Rahu and ketu and their aspects As mentioned in BPHS .
सुत-मदन-नवा-(अ)न्ते पूर्णदृष्टिं तमस्य
युगल-दशम-गेहे चा(अ)र्द्धदृष्टिं वदन्ति।
सहज-रिपु-विपश्यन् पाद-दृष्टिं मुनीन्द्राः
निजभवनमुपेतो लोचनान्धः प्रदिष्टः।।
(BPHS) Venkateshwar press Edition Mumbai .
Sloka says Ra has full aspect on houses 5-7-9-12 from it.
Sut = 5th house. Madan = 7th house. Navantye on 9th house. full aspect.Yugal = 2nd house. Dasham = 10th house is Aardh / Half aspect