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Friday, March 8, 2019

Locate lost things through numerology.

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This method is from the book called the "kabala" written by Walter Gorn Old, known as Sepharial in his time.

Although I am not sure it's a kabala method because he mentioned an old Brahmin from India taught this method. Apparently, he found his then fiance lost necklace using what Brahmin.

I haven't much time test it so I leave up to you.

Step 1
Write down 9 numbers you may repeat the same number many times you like in make line of 9 numbers.

Step 2
Add all the numbers together

Step 3
Now add 3 to the total.

Eg. 985627142= 44+3= 47

As an added tool break up the number eg. 47, read 4 and 7, read 47. Also read 11 and 2 because 4+7= 11= 2. Some don't like break 11 down because of its a master number.

1 it is in your bedroom or the room you spend most of your time. Near something white also question a child if he/she was around, use your discretion here.

2 Housemaid might have left near a vase or bowl (container) while cleaning.

3 It has fallen in the passage or between papers or a book etc.

4 check your pockets or articles you carried last or wore last.

5 it's near a hat or helmet.

6 it's in the shoe closet or near a rack or stands. Also, check the shelves you handled last.

7 check the wardrobe and question your spouse or maid. 

8 A workman or butler knows where it is, possibility on edge of a ledge or something.

9 A child was playing with.
10 check your study or office.
11 its near water check the pool, bathroom or water dispenser if at work.

12 also in the office or inside a book or some papers.

13 look where hung your coat last like behind or under chair or desk.

14 it may have in the drain or bathroom recovery is doubtful, rare but sometimes near a person head gear like hats, helmets.

15 check your garage if you own horses check your stables as well. Failing there ask your spouse.

16. If you have a cook ask her or spouse, it is possible an argument occurred earlier with these people over your negligence and later found the object that you lost and waiting
To give you a piece of their mind.

17 if you have artwork or paint check there, check jewelry box.

18 its in house among some clothes if went on trip check suitcase.

19 in child's sandbox or park. Mostly a dry area with no vegetation, if you went to the beach recently ....good luck

20 its near water, also swimming area and the pool change room.

21. It's in a square or rectangular shaped article that folds in two parts, like some old Jewellery boxes.

22 its in the house near the shelf, like bookshelves.

23. It's in the laundry room. 

24 check your pockets again or briefcase thoroughly.

25 near something white and round, if you are Louis Armstrong I doubt going back to the moon is possible. A large serving platter perhaps.

27. The taxi man or your chauffeur should be questioned if you have a chauffeur by another one send the item you lost as a reward.

28 dead loss...accept the loss of the item, true acceptance sees it being replaced by 28 because it ain't too late.

29 an old trusted sub-subservient person like old cleaner at work who respects you and whom you found endearing.

30 some kids were playing ......a lecturer once found that his students found his gold wrist band kept for him at next class session where they returned it.

31 near a drain or area where if your not careful it's gone for good or in a dark corner of a closet.

32 it's on a balcony or verandas between the post is suspect and about to fall

33 pockets again something you just wore

34 near a heater or fireplace 

35 washing stand, near the water fountain in a hidden area but always near some water.

36 ask the nanny

37 in a shrine room or temple or church must have fallen there

38 if you a place where you go to meditate, prey or unwind. If a teenager that place where you drinking or making out.

39 it's on table or shelf where busy last.

40 it might be a small item, check inside your handkerchief or kept near linen you were with last or just bought.

41 near your spouse's shoe.

42 ask the cook again 

43 garage or stables again.

44 it's fallen in something oily like a lamp or oil while working on the car. 

45 on a shelf higher than you see, making it just out of sight 

46 your girlfriend etc has it.

47 two people whom you have bad relations with having it, or two servants, question them the one who is UN-easy on his feet will talk 

48 near a glass of water 

49 its lost and badly damaged 

50 inside something that opens in two parts

51 in the place of ablution to you

52 your wife or partner has lent to her relative

53 a friend has found it and will return it 

54. Try the children's playroom

55 it's near a pipe or drains around the premises

56. Check where you parked the car or where you were last 

57. If you fish it's near your fishing back or saddle bag. Hip pocket.

58 two rogues have schemed and taken it ...

59. Near the bread tin or where the flour is kept

60 its beyond recovery, whoever has found either doesn't know you or refuses to return it.

61 in the basement or shed near shoes or a hose 

62 lost

63 its in a dark place in the corner near old articles

64 this article will turn up when you are searching for something else in the near future 

65 unlikely recovery but assistance is required like in the case of a stolen car.

66 the man with a disabled or maimed hand knows who has it.

67 ask a child to help you, one that knows your routine

68 its in the attic or on top of the house, where you paint the roof 

69. Near the entrance of the house of a relative you just visited.

70 near water, like a shower area in the gym etc...

71. Quickly trace your last steps 

72. Near water again or washing area

73 ask around, like co-workers, kids in that area you suspect you lost it 

74 a friend or old servant has kept away safely.

75 two instigators have it 

76 its in the kitchen 

77 a neighbor has found it 

78 it's fell in a car park and found by another, check the car guard 

79 its near steel or iron, use discretion here 

80 old jewelry box or briefcase or old shoe box 

81 check your backpack or clothing drawers

82 check the kitchen  area 

83 a young girl has it, who was using your pool

84 inside the house in a square fitment that opens in two parts 

Numbers end here because 9 squared +3= 84 completes all resolutions.
This is taken from the old book when transport where horse and cart for the most part. Some imagination with current times is required, I tried where I could, substituting stables for garages etc...

Excuse my spelling too long to go back.