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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Combust or ( asta planets) in astrology..

Comust or Ast grah
Combustion in vedic astrology
Image result for combustion

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There are 12 Zodiacal signs and 27 constellations divided into four Quarters (Padas) each, seven planets and two shadowy planets so in all There are nine planets. The Sun, Venus and Mercury roughly move in Each sign for 30 days, Mars moves in 40 days, Moon moves in 21/4 days,Jupiter moves in 360 days, Rahu and Ketu in 540 days and Saturn in 900 days. The various divisions of the signs, the sources of strength and weakness among the planets.,For the correct delineations of the horoscope, one should first check the planetary strength and position, then aspects, then the good and evil results which accrue to planets from ownership and then association
and conjunctions.
In a conjunction of planets, we observe that in addition to the above points, there are two more important factors namely COMBUSTION and RETROGRESSION which needs to be checked and analyzed.

Combustion or in Hindi called Asta has a great significance or importance in the interpretation of horoscope. Planets become combust when they are within certain limits of the Sun. According to Surya Sidhanta
the following limits of combustion are indicated from the Sun on either side in Hindu Astrology. Combustion is one of the modes of conjunction. The limits are:-
Moon within 12 degrees of Sun.
Mars within 17 degrees of Sun.
Mercury within 14 degrees of Sun and 12 degrees when retrograde.
Jupiter within 11 degrees of Sun.
Venus within 10 degrees of Sun and 8 when retrograde.
Saturn within 15 degrees of Sun.
Rahu combusts Sun and Ketu eclipses the Moon.Western Astrology allows an orb go.30' either side of the Sun for planet becoming combust. An inherent contradiction is evident in thitheory as, a uniform orb for all celestial bodies of various sizes and distances,can not be conceived.
In Pbaldeepika Adhaya XX Sloka. 30. it is laid down, 'The good influence of a planet is at its maximum.. three quarter, a half quarter or nil as the planets are in the exaltation, Swakshetra, friendly sign, inimical sign or depression sign respectively. The proportions given above are with respect to benefics or lords of the benefic houses. In the case of malefics or lords of malefic houses. it will be reverse. When a planet is in combustion its effects will be similar to that in depression" i.e.debilitation or nil quantitatively.
Parasara says that planets are capable of optimum self expression occupying the 7th house from the Sun which however becomes nil when conjuncting with the Sun.
Parasara has also said that when 9th lord is debilitated or combust it makes the native resort to begging for alms. Should Saturn occupy 6th, 8th or 12th house, debilitation or combust troubles through poison,weapon. change of place or job, cause (or great fear, death of parent,ill health of wife and children, troubles through state. loss, confinementetc. are denoted.
Varahamihira says the planets that are debilitiated, vanquished in war, combust by the Sun, devoid of rasmis or dwarfed become like serpentimmobilized  by mantra or spell.
In Sarvartha Chintaman~ the author Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao has said in stanza 152 while suggesting that ~If the lord of any bhava is combust with 'the Sun (or occupies 8tb etc.) without the association or
aspect of beneficia1 planets, the Bhava's results become defunct.
In our classical works it is said that during the dasa of a planet in combustion, one will be drawn into unnecessary conflicts and quarrels,wife and children are afflicted and one meets with the death of serious accidents.
So from the above discussion we find that a planet is said to lose its power completely when it is within a certain distance from the Sun as detailed above. MERCURY BEING AN Exception. This is called Ravi-Budha-Yoga. In addition the planet is called combust when posited in the same degrees and minutes of longitude as the one
occupied by the Sun then it is said to be in "RAPT Conjunction"with the Sun and it is considered to be eclipsed and becomes utterly powerless. It is also provided by our sages that planets within a distance of 5 degrees from the Sun are in full combustion, if however they are 10 degrees apart from the Sun, the combustion is partial or ordinary.
When the planet is beyond 15 degrees. there is no combustion at all.
In other classical and various texts and also in Jatak Tatva it is stated that the dasa of a planet that is eclipsed (combust) will cause troubles and produce untoward results. In Jatak Parijat it is laid that the planet
may not prove auspicious when they are eclipsed by Sun’s rays, also a planet in a house cannot advance it if its lord is eclipsed.
Kalidasa in Uttrakalamrita bas stated that one's longevity is reduced if a planet other than Venus or Saturn is combust.
Ptolemy has said planets when they are rising or stationary produce intensification in the events but when setting, and under the rays of Sun (combust) or advancing at evening, they bring about abatement.
Alfred 1. Pearce, William Lily, C.E.O. Cartor has also agreed on combustion and say that planets under combustion become powerless.
Venus in the heart of Sun CAZIMI gives vast honors and dignities. Sun with Dragons Head (Rahu) is good.
According to Hindu Astrology, Rahu combuts or eclipses Sun while Ketu eclipses the Moon.


At combustion, planet loses its own rays due to close proximity to sun.
A) It means that the combust planet obscured by the rays of the Sun, is considered impotent (weak to act independently).
Combust planet express itself through Sun.

Important Note : Retrograde planet does not lose its rays at combustion.

B) Sun is the Karak for lagna, signifies self (EGO).
Due to closeness of combust planet SUN is also affected with the qualities of the combust planet

To say to someone that Mars is combust and therefore weak (impotent) will not ring true because the person KNOWS that the traits of Mars are strong in their nature (self). Similarly, although Mercury suffers combustion, the qualities of Mercury are also reflected through Sun... The native KNOWS he's not lacking intelligence.

However, ego and pride (boastfulness) would likely be quite prominent in regards to intellect (Mercury) and force of character (Mars)..

C) Sun is karak for Dharma and Agni which purifies the individual beings by cleaning them with Spiritual heat.
To say,
Combustion of Jupiter will make you pass through a phase of spiritual growth like gold passing theorugh fire to come clean and combustion of Saturn will burn the sins attributed to adharma you did in the past birth by forcing you to serve elders and father.

D) Also look for natural friendship and enimity of Sun with combust planet.
For example,
Combustion of Venus indicate delays in marriage ( perhaps Sun shows it's anger) and it also indicate Dharmic attitude of Venus at relationship, no extra marital affairs or love affairs...

E) The combination of combust planets is also an important consideration.
For instance, the combined influence of Mer/Mars (on Sun) would be different to the combined influence of Mer/Ven or Mer/Jup...

F) How results will be manifested can be seen through house and nakshatra lordship yogas.

//3) What could be the effect of a combust and retro Mercury ?//

Retro mercury will not lose it rays so combustion results will be not pronoused and Budh Aditya yoga will give its full effects.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Medical astrology basics and seat of disease

Diseases and seat of disease as per astrology

Image result for take medicine clipart

Planetary nature-physical and physiological
(Sarvartha Chinthamani)
Sun rules over bones, moon-blood, Kuja - marrow,of the bone. Budha - skin. Guru - brain. Shukra - semenor vital fluid. Shani - muscular and nervous system.
The diseases of a person or his health depends upon the strength of the planets and the organic matter they Govern.
The natural l diseases ascribed to planets are:
(a) Sun - Fever dominated by liver and heat,Eye Disease, Dental trouble, Neuralgia (Nervous pain)
(b) Moon - Sleeping Disease, Drowsiness, Diseases of the Lungs (Asthma and consumption), Diarrhea,
Lunacy, Phlegmatic complaints, Tastelessness, Debility,Indigestion, Jaundice, Impurity of blood, Balagraha
peeda, Danger from water, Cholera and watery diseases.
(c) Kuja - Bilious Fever, injury in the marrow of the bone, Heat complaints, small-pox, ulcers.
(d) Budha - Mental disease, Skin diseases, Anemia,Liver complaints & intestinal complaints.
(e) Guru - Appendicitis, phlegmatic diseases, anemia, liver complaints, ear trouble
(g Shukra - Anemia, liver and bilious complaints,jaundice, seminal disorder, urinary diseases, diseases
In the genital organ, Trouble in or by co-habitation'Exudation of semen, Loss of bodily splendor by
Intercourse with women.
(g) Shani - Windy and phlegmatic complaints, belly’- ache, paralysis and rheumatism, dyspepsia
I indigestion], bodily deformity, cerebral disorder Front and larger part of brain.
(h) Rahu and Ketu : Epidemics, hysteria, venomous and poisonous complaints, epilepsy, carbuncle, cancer, dropsy, eczema and other skin diseases, leucoderma and leprosy.
Rahu specially causes palpitation of the Heart, leprosy, aberration of the mind, danger from poison, pain
in the legs, trouble from goblins and serpents. Ketu specially causes all poisonous diseases
Especially consumption, scorpion bite and typhoid.
Sun - Head, Moon - Face, Kuja - Chest Budha -Hips, Guru - Belly, Shukra - Pelvis and sermal organs. Shani - Thighs, Rahu - Two hands. Ketu - Two legs.
Note  These are useful both for Horary and Horoscopy.The diseases of the organ may be located.

Seat of disease.

Seat of disease.
Adhomukha stars (that look downwards :)
Bharani, Krittika, Aslesha, Makha, Pubba, Vishaka,
Moola, Poorvashada and Poorvabhadra look downwards.
Moola, Ashlesha, Vishakha, Krittika, Purvafalguni,  Purvashadha, Purvabhadrapada, Bharani and Magha — these  nine constellations are called ‘Adhomukha’ constellations. 

Urdhvamukha’- Ardra, Pushya. Shravana, Dhanishtha and Shatabhisha are  called ‘Urdhvamukha’ constellations.That look up above neck diseases

Thiryugmukha- Below the neck above waist--  Anuradha, Hasta, Svati, Punarvasu, Jyestha and Ashvini  constellations are called Triyanmukha‘ constellations.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Travel astrology

Travel as per astrology .

Image result for travelling images

Travel: Travels are read out from various houses 3-6-7-8-9-12. In each case there is a difference.Travel of 3rd house is not good; so also of 6th. Travels of 8th arise suddenly mostly for bad and of 12th to far Distant places. But that caused by 7th is happy sojourn For short-time-often going to and fro for pleasure or Business. That of the ninth is the best that one earns name, fame and prosperity and foreign tour.
Furthermore 8th house is considered for sea travel ,while 9th house for air travel.  In both the cases the journey can be across the seas or abroad .
12th house/Lord  is associated with residence abroad.
3rd HOUSE/lord – Short distance travel.
7th house/lord: medium distance travelling and professional/business tours.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Commodities and Astrology

Astrology and commodities.

Image result for commodities trading banner
   from any sign the articles of that sign flourish. In other positions they perish. 
(b) If powerful malefics transit in Apachaya Positions (other than 3-6-1O-11) the articles sell dear and become scarce.

Taken from the book new predictions by Sheshadri Iyer.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thyroid Astrology

Astrology of Thyroid
Medical astrology of Thyroid.

Thyroid - The planets at work.

Thyroid - The planets at work.

Well thyroid is a gland situated somewhere near adams apple and is a part of endocrine system when it malfunctions it creates either excess or much lower than required hormones thereby upsetting the balance and leading to  the two types of thyroid.The thyroid gets its name from the Greek word for "shield", due to the shape of the related thyroid cartilage. The most common problems of the thyroid gland consist of an overactive thyroid gland, referred to as hyperthyroidism, and an under active thyroid gland, referred to as hypothyroidism.

The thyroid gland controls how quickly the body uses energy, makes proteins, and controls how sensitive the body is to other hormones. It participates in these processes by producing thyroid hormones, the principal ones being triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine which can sometimes be referred to as tetraiodothyronine (T4). These hormones regulate the rate of metabolism and affect the growth and rate of function of many other systems in the body. T3 and T4 are synthesized from both iodine and tyrosine. The thyroid also produces calcitonin, which plays a role in calcium homeostasis.

Since it placed somewhere in junction between neck and torso ,planet Venus as a ruler of Taurus sign  constitutes neck region while  sign Gemini (upper torso)and  planet mercury is  responsible for endrochronological system  here we have to consider sign virgo as well as rog karka for kaal pursh.Star chitra or nakshatra chitra ruled by mars  signifies neck as an assigned  body part..Since the thyriod gland is made up of muscles saturn  has a role to play as well, jupiter represents weight  gain its association with lagna or lagna lord  through PAC has to there ,since thyroid signifies energy composition mars as ruler of chitra nakshatra which signifies  neck region is also important to look for loss of energy and vtality,  then D 30 is important as well to see the suffering and misery quotient as per western astrology endocrine glands are represented by mars,mercury ,venus,jupiter,uranus,neptune  and saturn please refer to table below.

The color-coded chart below represents the spiritual relationships between the glands, the planets, and the afterlife realms. As an example, the pituitary gland (the third eye in Eastern religions) is an astrological and spiritual point of contact with the planet Jupiter in our solar system. The planet Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun. And the planet Jupiter is an astrological and spiritual point of contact with the 7threalm in the afterlife hierarchy. 

Endocrine gland
Eastern chakra
Planet in our solar system
Position of planet in solar system
Position of the realm in the afterlife hierarchy
third eye
lower abdomen

Will add few example charts as well soon enough to understand it better. to be continued.

Mercury the dispositor of Lagna and 4th lord is debilitated ,while venus occupies the 3rd in birth chart ,jupiter is in exchange with mercury the lord of two kendra a benific occupying two kendras becomes malefic morever its conjuction with two natural malefics makes it a malefic enough to generate thyroid disease for the native as it governs the endocrine system it resulted in its dysfunction and thus the disease. Jupiters aspect from 7th  to lagna always makes native prone to gain weight thus the it further augments the symptoms.morever jupiters exchange with mercury completes the picture indicating a disease related to jupiter expansion and mercury endocrine function, venus the rog karak for this chart is also aspected by jupiter the lagna lord ,another fact is gulika in lagna in star chitra indicative of neck region and that too is receiving an aspect from jupiter the lagna lord  , waning moon  the eight lord in the lagna is another malefic and therefore is not good for overall health and fitness.Rahu ketu in 6 and 12 th axis do their bit for it was Maha dasha of rahu and bhukti or antar of mercury that brought in the disease and multiple complications relating to physical discomfort.Aspect of 2nd and 3rd lord saturn on 6th house ( 3rd aspect ) remember saturn rules muscles and thyriod as a gland is made up muscle fibres. Now the last point   virgo the sixth of kaal pursha is aspected by sun,mercury and saturn from fourth house. In D 30 sat ,mer ,ketu  and rahu are placed in taurus the sixth rashi of D1 thus further proving the affliction to neck region , In d3 saturn is in the drekana of jupiter conjuct debilated mercury  unaspected. by any other planet.

Note- The influence of 2nd and 3rd lord saturn on mercury the ruler of 3rd sign of natural zodiac .
Influence of Saturn on the moon ,ascendant/ lord  and mercury the ruler of endocrine system indicates a malfunction or blockage of the system.
From kota chakra ,rahu and ketu are present inside the stambh the innermost structre while all benifics are on the way out mars and sun are trying to get in kota swami is not in madhya bhaag the durgantar and kota paala saturn is in prakaara ideally it sjhould be outermost or in bahya portion .There fore in the onnset of Rahu dasha and antar of mercury on the way of exit the disease manifested and was confirmed uin antar of ketu both rahu and ketu are present inside stambh.

 The conventional guideline for delineating Kota Chakra is as follows: a) In transit, when natural malefic planets transit through the nakshatras that lie in the Stambha (innermost) division of Kota Chakra, then native badly suffers physically (i.e. injury, illness or death). b) If natural malefic planets transit through the nakshatras that are placed on the course of “entrance”, and at the same time, natural benefic planets transit on the path of “exit” then native face defeat in the battle (or any venture). Whereas, if I natural benefic planets are on the “entrance” and natural malefic planets are on the “exit” then one wins the battle. c) Auspicious results accrue when Kota Swami2 transits Madhya Bhaga or Durgantara, and Kota Paala3 transits Bahya Bhaga.

In transit, Kota Swami should ideally domicile in Madhya or Durgantar, and Kota Paala should ideally be in outermost (Bahya) portion, especially for physical well being. It is logical too, to have Swami (Lord) inside the fort and Paala (Guard) at the border. If Moon, Mercury, or Venus becomes the Kota Swami or Kota Paala, and passes through undesirable positions, then even they may not much harm the Kota for longer span, due to their quick movement. But if Saturn happens to be a Kota Swami or Kota Paala, and transits through unwelcome courses, then it is an alarming situation.