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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Panch maha pursh Yoga why are they Five only .


Panch mahapursh yogas and why they are only five why not seven or nine?
People who were part of the discussion linked the yogas to five elements, some linked to jan idreyas or five senses. But the answer is simple and specific. Rahu and Ketu do not own a sign in classic astrology so that leaves seven planets, Sun and Moon are lagnas in themselves and own just one sign while all the remaining five which actually create the yogas own two each. The author of mansagri has evaluated that the condition of panchmahapursh yog bhanga occurs if the planet sun and moon be conjunct to yoga forming planet in this condition the yoga results will minimise though it will continue to give auspicious results but with lesser intensity. Panch, maha Pursh yogas occur when planets Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are in their signs of exaltation in Kendra, their mool trikona signs or in their own signs. The theory of elements does not work because each planet operates within the ambit of two elements while creating this yoga.