of excessive bilious humour and skilful.
One born on a Monday will be pure and will have ups and downs in life. He will be short in stature, very fair in complexion, broad-chested and highly intelligent.
One born on a Tuesday will have a calling due to men of royalty. He will have blood-red eyes, be sweet in speech and of patient disposition.
निपुणोऽतिवृत्तशिरः पादश्चैव तथा कविः।
रूपवान् मतिचापल्यो जनितो बुधवासरे।।103 ।।
सुखी सबहुलोकज्ञः कालशास्त्रविदः शुचिः।।
प्रगल्भो कुशलो धीरः सम्भवेद् गुरुवासरे ।।104||
प्रकृष्टकार्यः सुमतिर्जातः शुक्रस्य वासरे।।
सुधीः सद्वाक् त्रिलोकज्ञः कलाशास्त्रविदः शुचिः।।105 ।।
रूक्षदुर्बलदेहश्च मलिनोऽतिचलः खलः।
रौद्रः क्रोधपरो नित्यं जनितः शनिवासरे ||106||
Wednesday: One born on a Wednesday will be very skilful. He will possess feet and heads that are more circular in shape (than being long). He will be charming and quite unstable in disposition.
One born on a Thursday will be quite intelligent and a good person. He will have a wide knowledge of worldly affairs, arts and scriptures, be pure, resolute, skilful and confident.
One born on a Friday will indulge in secretive acts, be benevolent, intelligent and righteous in deeds. He will have a wide knowledge of the affairs of the world, be an expert in arts and scriptures and be pure.
One born on a Saturday will have a rough and weak body, be dirty, very fickle-minded, villainous, fierce and cantankerous.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Explaining a Phaldeepika Sutra the why of it


From the wall of Muhammad Imran
Saturn+Mars in 7th Cancer (as per Phaladīpikā)
His comment-The crux of the combination is, lordship is more important than mere natural maleficence of the planet.
My explanation- Note - Let us examine why the result is as attributed by Mantershwara in Phaldeepika Sutra 3 of Chapter 10 on Kalatar Bhava.
Saturn is lord of ascendant and 2nd here, Mars owns the 4th and 11th ( a Trishadya),7th lord moon becomes the sign placement lord of both Saturn and Mars. A point worth noting is that all the planets here own a Kendra, As per Prashari concept a Kendra lord in Kendra if malefic will behave more like a neutral planet and shed away the malefic intent, both Mars and Saturn are Malefics both own a Kendra Both are in a female sign, the sign lord is also female planet here moon, The Lagna lord Saturn also owns a female sign the Capricorn. Further classical text opines that chastity of the woman is seen from her fourth house in the male native's horoscope it will be the 10th house here its lord is a Venus again a Kendra lord and female planet.
I feel that Naturally malefic planets which are inimical to each other under the house rulership of the 7th lord moon will rather project the traits of the 7th house because being malefic and Kendra lords they shed away the malefic intent and behave like a neutral.
From the point of aspects, this placement of Saturn and Mars ensures aspects to all Kendra's and to the Mool Trikona Rashi's of each other, Saturn aspects 9th,4th and ascendant, Mars 10th, ascendant and 2nd.
Reversing the horoscope from the point of view of the wife, The Lagna becomes Karka Saturn and Mars are in Lagna and assuming the Lagna to be Karka ( cancer ) Saturn is the lord of 7th,8th, Mars owns the 10th and 5th. Saturns placement in Kendra sign here in ascendant from wife's Lagna and with a Yogyakarta Mars will create positive results for the bhava here, the 7th as it will aspect its own sign while being related to a Yoga karaka. ( Laghu Prashari says that a malefic related to yoga Karka gives good result ) The consideration of the bhava representing a relative as Lagna is also given in Phaldeepika itself.
Aspects -Saturn gives Bhav Bala to its own 7th house while a yoga karaka Mars aspects the 4th house, the house representing chastity of woman, the 7th and 8th house. Saturn is placed adversely from its 8th house here being 12th from it so the 8th house significations including the illicit relations or extramarital relations etc are ruled out altogether.

Badhak's and what jataka parijat and Sarvarth Chintamani says about it.


Thursday, October 7, 2021

Time of birth astrology and the ten stages of pregnancy as per astrology .


he Time of birth of a child is reckoned in the following ways: -
Adhana Kala: Time when the sperm unites with the egg.
Chit Pravesa: Time when the soul pervades the child in the womb.
Jala sravam: Time when there is the secretion of water prior to delivery.
Siro Darshanam: Appearance of the head.
Bhoo Sparsam: Time when the child touches the earth.
In Ayurveda also we say that sense organs cannot function when the mind and soul are absent.
Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn function only when they are related to the sun and moon.
Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn function only when they are related to the sun and moon.
The ten stages of pregnancy as per Brihat Jatak – Kalala ( Liquid state ) Ruled By Venus, Ghana ( Solidification) Ruled by mars, Ankura ( Germination) ruled by Jupiter, Asthi (bones) Ruled by the sun,Twach ( skin Formation) Ruled by the moon,Angaja ( limb formation) Ruled by Saturn, Chetna (mental faculties, neurons, etc.) Ruled by mercury, Hunger, And thirst by the lord of Adhana Lagna conception time chart, Udvega ruled by the moon,parsuti ruled by the sun.

Common sense and astrology


On common sense -- One must understand What exactly is common sense and why is it categorized as sense. As per Wikipedia -Common sense is sound, practical judgment concerning everyday matters, or a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge in a manner that is shared by (i.e. common to) nearly all people. This common sense is distinct from basic sensory perception and from human rational thought but cooperates with both. Now coming to the perspective of the senses, Sense of sight is the first house and planets Mars and sun, Sense of taste is 2nd house planet Mercury, Sense of smell 2nd and 3rd house planet Venus, Sense of touch (is attributed through the skin) so all houses and representing planet Saturn, Sense of hearing houses 3rd and 11th representing planet Jupiter, Adding the mental faculties 1st house represents head and brain, Jupiter white matter, mercury grey matter,3rd represents the subconscious mind,4th the mind,5th the wisdom and acquired knowledge. Now the planets Jupiter represents memory and wisdom, Mercury intellect and loss of memory, Mars logic, Saturn the practical knowledge and common sense through the practicality of it, Moon represents the mind that covers everything including the circumstances, brain, intellect etc and is a pivotal point in a horoscope.