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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Hair in Medical astrology

 Hair In Medical Astrology 

Classical astrological texts just link Saturn to रोम ( 1.शरीर पर का छोटा, पतला तथा नरम बाल, रोआँ।2.सूराख।) Since as per the Medical dictionary the hair grow from the skin, therefore the there is likely Significant influence of the significator of Skin on Hair and hair growth, so my take is that just like the skin issues are to be seen from Saturn and mercury link one should also consider problems related to hair from the association of both Saturn and Mercury, Saturn normally gives dry skin and may create dandruff on the outer layer of Skin ( mercury ) which may result in hair fall.
Hair as per Medical dictionary
As per the encyclopedia of Medical astrology By HL Cornell MD
Mercury and Sign Aries rule the Hair. ( Page 308 Reference Hair)
1. A keratinized, threadlike outgrowth from the skin of mammals.
2. Collectively, the threadlike outgrowths that form the fur of animals or grow on the human body.
A hair is a thin, flexible shaft of cornified cells that develops from a cylindrical invagination of the epidermis, the hair follicle. Each consists of a free portion or shaft (scapus pili) and a root (radix pili) embedded within the follicle. The shaft consists of three layers of cells: the cuticle or outermost layer; the cortex, forming the main horny portion of the hair; and the medulla, the central axis. Hair color is due to pigment in the cortex.
Hair in each part of the body has a definite period of growth, after which it is shed. In the adult human, there is a constant gradual loss and replacement of hair. Hair of the eyebrows lasts only 3 to 5 months; that of the scalp lasts 2 to 5 years. Baldness or alopecia results when replacement fails to keep up with hair loss. It may be hereditary or due to pathologic conditions, e.g., infections or irradiation injury. Cytotoxic agents used in cancer chemotherapy may cause temporary loss of hair.
SEE: alopecia