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Friday, September 3, 2021

Spiritual combination as per astrology


The question- Which combination or planet position makes it possible to get help from a spiritual person & occult power The answer is just an attempt-- Lord of 5th ( wisdom) and Significator of 5th and 9th Jupiter, the 8th house and its lord ( representing ) occult if you find find a relationship or link of 5th and 8th in the chart it would generally portray interest in the occult. Saturn( significator of 8th) as a planet of austerities and suffering would also figure in the scheme of things. 8th house also represents the kundalini and the root chakra, it is said the kundalini is serpentine energy that rises from the base and can activate the other 5 chakras,6thor final chakra is outwardly or is meant for the realization of Brahman or supreme. ( there are a total of 7 chakras) , The root chakra is ruled by the planet Saturn, the next chakra is Swadisthana ruler Jupiter, Manipura the third from the base is ruled by Mars, Anahata the fourth by venus, Visshuda or 5th chakra by Mercury, Ajna( Third Eye) or 6th is ruled by Sun and moon, Sahasrara or the last of the chakras located on the head is beyond astrology. Concluding this all up the initial surge of spirituality will be provided by lords of 5th,8th,9th, and the natural signification planets Jupiter. As per Ras shastra -Kuṇḍalinī (कुण्डलिनी):—In every human body, the female kuṇḍalinī serpent sleeps coiled in the place of the “fire of time” (kālāgni)? with her mouth closed over an internal liṅga in the lower abdomen. It is only in the body of a yogin that she is ever awakened, and her awakening corresponds precisely to the initiation of the yogin’s progressive withdrawal into total yogic integration (samādhi) or fluid equilibrium (samarasa). On a more concrete level, it is the rise of the kuṇḍalinī that brings about the transmutation of raw semen into nectar in the cranial vault, a locus associated with the ethereal goose (haṃsa).
The Kuṇḍalinī in the body of the yoginis is an incarnation of the feminine in this tradition and thereby incarnates all the perils and joys that women can represent for men. She is divine energy (śakti) and female materiality (prakṛti), but she is also a tigress who can drain a man of all his energy and seed. She is twofold and also known by the name bhogavatī.
It is when her name is interpreted in terms of Bhoga as the pleasure that this female serpent’s twofold role is brought to the fore in the tantric context. The kuṇḍalinī as bhogavatī is a female who both takes pleasure and gives pleasure. In tantric metaphysics, it is the kuṇḍalinī’s coiled body itself that is the turning point between emanation and participation, emission, and resorption. Kuṇḍalini (कुण्डलिनि) is the energy in the form of a coiled serpent remaining latent in the mūlādhārā-Shaktism (Shakta philosophy)