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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Notes on medical astrology

Health and astrology.
Planets and health.

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When afflicting the Ascendant
Sun causes-  Physical disorders and those arising from cold.
Moon Causes—Functional disorders and irregularities of the system.
Mercury – Nervous and mental disorders.
Mars-  Inflammatory disorders and accidents.
Venus- disorders due to excess of pleasure
Jupiter-  Blood disorders and diseases due to excess.
Saturn-  Chronic complaints through cold and weakness.
When Afflicting Sun.
Moon- The health will be weak, there will be susceptibility to Constitutional and functional disorders due to cold, the eyes may also suffer.
Mars-  Gives problems due to excessive heat, inflammations, cuts, wounds, boils and accidents.
Saturn—Chronic disorders due to cold and neglect.
Jupiter- Blood disorders, apoplexy, plethora and ailments arising out of excess.
Sun is Hyleg( giver of Life) of life – For male natives and does well in odd signs, weakest odd sign being Libra and Aquarius, sun is strong health promoter in Taurus and Scorpio. Sun does well in fiery signs  next in line are airy signs ,then earth signs and its weakest health promoter in watery signs.
Moon is hyleg of life in female nativity, cancer and Pisces are the two signs that moon does well in. Airy signs are also good, while Taurus and Virgo of earthly signs also strengthen health. Fiery signs are not favorable as moon is not comfortable in fiery signs. Two worst signs with respect to health of female natives is moon in Scorpio or Capricorn. Scorpio produces impurities and irregularities of the femine system, it frequently can cause obesity. Capricorn moon generally suffer from ill health and are weak and frail in stature.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Manu bhai shah's Observations on Astrology.

Manu bhai Shah's notes on astrology.

Image result for gurukul

Important hint:
Mars in the 6th, house gives benefic results and is
The destroyer of illnesses and enemies, while Saturn is the creator of diseases and enemies, is to be understood.

The planet which is com-bust (covered by Sun's
Orb) gives the result of the Sun

What is the effect of the planet which aspects?
The aspect of planet is considered to be powerful.
For instance, Venus which in the 1st house wants
To create its own effect in the first house, but if Jupiter
Aspects Venus in the 1st house, the effect of Venus
Is cancelled by Jupiter in the 1st house; while Jupiter in the 7th house wants to create his own effect in
The 7th house but Venus from the 1st house aspects
Jupiter therefore cancelling the effect of Jupiter in 7th house.


The four humors of Medical astrology

The four humors and medical astrology.

Image result for images of surgery

To discover the nature of the humor offending, or quality of the disease, which that we may does, observe first what sign is in the sixth house, and what sign Ascends in the first house, in what sign the Lords of those houses are in; which being well understood, will acquaint us with the nature of the disease.

there are 4 humours, viz. Choler; Blood; Flegm, and Melancholly, so are they represented and governed by the 12 signs
Medieval Medicine: The Four Humors. ... The four humors were thought to be sanguine (blood), choleric (yellow bile), melancholic (black bile), and phlegmatic (phlegm) and their composition within the body was considered to determine a patient's personality and health concerns.
Agents of Metabolism
     The Four Humors are the metabolic agents of the Four Elements in the human body.  The right balance and purity of them is essential to maintaining health.  The Four Humors and the elements they serve are as follows:
     All four of these humors, or vital fluids, are present in the bloodstream in varying quantities:
Blood, or the Sanguine humor, is the red, hemoglobin-rich portion.
Phlegm, or the Phlegmatic humor, is present as the clear plasma portion.
Yellow Bile, or the Choleric humor, is present as a slight residue or bilirubin, imparting a slight yellowish tint.
Black Bile, or the Melancholic humor, is present as a brownish grey sediment with platelets and clotting factors.

Identification of sick body part (medical astrology Notes)

Identification of sick body part (medical astrology Notes)

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What part of the body is afflicted.( As per William Lily)
We must herein consider, first, what sign is in the sixth house, and what member and part of Man’s Body it governs; Secondly, in what sign the Lord of the sixth is posited, and what part or member that sign represents, in which he is placed: likewise we must have regard unto the Lord of the ascendant, and the Moon, and observe what sign they are in; which being well considered, we shall suddenly find and discover, what part or member of the body is sign wherein the Lord of the sixth is posited, for usually that member governed or signified by that sign, wherein the Lord of the sixth is placed, is most afflicted and distempered. Afflicted, but in this we must carefully heed the sign wherein the Lord of the sixth is posited, for usually that member governed or signified by that sign, wherein the Lord of the sixth is placed, is most afflicted and distempered.
If the Lord of the sixth house be in the ten first degrees of a sign, the upper part of that member, signified by that sign, is most afflicted, if he be in the middle of a sign, the middle of that member signified thereby, is most oppressed, if in the latter part or last degrees of a sign, the lower part of that or at the time of the propounding of the question in Cancer, in the first part thereof, then we may judge the upper part of the Stomach to be afflicted by such diseases as are incident to the upper part thereof, of the nature of the Lord of the sixth, the like may be observed by any other sign. Member represented thereby is most afflicted. As for example, the lord of the sixth house, at the time of the first decumbiture of the sick,
And here we must also observe, that in discovering the nature and quality of any disease, we must not rely only upon the natural signification of the sign, for not the sign openly to be considered is enough, but the nature of the Planet, who is Author of the Disease, is principally to be regarded

Monday, July 17, 2017

Table of diseases as per signs the planets are in.

Table of Planets and body parts they affect as per the zodiacal sign they are in As per William lily.

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Friday, July 7, 2017

Medical astrology Notes

Notes on medical astrology.

ARIES-Energy, forcefulness, excesses; heat, dryness, inflammation.
TAURUS-Stubbornness, brooding, uncontrolled anger, luxuriousness.
GEMINI-Negativeness, restlessness, nervousness.
CANCER-Lack of vitality, tenacity, unforgiveness, dis-trustfulness.
LEO-Inpulse, arrogance, fixity, vitality, ardor.
VIRGO-Selfishness, criticism, lack of sympathy, chastity.
LIBRA-Self-centeredness, sensitiveness, melancholy, jealousy.
SCORPIO-Tyranny, destructiveness, worrisomeness , reproduction.
SAGITTARIUS-Restlessness, venturesomeness, accidents.
CAPRICORN-Limitation, deliberation, crystallization, dryness.
AQUARIUS-Gloom, endurance, nervousness; super-sensitiveness
PISCES-Sensitiveness, lack of vitality, indolence, secretiveness.


ARIES-Neuralgia, insomnia, cerebral congestion, brain fever, baldness, 
headache, dizziness, eye affections, toothache, gumboils.
TAURUS-Goiter, diphtheria, laryngitis, tonsillitis, croup, polypi,quinsy, 
glandular swelling of throat, apoplexy.
GEMINI-Bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, consumption, pleurisy, corrupted
blood, nervous trouble, anemia.
CANCER-Indigestion, dipsomania, gastric catarrh, hiccough, flatulency,
dropsy, sclerosis.
LEO-Heart disease, angina pectoris, loco motor ataxia, hyperemia, spinal
disease, spinal meningitis, fevers.
VIRGO-Peritonitis, malnutrition, dysentery, colic, constipation,
diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, appendicitis, tapeworm
LIBRA-Bright's disease, lumbago, suppression of urine, nephritis,
diabetes, renal calculi, uremia.
SCORPIO-Syphilis, rupture, gravel, scurby, fistula, piles, diseases of
The womb or uterus, urethral stricture, pro-static stricture, nasal
catarrh,disease of nasal mucous membrane and nasal cartilage.
SAGITTARIUS-Loco motor ataxia, sciatica, lumbago, rheumatism, hip
disease,accidents to thighs.
CAPRICORN-Eczema, erysipelas, leprosy, dislocation of bones, weak
AQUARIUS-Varicose veins, swollen ankles, leg ache, nervous diseases,
sensitive skin.
PISCES-Bunions, gout, deformed feet and toes, tumors, dropsy.

SUN-Vital fluid, spleen, distribution of heat, pons varolii, oxygen,
VENUS-Throat, kidneys, thymus gland, venous circulation.
MERCURY-Nerves, bronchial tubes, pulmonary circulation, thyroid gland,
Right cerebral hemisphere, cerebro-spinal system, sensory nerves, vital
Fluid in nerves, vocal cords, ears, sight, tongue, all sense perception,
MOON-Oesophagus, uterus, ovaries, lymphatic’s, sympathetic nervous
System synovial fluid, alimentary canal, lymph, chyle, nerve sheaths.
SATURN-Gall bladder, pnsymogastric or vagus nerve, teeth, skin, joints,
ligaments, sigmoid flexure.
JUPITER-Liver, glycogen, suprarenal’s, arterial circulation, fibrin of
blood, disposition of fats.
MARS-Iron in blood, red coloring matter in blood, genitals, motor
nerves, left cerebral hemisphere, muscular movements, desire body, rectum.
URANUS-Ethers, eyes, pituitary body, gases.
NEPTUNE-Pineal gland, spinal canal, nerve fiber.