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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Venus ( Shukra) explained

 Venus is an indulgence ( Bhog Karak). So can be addictive as it signifies an excess of anything.

A stand-alone Venus in any dignity cannot signify sexual depravement, Sexual diseases, excess libido desires.
It's true that as it signifies Bhog it allures through the senses be it, sense of touch - Saturn, Sense of Sight - Mars, Sense of taste- Mercury, Sense of Smell- Venus, Sense of hearing- Jupiter.
As per Vedic texts, spiritual upliftment happens when an individual has control over his senses and vices as following lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego.
Now let's attribute Sense to emotions.
Lust - Mind ,Sense of sight,smell =Moon+Mars +Venus
Sexual gratification- Mind.Sight,smell,touch( Saturn+Mercury)=Moon+Mars +Venus+Saturn+Mercury
As a ruler of the natural zodiac, Venus rules 2nd,7th, and Mars 1st and 8th.
No wonder that Venus +Marsand lords of the 7th and 8th link can indicate sexual diseases and multiple partners, another combination to look for is 7th lord in 1st or Vice versa, the logic again rests in the ownership of Mars of 1st and 8th and Venus of 2nd,7th in the natural zodiac.
Venus exalts in Pisces the 12th of the natural zodiac . The 12th is said to be the final resting place, Venus in Pisces in 12th will create indulgence through the creation of wealth but when that indulgence is gratified and mind and body stop reacting enthusiastically or excitingly to the senses and vices it is the time for spiritual roots to set in. Remember the Sambhog Se Samadhi Ki Aur as preached by OSHO. Do remember Venus is also a guru it teaches through materialism and indulgence the spirituality sets in once the soul and body realise that bigger purpose in the life realization ( Moksha) where the soul merges into the source ( Atma ka Paramatma Se Milan).